I know why and how other people view human rights - most other people don't share my point of view. I don't need to empathise with them to understand it. Empathy requires you to identify with someone.
There is no common ground between how I view a girl's rights and how someone who believes she has no right to intact genitalia views them. I can entirely understand why they have that point of view, but it is absolutely wrong for them to do so, and it is impossible for me to empathise with them in their point of view in any way. I cannot identify with someone who would think it's fine to hold a girl down and, without anaesthesia, shred her labia and clitoris with a razor blade - nor would I suggest that they're right to think that because they grew up in a society that thinks that.
It's also not possible for me to empathise with people who think they have the right to hold slaves, to rape 12-year old children, to immolate their underage 'wife' if she doesn't put out, to stone homosexuals to death or push them off tall buildings, to imprison three generations of someone's family without trial for non-compliance with state dogma and starve, work, and rape them to death, or to extermine people they hold as genetically inferior to preserve the purity of their race. Nor with people who think these things are not a breach of rights because the law permits or permitted (or required) them. Nor with people who think that it's immoral to break those laws.
I know how they got from being a normal human to carrying out and condoning the most revolting of acts against other humans, but that doesn't require me to, nor can I, empathise with them. I also know how you got to preferring to "save" five FGM practitioners tied to a railway line at the expense of - or rather by the murder of - one primary school teacher, and I can't empathise with that either.