Is over hyping killing the game before its properly announced?

  • Thread starter desperado
All across internet forums I read more and more incredible wish lists being portrayed as facts, if the final game doesn't include all the wished for features do you think the inevitable whining will harm the release?

In my opinion although the average man in the street is unlikely to be swayed what about reviewers who are closer to this kind of thing? Do you think they will be swayed slightly? If so will that harm the brand?

On the other hand lets hope it fulfils everyone's dreams and then it won't matter, just seems unlikely with the level of craziness I read in some threads!
Yes, it will, and some of us have been warning people to expect the worst, just to not be disappointed.
There is no doubt that the ideal GT5 from my mind will not translate into the real world. I'm prepared for that, but I do expect some of my wishes to be granted. I suggest just taking GT5 for what it will be. It's one of the few games that is worth more than $60.00 at release. It can last forever, so I don't doubt that it will be great and satisfy all the consumers. All that's left is to wait.
the only way something is ruined by being over-hyped or over rated is when the production of the entity really doesn't meet the bar amongst its most loyal consumer. now if GT5 or lets take any game for example, if it is a flop amongst its die die-hard loyalists then they're in trouble. but once Sony, PD, and KY can sell GT5 to a true LOYAL fan, and get their approval it should not be scrutinized as 'over-hyped'. now all the nay sayers and those iffy about the game will be right on the bandwagon and thus GT5 is off to Greatest Hits status and it will be deemed a success like its predecessors before it.
Yes, it will, and some of us have been warning people to expect the worst, just to not be disappointed.

People have expectations is what drives games. It might not be implemented this time, but it's ideas like that which get noted for next time.

The bane of all computer game developers is the very people who buy it, as you will never satisfy all your customers.

GT5 will be nothing other than an excellent game.
It´s impossible for PD to include all the wishes people have...

Even if we get GT5P with more cars and tracks thats more than enough...

Naturally, but one thing is a kid expecting his father will buy him a toy for Christmas, another thing is a kid expecting his father to buy him a Ferrari. :boggled: That's what is happening here, people are expecting waaaaaaay too much.

Besides, we are talking about GT5 right now, not a possible GT6 or GT7.
Yes, this is what happens though when a publisher has a very large title in the works yet refuses to release any info. It really doesn't help when the very little info they do leak is vague and leads people to come up with their own conclusions.

All of this leads to people making the game out to be bigger than it is. Look at Forza 3, there is nowhere near the amount of speculation as we already know what is in it and what is not. Sure surprises are nice but you need to give your customers something.
yea once you start dreaming up what little 'hot' things, cars, and tracks you have not seen yet on GT series and wanting it all in GT5 then your just setting yourself up for disappointment. i agree fully with Codename L there, you wait all year for a Porsche Boxer and get Porsche boxers instead... yea disappointment is gonna strike faster than you'd think possible. the game is going to be what it is going to be and its like it, love it, or leave it alone, simple.
I'm not saying that PD is taking too long or anything, but I think that the long development time has a huge impact on the hype. People not only have longer to stew about what they want in the game, but they expect that a lot of time spent in development means that every feature under the sun is going to get in. Add that to the quality 'bar' set by the previous games and you have an unstoppable hype-train D:
That being said, the only thing that I think would 'kill' the game is if they cut something like GT mode that's a series staple.
I'm not sure with PD you can equate length of development to what will be in the final product. I think they have probably spent a large amount of time experimenting with the new HW, new modeling methods, new lighting etc etc and then at some point started to build a game around it, Turn 10 who have done incredible things in 2 years probably started that 2 year period with fixed objectives and so have concentrated resources (and outsourced where appropriate) to get things done. Its probably one of PD's down points (and it probably annoys Sony!) but on the other hand is probably why they are one of the most prestigous developers out there.

I've wanted to make a thread like this sometime ago. And as Lucas said, and as a local saying goes, "Expect the worse and you'll be right". But come on, we have to be optimistic and do something in the meantime :sly:.
- 5 years of dev
- Other games showing the way to go (damage, better AI, physics etc)

I do not believe it is overhyping features like damage for a huge franchise such as GT.
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How has forum wish lists, over hyped GT5? If people think that everything thats been talked about, will be in GT5. They have a few screws loose! And Sony or PD sure in the heck, have not hyped GT5!
now if GT5 or lets take any game for example, if it is a flop amongst its die die-hard loyalists then they're in trouble. but once Sony, PD, and KY can sell GT5 to a true LOYAL fan, and get their approval it should not be scrutinized as 'over-hyped'.

I have to disagree... your loyal fans are the lowest bar you should be concered about... loyal fans are the ones who staunchly defend their football team after 12 years of being the worst in the league, loyal is the friend who will fight tooth nail and claw for you even thought you were clearly wrong.

The loyal fans are the ones who you REALLY messed up if even they won't come back.

I think the bar is somewhat floating, but basically you know it was overhyped if the weeks or months after it's released, the "watercooler" talk is more disspointment with the negative than satisfaction with the positive.

The hype around GT5 combined with it's LONG release time I think has PD toeing that line rather dangerously.
How has forum wish lists, over hyped GT5? If people think that everything thats been talked about, will be in GT5. They have a few screws loose! And Sony or PD sure in the heck, have not hyped GT5!
It's not the wishlists, it's every other thread. So far there are several things we have allowed ourselves to beleive will be in the game (day/night & weather mainly).

Also, Sony may not be hyping it personally, but allowing it to be hyped so much is just as bad.
It will for me, which is why I'm not actually anticipating anything other than GT5P with a lot more cars and tracks. Hell, anything else (as long as it doesn't ruin the game) is simply seen as a bonus to me.
If PD was "over hyping" the game, that may have a negative affect. Internet regulars "over hyping" the game will have NO negative affect on the general public.

I dont know about you guys, but my opinion is not changed by reading post on GTPlanet.
It will for me, which is why I'm not actually anticipating anything other than GT5P with a lot more cars and tracks. Hell, anything else (as long as it doesn't ruin the game) is simply seen as a bonus to me.

Agreed with 100%! 👍👍
If PD was "over hyping" the game, that may have a negative affect. Internet regulars "over hyping" the game will have NO negative affect on the general public.

I agree with you here, however I think a lot of the 'general public' who are interested in buying this game will come here and see the hype, this can then result in them being disappointed by the final result.
I think a lot of the 'general public' who are interested in buying this game will come here and see the hype, this can then result in them being disappointed by the final result.

I have trouble empathising with such febble minded followers :lol:

If what you say turns out to be true then this game was F'ed months ago.
If what you say turns out to be true then this game was F'ed months ago.

Well don't get me wrong, GT is the most famous racing sim in the world and without a doubt it's going to be a huge seller, just like Halo 3 and GTA4 were: both, in my opinion were huge letdowns but they still both sold massively.
It's just, because of the large amounts of hype, and nothing truely solid to go on there could very well be a lot of disappointed people.
I would say PD is so secretive because they have no idea what will be finished for the final game. So they aren't saying anything so they don't disapoint when 80% of what they say isn't in the final product. Where T10 had the feature set completed at E3 and all they have had to do is de-bug and polish between then and the release date next month.
I see the potential for a lot of disappointment, but only because many people seem adamant that their idea of the game is correct. It's OK to speculate and such, I've done it quite a bit. But I've made sure to separate my imagination from my realistic expectations.

My stance on GT5 has pretty much always been this: Since PD says nothing I have no idea what the game will be like, aside from simulation/sim-like physics and online play (and I guess damage now that they've shown it). Anything else I don't really take seriously.