IRS Trans Am World Challenge Season 2 | Saturdays 9pm Eastern | Congratulations to the Champions

  • Thread starter aceboy127
I’m sorry about the problem with my game. I never have the problem before plus, it is my first time have the problem with my game today. I hope I race next time the problem be fix. Sorry guys.

I don’t know why my AI mess up today before the start and during qualitiying.
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What an awesome race! TA Class had incredible racing with the cars being several seconds off the pace of one another. Oh and how could I forget, the race starting a good half hour after the scheduled start time and the 20 minute qualify session that only lasted 15 minutes because the organizer doesn’t follow their own procedures. Last thing, really enjoyed the little show Tetsu put on mocking my valid concerns.
What an awesome race! TA Class had incredible racing with the cars being several seconds off the pace of one another. Oh and how could I forget, the race starting a good half hour after the scheduled start time and the 20 minute qualify session that only lasted 15 minutes because the organizer doesn’t follow their own procedures. Last thing, really enjoyed the little show Tetsu put on mocking my valid concerns.
10 bucks says I can set a time in the Viper that was faster than what I set in the race.
What an awesome race! TA Class had incredible racing with the cars being several seconds off the pace of one another.
A few tenths maybe between each car, but saying the gap was a few seconds is just stretching it and is more from a lack of gitgud than it is BoP.

Oh and how could I forget, the race starting a good half hour after the scheduled start time and the 20 minute qualify session that only lasted 15 minutes because the organizer doesn’t follow their own procedures.
This one I clearly agree. It's happened ever so often we just got used to it but this kind of thing needs to stop. I'll be one to apologize on the organization's behalf on this, we really need to clamp down on being lenient and be more strict with the schedules.
A few tenths maybe between each car, but saying the gap was a few seconds is just stretching it and is more from a lack of gitgud than it is BoP.

I understand where you’re coming from and I’m by no means the best driver in this leauge, but there was a clear difference between each car. I 100% understand and realize it won’t and can’t be perfect but if there’s that much of a difference it is more than “gitgud”The Corvette was up to the maximum 126% and it still was much slower than the Viper, let alone the Ford.
tbh, car had more pace in it than in qualy for me, had to stop with 8 minutes left to fix the electrical issue with my wheel. otherwise i was lapping in the low 37s. In the end i made to many mistakes.

BTW, pics.

A few tenths maybe between each car, but saying the gap was a few seconds is just stretching it and is more from a lack of gitgud than it is BoP.

I understand where you’re coming from and I’m by no means the best driver in this leauge, but there was a clear difference between each car. I 100% understand and realize it won’t and can’t be perfect but if there’s that much of a difference it is more than “gitgud”The Corvette was up to the maximum 126% and it still was much slower than the Viper, let alone the Ford.
That can be setup related, it may be because the Corvette may be better on corners or what not. Whatever the case, the only way a convincing case for this can be made is providing some numbers.

If any car is disadvantaged by the BoP, whatever gap in performance there is should show itself in the lap times run by the same driver. Simply put, run laps on all cars and give us numbers proving the other cars (or any particular car) are quicker by a significant margin.
That can be setup related, it may be because the Corvette may be better on corners or what not. Whatever the case, the only way a convincing case for this can be made is providing some numbers.

If any car is disadvantaged by the BoP, whatever gap in performance there is should show itself in the lap times run by the same driver. Simply put, run laps on all cars and give us numbers proving the other cars (or any particular car) are quicker by a significant margin.

If I had the time and desire to do that I would, so I’m fine with it being chalked up to skill/setup/whatever.

Edit: Who test and decides the BoP? Do they have a record of what times that got with each car?
Great racing guys tonight sorry for the spin on turn 1 I just tried staying out of the way of guys who was racing for points...I felt had I not made that mistake i could've been up there battling for a win possibly...
I have really bit my tongue here and avoided saying something stupid. I plan to make a more detailed post regarding what was posted after the race last night. Things are going to change going forward and I hope it will be for the better future of the group.
With respect to the wonderful job our TA BoP Tester did at Dragon Trail, I want to post this here to show you guys his findings.
Chevrolet C7 (126/96)
Seaside lap 1:34,967
Fuel usage per lap at Seaside 6,375%

