Is all about the size...

  • Thread starter Akira AC
I'm with you on this. I love following the latest updates from the scientific community so hopefully I don't feel so lost and confused lol. By the way, I totally read your comment in Rainbow Dash's voice... great...

Lol, I don't think that Dash would ever say that.

And my mind is well and truly blown, just one continuous slow scroll could give you the chills. And the music makes it even better.
I'm sitting here trying to wrap my head around just how big all of this really is. It really is mind boggling.:boggled:

The distance Voyager has traveled really took me by surprise, too. And that's still tiny compared to everything above it.
One of the coolest and interesting things Ive seen in a while. 👍
When I saw the thread title I was like: "That's what she said"
When I clicked on the link I was like: Wooowwww.
Just download it and have hours on that site.
No flash on iPod touches.
Take it you are using your iPod touch then :P Thats annoying on the iPad, but most things are switching to HTML5 from what I've found
Yeah I am. :irked: Hopefully I'll get a laptop one day...
Correct. I meant a PC that has a monitor and a separate unit for the CPU.

... You mean a desktop...

Which by the way, are hugely better in terms of performance for the dollar. And the fact I run a triple monitor setup.

And then my Android phone and tablet both handle flash just fine, so shrug.
... You mean a desktop...

Which by the way, are hugely better in terms of performance for the dollar. And the fact I run a triple monitor setup.

And then my Android phone and tablet both handle flash just fine, so shrug.

Old fashioned E-penis waving. 👍
I'm no physicist, but doesn't it sort have to have some sort of size? It's matter isn't it? It's possible but I always assumed the universe was 'solid' in that sense...

For space to grow it has to grow into something yeah. You cannot just make something 'appear'. There has to be room for things to move and expand.. There has to be a 🤬 load of room for the universe to keep growing.. But what's in that empty space before the universe fills it up?
Minecraft world WTF?

That would totally crash my server!

:lol: Imagine the world map rendering.

Android for the win. :D

Yup! 👍 Apple make me laugh with regards to the whole Flash thing. "Oooh, everyone will use HTML5 soon!"

Yeah? Not this guy.
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Mind = blown.

I'm used to seeing things that say how large things are and some that say how small things are, however putting them together makes the effect alot more powerful. Its amazing how complex we are, yet how insignificant that complexity is relative to everything else in the universe (not even mentioning the multiverse theory.)

This is why I think it is sad not to be investing in space exploration, there is so much out there and we just sit there ignoring it most of the time. And one day all life will cease to exist as all heat dissipates out leaving an average temperature close to absolute zero. And then for eternity nothing will ever happen and eventually the time when life existed will be so small that it is insignificant in itself. So we need to use our time wisely and learn as much as we can, as our unique human faculty is our search for knowledge and to push the limits (have you ever seen a bird try to see how high/fast it can fly just for the hell of it?)

End of amazement.

EDIT: Have you seen minecraft world in there about 2/3's of the way along.

I agree with that, the scale of actual universe is far more immense than the sphere coverable with the current standard of technology for exploration of the world outside the earth, it's very worth for researchers to delve their investigation into further mystery of cosmic room because some change in the vast cosmic space(including occurences in the midst of interplanetary space)has the key for humans to surviving in the future world, and would be quite a big help for those going to study it in the next coming generations.(Personally I'm curious how the earth will become after expansion of the Sun as the ending of its call)
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