I really don't know what to say about that. It's a whole different culture and you never know what other type of rituals and beliefs they might have down there. I've seen rituals from some tribes down in the Amazon, and it's staggering what some people have to do in order to fit in with the communities demands.
It's really sad that someone's life, in this case Saka's, depends on an old man with a stick and some ointments who claims to communicate with the spirits, and what's even sadder, is that Saka started
believing in the man's accusation of her being a witch. I mean, at one point in the video I thought "well, now she probably realizes that her methodology in regards of religion and spiritualism are completely untrue and probably she'll seek another type of living (though that might be hard for her

)" but no, she acknowledged the fact that she was possessed by evil spits and she started making this rain dance when verything went OK.
Let's not even mention the poor chicken's life...I'm sure it believed Ana wasn't a witch before it was sacrificed.
What if the chicken collapsed on it's belly?....then that would have been it for Saka then.....