is it possible...

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3,918 take a dvd drive out of dvd player and put it in a computer?

my grandparents psu in their dvd player went kaputs and i "aquired" it from them.

while playing around with it, i notice that the power cable that runs into the drive is the same as on a computer, and the data cable is the same as a ide cable.

My question is can i do it? or should i just junk the whole thing?
It's probably reasonably possible, since there are only a limited number of DVD transports out there. It's definitely worth a go.
Yes, it is possible. I read a review somewhere for one of the APEX players. The reviewer opened it up and found the drive and installed it into his computer. It worked.
Originally posted by Viper Zero
Yes, it is possible. I read a review somewhere for one of the APEX players. The reviewer opened it up and found the drive and installed it into his computer. It worked.

hehe, thats the brand that it is...

Yup, it worked, although the computer said it was a CD-ROM, not a DVD-ROM.

But it still read and understood DVD's