Dodge Viper (102/96)
Seaside lap 1:35,539
Fuel usage per lap at Seaside 7%

Ford GT (114/109)
Seaside lap 1:35,051
Fuel usage per lap at Seaside 7,25%

Jaguar F-Type (126/100)
Seaside lap 1:35,303
Fuel usage per lap at Seaside 6,125%
The cars were separated by 1 tenth with this BoP.
Chevrolet C7 (126/99)
Dodge Viper (102/96)
Ford GT (113/110)
Jaguar F-Type (126/101)
As you can see the updated BoP is the one I posted. In testing all of the car were found to be within one tenth of a second. I'm sorry if you feel the BoP is unfair, but we put some serious work into it and for you to come out and say it's terrible with out even know the facts or how we do BoP is downright disrespectful. I hope next time you will get your facts straight before making any accusations. Also, according to this BoP the slowest car won.
Alright, so let get started here shall we. Above I made my feelings known on the whole BoP issue. We will continue to bring the best BoP we can to every race. This league is not using, nor will it ever use a driver based BoP, so the fact that we are spread out is probably due to setups, driver skill, and preparedness, and track knowledge. You put all of the factors into a race weekend and of course we will all be spread out. It's just the nature of the race. No BoP will ever be perfect, and it would be foolish to think so.

Now, moving onto rage-quits, which there were a lot of this weekend. Although I have to give @rap credit. You stuck with it and finished the race even though you were very unhappy with the whole situation. Rage-quitting from a race that the organizers have worked very hard to put on is very unprofessional and downright disrespectful. Since I had nothing in the rules before this all of the offenders this weekend get a free pass, but going forward there will be repercussions to rage-quitting from a race. From now on any driver who rage-quits will be excluded from the results and will receive a 1 race ban, there are no exceptions to this rule. Rage-quits do not include disconnections, emergencies, or prior approval to leave.

Also, I will be more than happy to discuss any issues any of you might have with this series or league in private, but do not put it here. If anyone wants to ignore this warning, well... consider yourself warned.

Lastly, I'm going to be sure I follow everything to a tee. The schedule will be followed to the minute and if you are running late, then I'm sorry. I agree that running 30 minutes late is uncalled for, but forgive me for trying to make sure everyone was in the room ready to go. From now on if your not ready to go when you come into the lobby, you may be asked to leave. Once again if anyone has any issues they would like to discuss with me privately, then please free free to contact me.
My fault ace I apologize for leaving with 10 laps or so left I only left because of that being my part time race for the series. Had it been my full time class I wouldve stuck it out as the guys in arl were okay to wait for me and you.
My fault ace I apologize for leaving with 10 laps or so left I only left because of that being my part time race for the series. Had it been my full time class I wouldve stuck it out as the guys in arl were okay to wait for me and you.
Hey we discussed it man, you had prior approval to leave under the circumstances, no harm done.
@aceboy127 I didn’t rage quit I don’t know why happen to me before the race start my ai doing circle again before pace lap start plus, I stuck in automatic drive and I think can’t see rap on the track. One more thing I don’t want to cause crash on the track in automatic drive and ai doing circle. That way I leave the track (race).
@aceboy127 I didn’t rage quit I don’t know why happen to me before the race start my ai doing circle again before pace lap start plus, I stuck in automatic drive and I think can’t see rap on the track. One more thing I don’t want to cause crash on the track in automatic drive and ai doing circle. That way I leave the track (race).

He knows that Alan.
@aceboy127 I didn’t rage quit I don’t know why happen to me before the race start my ai doing circle again before pace lap start plus, I stuck in automatic drive and I think can’t see rap on the track. One more thing I don’t want to cause crash on the track in automatic drive and ai doing circle. That way I leave the track (race).
You should have spoke up, we could have tried to get it fixed. I will try to get with you before Saturday and see if we can fix your issues.
You should have spoke up, we could have tried to get it fixed. I will try to get with you before Saturday and see if we can fix your issues.
I did once at first attempt of the race about my AI doing circle. at second attempt of the race i don’t want said anything about my AI doing circle begin of the race because everyone don’t want to wait for me again to start the race. I think it was a bug or something in the game for me.

I only race on Saturday when my classes (TA3 or TCA) this racing on Saturday plus, I’m going to visit my sister and help her friend Friday-Tuesday.