Totally understandable my friend. There are many of us out there with the same complexities and many worse off.
Let me share my own little story. I was in 9th grade, overly sensitive kid. I was the fat nerd. Sucked at all physical activities, at nearly anything and everything infact beside academics. Couldn't handle fights, wouldn't raise my voice against wrong, would bottle up everything. And up until then I was often taken advantage of, people would call up home, curse, laugh, swear. All kinds of ****. Then came a point when I fell for this particular girl, i was in love. Asked her out, but she told me she was dating. She apparently went and told her guy about this. So one day, he sends his friends, they were my seniors, made them get me out of class out into a secluded spot. And he pushed me around, warning me off, telling me to get my own girl, this that. And my friends who told me they would fight him off if anything happened, were standing by the side, laughing. And what hurt me most was, I never raised a finger, never said a word. Never told my parents, never told anyone. I was ashamed of myself. And that feeling never died down, just brought under control.
Scarred me for life that, changed me as a person, made me angrier, more loud, more daring. But not much as I am now. Then as time went by, so happens that this same girl, breaks up, comes, asks me out. I fall for her again, we date for two years. And then she leaves. I couldn't bare it. I was heartbroken. And yea, I shared a lot of tears at the time. Trust me when I say, alot. And a couple of time in front of my friends, girls, who never mocked me. I was blessed that way. After that, I kind of broke loose, hot tempered, raise my voice against and stand up for what's right, and I started enjoying life more after that.
But all that has only made me more complex. Very much infact. I often find myself being let down by people. Then I learn, it's better to not expect.
Oh I've deviated : lol: Just saying bud, Even I have many incidents in my life that has had negative effects on me and made me a complex being. Yet again, I find that it has changed me as a person, in a positive way, made me more mature.
YOur emotions are everything.