Is France Crazy to want Guaranteed Empoyment?

  • Thread starter YSSMAN


Super-Cool Since 2013
United States
Well, I've spent a lot of time laughing at the French protestors/riotors over the past few days, and I'd love to hear what ya'all think!

IMO: It is a "good idea" but it does not have any practical applications in this day and age. In America, you do not have the "right" to have a job to begin with, you need to prove yourself worthy of this. Often times, people may have a job for less than a week because of poor work ethic, or downright stupid activity.

I view Frances situation as another negative mark on a socialist form of Government and Economics. Having guaranteed employment not only gives French citizens the rationale that they have the right to a job, they belive that they should be able to keep it no matter what. It encourages laziness on the job, and surely puts productivity in a downturn. The "law" also puts business in a problematic state, as they may not want to have many employees if anything should go wrong. If they cant support them, why have them? Hence the unbelieveably high unemployment rate of younger folks, which I have herd is between 20-25% of those who can work.

Of course being an American and living in a "free market" Capitalist economy changes my view a bit, but I just cannot believe that would generally be percieved as a step forward by most economists is such a HUGE problem in France.

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