IRS MX-5 Cup - Series finished. Thanks to all who participated

What do you fellas want to do?
BB raceway - forward OR Kyoto - Yamagiwa.
I vote Kyoto since it didn't get a proper race. Also, would be good to keep the other 2 tracks in line with Indy Lights.
Stick to the schedule. BB raceway. Why would it be changed?
Clean Racer did post this on Tuesday.
The Indy Lights series is off this week. This is the perfect opportunity to make up for the Kyoto MX-5 race.

Come out and support this support series.(See what I did there?)

These cars are super fun to drive. They are not super powerful so all skill levels will enjoy the drive.

If you're new to the series just read OP and express your interest here.

C'mon guys. These cars really are a hoot.

See you guys on track!
Sorry I missed it. When I finally became available and logged on to see where you guys were at I was gutted that an IRS event actually went off on time, lol. I hoped maybe you guys were running late and I could still jump in. I watched for a little bit but the speculator menu doesn’t give enough info to know what’s happening and I got frustrated and went off to grind money offline instead. I wish it at least told you what lap people were on. Anyways it looked like a great race. I will make all attempts next week to race. Sorry my attendance is spotty, just a lot of **** going on right now.
I highly doubt I will make it for race time tomorrow as the rain seems to be holding off till around midnight in southeastern pa. So I'm going to be spending the evening being super

Good luck everyone Tomorrow always next week at red bull.
I was looking forward to the race tonight but unfortunately it doesnt look like I'm gonna make the start due to work and dont want to hold you guys up. Good luck tonight BB Race track is always fun!
Guys please be sure to send me a friend request on PSN if you are not on my friend list and plan to be there this evening. I will be hosting.
i would have loved to be there but unfortunately, life kicked in at the wrong time. gl to you guys :dopey: