iPad - 1 million iPads sold in 28 days!

  • Thread starter jedaye
Going back to the good ole' Flash on iPhone OS debate, Steve Jobs has now officially weighed in...


Worth a read, and quite interesting. A few points, though:

1. It's fairly rich of Apple to criticise Adobe for proprietary software when Apple forces users to install iTunes (and in the process, Quicktime). Essentially this less of an open-source crusade, and more of an 'I don't like not being in control' tantrum. Which, I suppose, they're entitled to.

2. I don't buy the reliability business, as I've stated before. I've never had my MacBook crash while I was doing something with Flash - in fact it's always been a Kernel panic when I've been doing something within Keynote or Final Cut Express - both of which are Apple's own developments.

3. To say that Flash is totally unsuitable for anything with a touch screen because it 'relies on mouse-over gestures' is just silly. That's not a valid criticism of the language, it's a criticism of Flash users not designing with touch-screens in mind. CSS has had an a:hover attribute for years, does that mean it's suddenly not suitable for iPhone because it allows users with a mouse to 'hover'? No. Exactly. I'm actually struggling to think of an SWF that I've seen in recent years that couldn't be operated with a touch screen.

With that all said, I can see where he's coming from. I'm working in Flash at the moment and am very quickly beginning to hate it for feeling so clunky. Apple might be on a 'cleansing' routine, but I suppose it works. They've created (what they think) to be some of the smoothest and easiest to use UIs around, and they don't want silly bits of software coming in and mucking things up. Hmmm.
Goto your local Best Buy (assuming they carry them now), tell them you want two if they give you a deal. It works for me everytime, they aren't on commission but they got sales numbers to reach :)

:lol: They'll definitely be willing to do this especially with the low sales the Ipad's getting.

It's the latest product (Tablet PC) that Apple has managed to get the whole world crazed about. You could call it an oversize iPhone to make things simple. Same form factor, 'home button', touchsceen etc. But unlike the iPhone there is NO camera.

  • App Store - Just like the iPhone, zillions of apps
  • HTML5 - supposed to be the next generation of web browsing.
  • Cheapest iPad is US$500
  • 10 hours of veiwing videos
  • Up to one month of standy battery
  • Slim & Light - Very thin and weighs only 1.5 pounds
  • Digital Compass
  • 3G assisted GPS
  • Accelerometer

  • No multitasking - no running more than one app at a time. (at least not untill os 4.0 is released)
  • No flash support - 🤬?
  • Cheapest iPad has no 3G, only Wi-Fi
  • Built in battery
  • No Camera - 🤬?
  • The name? - reminds some people of something females only use.

How are those PROS?
The price isn't remotely good for what you get and by the time HTML5 is mainstream, the iPad will either have 4 or 5 generations behind or will be completely gone.
It's not like no other devices won't support html5 with a simple install.
How are those PROS?
The price isn't remotely good for what you get and by the time HTML5 is mainstream, the iPad will either have 4 or 5 generations behind or will be completely gone.
It's not like no other devices won't support html5 with a simple install.

I just copied that list from some other website.

These aren't my personal opinions.
Ipad "Mini" anyone.

Details of a seven-inch version of the iPad have been reported in a Chinese newspaper that correctly predicted the specifications of the iPad months before anyone else.

The Economic Daily News claims Taiwanese companies have won several contracts to make components smaller than those used on the current 9.7-inch iPads.

"Chimei Innolux will supply seven-inch LCD screens, which use the same IPS (in-plane switching) technology found in the original iPad, which improves viewing angles and colour on LCD screens," the newspaper reported.

"Touchscreen technology for the screens will come from Cando Corporation."

Link to article.
I think its more likely that it will be called the iPad Nano unless they plan to do and even smaller one which is still bigger than the iPhone. I really wonder if this will have any additional features compared to its big brother and also if it will have a rentina display although it sounds doubtful from that article.

Even if it has no improvements it will probably sell zillions! Until the 4G iPod Touch comes out.
