Interview with Phil Harrison

  • Thread starter tha_con
I'm not entirely too sure what you all are talking about (drunk) but, I do know that Component cables are capable of 1080p, so I'm not sure where the debate is coming from, the only possibility of any output not being 1080p is with movies, games are fully capable component, or HDMI.

Sober up. There's no debate. And George Lucas movies are done in 1080p according to a magazine article I read. He could come out with 1080p Star Wars I-III on BD.

Take vitamin B1 and drink a lot (half gallon) of Pedialyte. Best hangover cure there is. Trust me on that.
Solid Lifters
Sober up. There's no debate. And George Lucas movies are done in 1080p according to a magazine article I read. He could come out with 1080p Star Wars I-III on BD.

Take vitamin B1 and drink a lot (half gallon) of Pedialyte. Best hangover cure there is. Trust me on that.

rofl, man I know, I've been there with Pedialyte, it's a cure.

I haven't been drinking in MONTHS because I made a promise to not drink, but a really good friend got his Bachelors in Mechanical Engineering and is getting a job in Lake Charles, so I decided to go out, and got reaaaly drunk.

Anyway, it's cool, I just wanted to clear up that as of now, as far as Phil Harrison is concerend and his comments, PS3 is fully capable of 1080p with games, and *hopefully* with movies.

I only say this because most Studios as of now are not using ICT, but that could also be the Vodka talking....I'll stop now...thanks for hte advice, lol. Laters!!!!!!!
I'm not entirely too sure what you all are talking about (drunk) but, I do know that Component cables are capable of 1080p, so I'm not sure where the debate is coming from, the only possibility of any output not being 1080p is with movies, games are fully capable component, or HDMI.
Just like Solid said, there is no debate as to if component cables CAN send a 1080p signal. They are fully capable of sending it. The debate is to if the PS3 will send it. And, like we discussed earlier, even if it sends it, finding a TV that actually ACCEPTS a 1080p signal from component is next to impossible. Thats all.
Solid Lifters
Toshiba SED Cell chip HDTV sets are coming end of May, early June.

However, I haven't heard much word about them since January.
As I said, don't hold your breath. They are tentatively set for launch in July......of 2007! This is straight from Toshiba (see link below). So, like I said. If and when they come out, they look to be fantastic technology. But, its going to be some time for them to even come out, let alone get the usual "1st Gen" bugs worked out. Think rainbows, backlights, response times, etc from other display tech.

So, you're right, SED does look to be a great "next-gen" display technology. But, you could basically get a nice new TV now, and still get lots of good use out of it before SED sets come out. Thats sort of my plan. I want to get a nice big-ish 1080p LCD-FP to use for a few years. Then, see what comes out down the road.

Mid 2007 now, huh? Not a problem. Not as long I can have HD games and movies via component. Then, I'll be just fine until the 1080p SED sets arrive. Either Toshiba, Sony or whomever...
Solid Lifters
Mid 2007 now, huh? Not a problem.
Well, according to that link, as of right now, they are set to start production in July of 2007, but won't ship until late 2007. So, you're looking at around 18 months, at least, until you will even see them for sale. That is, if everything stays on schedule. Which as we know, everything in the electronics/technology world ALWAYS stays on schedule.....not.
