Internet Explorer problems

  • Thread starter Kelly
United Kingdom
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Internet Explorer has stopped working suddenly. Now all I get is 'this page cannot be displayed'

I tried installing IE 6 but it failed to install :confused: anyone know how to get IE back up working?

Simple instructions please! computer jargon means nothing to me :)

I was wondering would it work to uninstall IE altogether and re-install ? also which version is best 5.5 or 6 ?
Try clearing your Temporary Internet cache.

Control Panel > Internet Options > Delete Files.
It is likely to do with one of two things:

1. Your computer has not connected to the internet properly.
2. Your browser's Proxy settings are not correct.

Do other systems (such as e-mail, Instant Messenger) work? If so, it's specific to Internet Explorer, so skip to the Proxy Settings bit.

The first one is often corrected by a simple disconnect/reconnect. Alternatively, you can check your connection by doing the following:
  1. Open an MS-DOS prompt (in Start, Programs)
  2. On Windows 95/98 type "winipcfg", or on 2000/XP type "ipconfig /all"
  3. In the MS-DOS prompt, type "ping", followed by a space, then the address given as the "Gateway"

    If you get a set of "Reply From"..., then your connection is active, and you should look at solution #2. If you get a set of "Request Timed Out"s, then it could be an issue with your modem at least partially dropping the connection. If you get a set of "Destination Host Unreachable" (or if the gateway address is then your computer hasn't negotiated a connection with the internet correctly. Disconnect and try again, and if it persists, then call your Internet Service Provider.

    The Proxy settings are different, because they are specific to each internet service provider, and thus it's difficult to advise you. However, you can try the following:

    In Internet Explorer, click Tools, then Internet Options. Click the Connections tab. In the list of Dial-Up Settings, select the connection marked "Default", and click the "Settings" button. Where it says "Use a proxy server", make sure it is unticked, then retry.

    If that doesn't work, you could go back to the same box, tick "Automatically Detect Settings". Close Internet Explorer, reopen it, and retry.

    And if none of that works, re-install IE using your Internet Explorer disks.
Ok thanks Giles.. I tried out your solutions but none worked.
I tried the MS DOS and got the message" unknown gateway "
I've deleted temporary files...
I've made sure the "use proxy server" is unticked. Also I ticked the detect settings box.
I'm using AOL broadband using a BT voyager ADSL modem and running windows ME... yes windows ME :( It just seems to be IE that is broke . I don't have any IE discs to re-install with :confused:

Even more confusing is it was working fine a few days ago :confused:
I have WinME on one of my computers, and it seems the connection for that computer is a lot slower than it was on Win98 when I was running it through a different network(now it'son a Cat5 10/100, but the card is a 1/10).

Do you have a router? If so, maybe the port is blocked:odd:

Oh, do you have a firewall?
OK, I'll have another think about this. In the BA lounge in Heathrow at the moment, and desperately in need of beer, just checking in here! :)
Try reinstalling your ISP software......thats what I did it worked for me. - The registery needed some keys deleted but I can't remeber anymore.
I discovered it was the firewall :dunce: before I saw this... :P
Originally posted by rjensen11
Oh, do you have a firewall?

Thanks for trying to help anyway :)

Sandstorm...that's it you're on ignore for that comment! :irked: :P