Interresting Interview (in swedish)

  • Thread starter Mulan

executive producer for Shift 2 explains alot of what they want to do with the game and the future of the franchise.
He says they get inspiration from Forza3, GT5 and GTR + iRacing.
He says it wont be as simulated as those games but it will be more realistic than iRacing & GTR, he explains it as more people can get into Shift 2 with options and customizations for amateurs too (like so the Hot Pursuite gamers and not just GT5 and Forza gamers can have fun too).. The AI of the game is much imporved than Shift1 and is nothing close to the AI in GT5. He likes Forza3 AI better than GT5. The AI will be adaptive and not so unforgiving.
He says they learn alot from GT5 and Forza3 regarding what they do things right but also from what they dont do as good and that theyve read lots of forums and userfeedbacks to implement the stuff that is asked for alot.

Regarding to headcam, he calims its really hard to implement in a game and that real drivers have tested this and made it so realistic it can be in a game.
The point is making you feel like racing, not just driving around....well just some few lines of the interresting interview.
He says they get inspiration from Forza3, GT5 and GTR + iRacing. He says it wont be as simulated as those games but it will be more realistic than iRacing & GTR

Tell him this could be an epic... lol, more realistic than iRacing? :lol: Maybe threre are some translation problems, from the video we are watching in these days compare it with iRacing it's a bit.... strange.
Google translate has some serious problems with negatives in Swedish. Look at this comment from the article:

Is personally very disappointed that there will be local multiplayer and split-screen. When I think back to the car racing I frayed at best and had fun with it is just those that you can play with friends on the couch.

That first sentence just does not jive at all with the second. I'd be wary of reading too much into any sentence in the automatic translation, it may be backwards.
well there will be no splitscreen, problem with framerate and time to implement in a good way i think he said + that few users actually use this feature so they dont want to spend money on that.
interseting about helmetview, it will be a view further back than a normal cockpitview. The other thing he thinks will be better for the experience is that you get a better perspective of the position since you now have the helmets edge as a reference to the windshield in contrast to only have the cockpitview with only the windshield. The next thing is they have far more moving details in the cockpit and the game for a better feel of speed
Well, still the only huge question mark about this game is physics. To be honest, even though I can find tons of crappy things about GT5, I still have more fun playing it than Shift1 just because of physics (and more realistic/better graphics, IMO). I've never played iRacing, but it sounds like that's the most realistic sim out there, so I'm not sure how can Shift2 be not "as simulated as those games but it will be more realistic than iRacing & GTR". Maybe the meaning got lost in translation, like HKS racer suggests.
Well, still the only huge question mark about this game is physics. To be honest, even though I can find tons of crappy things about GT5, I still have more fun playing it than Shift1 just because of physics (and more realistic/better graphics, IMO). I've never played iRacing, but it sounds like that's the most realistic sim out there, so I'm not sure how can Shift2 be not "as simulated as those games but it will be more realistic than iRacing & GTR". Maybe the meaning got lost in translation, like HKS racer suggests.

I suspect the meaning is probably something along the lines of what we've already heard. That they may not be as accurate of a simulator mathematically as GT5 or iRacing, but that they will be a better simulator of the experience of being in a race car.

As an aside, I'm exactly the opposite. I have more fun playing Shift than GT5 these days. Recently, apart from my weekly GT5 leagues, I spend my days trying to finish off collecting all the stars I never got the first time round in Shift.
I think most people are creating high expectations on faulse thoughts. I really believe that, for SMS, simulation is one thing, realism is another. Of course, this could bring a lot of dicussion on how not being simulator, it can be real. But, in this game, I bet the cars wont behave like GT5 ones or any other "simulator", but the experience of racing inside them in game, will give us a great feelling of realism. Better, this so called realism, might only be visual, not mechanical, I mean, in our wheel/pad it´ll be arcade.
So when they say it´s so realistic, don´t put your hopes too high and think that it´s a pure simulator. IMO, it wouldn´t even be as fun.