Iraq situation - guesses as to when the first bomb is dropped?

  • Thread starter 1X83Z
March 5th, 7am, Baghdad...

March 5th is my dad's birthday. :( I hope it's not then though.
February 14, 1 AM.

A squadron of F-117 Nighthawk Stealth Fighters and the aircraft carriers Kitty Hawk and Nimitz were sent to the Gulf today.

Happy Valentine's Day mother ****ers.
Originally posted by vat_man
March 21, 2am Baghdad time. I'm pretty confident it'll be a Friday morning.

Oh, let's see. That's pretty much EXACTLY when the plane that's bringing me home from Australia will be in the area. Great.

Need to go for a window seat on that flight methinks...
We could guess how many people will die in that explosion, too! We could even break it down... how many will die just from bombs, then gunfire, then chemical and/or biological attacks. We could separate civilian casualties from military. We could even separate by types of injury, how many dead from burns, killed instantly, hemoraged to death, dead of central nervous system poisoning, etc. Also we could take bets on just how destroyed Baghdad will be. I'll bet you they can't stack up more than five corpses at a time, unless butressed by another stack, then seven are possible. But it's just easier if you dig a huge trench and burn 'em. Stray bomb craters do the trick nicely.

What if we loose? "All hail Saddam! Allah is great!"
Direct Civilian Casualties from our weaponry = 2000

Indirect Civilian Casualties caused by US (after we bomb the water services and deprive innocent civilians of clean water) = 10,000

Indirect Civilian Casualties from Iraq (after they try and kill us with bio-weaponry) = 10,000

Dircet US forces casualties (from weaponry aim at us from Iraq) = 100

Hmmmm,... who's getting the worst end of the deal on this one?
Originally posted by Red Eye Racer
Direct Civilian Casualties from our weaponry = 2000

Boo - hoo.

Indirect Civilian Casualties caused by US (after we bomb the water services and deprive innocent civilians of clean water) = 10,000

:rolleyes: We've already stated that we are not - for sure - bombing the water. I can see that you're making up these statistics as you go. Lovely.

Indirect Civilian Casualties from Iraq (after they try and kill us with bio-weaponry) = 10,000

This is sure to happen? Well, I guess in a world where you don't pay attention to consistent remarks from the Bush administration concerning taking out the water facilites, anything can happen, especially when you make it up!

Dircet US forces casualties (from weaponry aim at us from Iraq) = 100

You think we have a lot of people under our own bombs?

Hmmmm,... who's getting the worst end of the deal on this one?

You, for not paying attention in the news then coming in here and making an idiot out of yourself.
Of course I made that crap up,... you'd have to be pretty damn ignorent to hold those comments to factual information :rolleyes:

I was simply basing my reply on miles previous post,.... get a grip and lay of the crack would ya?

Dude,.. call me an idiot,.. it only shows your incappasity to have a logical conversation,.... but then again,. if you got a problem with that,... I can arange a trip to "boy's town" (see, I can flame too,.. but in a TASTEFUL manor) and we can dicuss it man to man. But I suppose you'd rather hide behind your monitor and flame away for no apparent reason.
Uhhh, dude, I hate to say it, but the first bomb was dropped on Iraq long ago.

The bombs never stopped dropping after the first gulf war... but if everyone keeps up on politics the way they should, they would already know that we (americans) have been bombing the iraqis since that war. (this includes the clinton administration)
Originally posted by GoKents
Uhhh, dude, I hate to say it, but the first bomb was dropped on Iraq long ago.

The bombs never stopped dropping after the first gulf war... but if everyone keeps up on politics the way they should, they would already know that we (americans) have been bombing the iraqis since that war. (this includes the clinton administration)

Can you actually not make the distinction?
Vat_man's psychic! :D

Anyway, my well wishes go out to those fighting right now, and to those who will be fighting. 👍