Is over hyping killing the game before its properly announced?

  • Thread starter desperado
Look at Forza 3, there is nowhere near the amount of speculation as we already know what is in it and what is not. Sure surprises are nice but you need to give your customers something.
You guys are forgetting that you only found out about anything in F3 within the last couple of months, and that was in dribs and drabs until recently.

Meanwhile, we had a series of surprises over what was managed to be put in Prologue two years ago, and little bits periodically along the way for GT5.

So, yes, we got "something." In fact, we got Prologue when Forza fans got DLC full of filler cars.

As to the original topic, the overhype of GT5 will turn off a small fraction of the buyers. It will still sell like crazy.
I would say PD is so secretive because they have no idea what will be finished for the final game. So they aren't saying anything so they don't disapoint when 80% of what they say isn't in the final product. Where T10 had the feature set completed at E3 and all they have had to do is de-bug and polish between then and the release date next month.

I agree that PD is being vague because they are scrambling to get stuff in and aren't sure what won't make it.

I see the potential for a lot of disappointment, but only because many people seem adamant that their idea of the game is correct. It's OK to speculate and such, I've done it quite a bit. But I've made sure to separate my imagination from my realistic expectations.

I think a lot of people have realistic expectations and may still be dissapointed. But then again, when I say realistic expectations I am considering what the competition is pulling off, how long PD has had to do stuff and that PD needs to live up to it's reputation... so realistically... I expect a LOT!
I think PD is preparing a big surprise and those void things they have been showing to us are just the fakes to make the mess even worse.
“We always set very high goals and ideals for our games, and the GT5 trailer that you saw [at E3] is a very small portion of what we’re working on. And as long as we actually achieve our goals and fulfill our expectations, I’m sure it would set the new industry standard.”- Kazunori Yamauchi.

We're in good hands. It's also good that he recognizes the competition. This could mean that will see things like livery editors (found in other games) PLUS things like NASCAR and the WRC, which you won't find in many other games.
Yes, overhyping is killing the gaming industry in general. Gone are the days when the only time you knew about a game was when you walked past it on the shelf, or saw it on the cover of a magazine that did proper reviews. No game can ever live up to expectiations with hype and development times like those on GT5... Forums like this don't help much by taking rumors and then blowing them up out of all proportion, to the point where GT5 has ever car, ever track, every single game mode you could ever imagine. In actual fact, what we get, is a higher resolution GT4.
Well that's a pretty empty statement unless he adds 2 things:

1 What those goals and expectations are


2 He sets a timeline

I don't care what your goals and expectations are, if you take too long, you will not be setting the industry standard.
“We always set very high goals and ideals for our games, and the GT5 trailer that you saw [at E3] is a very small portion of what we’re working on. And as long as we actually achieve our goals and fulfill our expectations, I’m sure it would set the new industry standard.”- Kazunori Yamauchi.

We're in good hands. It's also good that he recognizes the competition. This could mean that will see things like livery editors (found in other games) PLUS things like NASCAR and the WRC, which you won't find in many other games.

no... god's hands
“We always set very high goals and ideals for our games, and the GT5 trailer that you saw [at E3] is a very small portion of what we’re working on. And as long as we actually achieve our goals and fulfill our expectations, I’m sure it would set the new industry standard.”- Kazunori Yamauchi.

We're in good hands. It's also good that he recognizes the competition. This could mean that will see things like livery editors (found in other games) PLUS things like NASCAR and the WRC, which you won't find in many other games.
"What they are working on" does not automatically translate into "what we will get in the final GT5". You have no idea how far down the line they are with their ideas, and what plans they have for them. All I know is, they haven't even got their racing AI sorted out yet...
“We always set very high goals and ideals for our games, and the GT5 trailer that you saw [at E3] is a very small portion of what we’re working on. And as long as we actually achieve our goals and fulfill our expectations, I’m sure it would set the new industry standard.”- Kazunori Yamauchi.

As long as they achieve their goals. Who knows if they will meet those in time for GT5...
I wouldn't call it over hype rather over anxious drivers salivating upon GT5's release :) We just love every (verified) update we can get, I think anyway.

Since this thread is about hyping up a game, this post probably belongs here...

I have caught about 5-6 episodes of "the Price Is Right" is the last month or so, EVERY episode they give away a Wheel/Pedals. When I was a kid (between 8-20 years ago) I watched this show religously during the summers when we had no school. I consider myself a "the Price Is Right" expert at this point. I understand cool stuff like racing wheels werent around 20 years ago.

All that said, heres my conspiracy theory- MS and PD both have benchmark racing games that are about to be released. Both kinds of consoles combined with wheels have been given away frequently on this show. There is no way, in my mind at least, this is a coincidence. 2 genres of people watch this show; elderly, and kids. Come on! Grand parents buy the wheels, kids use them... on Forza 3 and GT5! Grandparents have a great idea for X-mas gifts, kids have a great idea for X-mas gifts to ask for. The hyping has now reached mainstream daytime game shows! :lol:
I think the real reason why it seem's so overhyped is that many of us are expecting GT to be the best racing game there is in every aspect, due to its reputation. That'd include having the best sounds, visuals, damage, features, most tracks etc. One little thing that GT flaws from one of those, communitly may blow-up in some way or another...just like the many complains of the "170" debate, and damage from gamescom.

We have to take a step back and think on what really matters and what it is that we always enjoyed GT about. Sometimes it isn't always about being the best. If Forza has better damage, flipping cars, sounds, and more tracks, then just "oh well", if you know what I mean. Bty, that was just an example.
I find their racing A.I. to be just like the people I race online.
And sometimes even better, since it doesn't exploit the penalty system.
You guys are forgetting that you only found out about anything in F3 within the last couple of months, and that was in dribs and drabs until recently.

Meanwhile, we had a series of surprises over what was managed to be put in Prologue two years ago, and little bits periodically along the way for GT5.

So, yes, we got "something." In fact, we got Prologue when Forza fans got DLC full of filler cars.

As to the original topic, the overhype of GT5 will turn off a small fraction of the buyers. It will still sell like crazy.

Hmm, that made me think... FM3's premiere is in late October, so if PD would play this right and gave us some really good, sound material + a release date @TGS it could steal some of the Forza's impact (especially considering the fact, that "system sellers" sell most consoles during the Christmas period and other similar occasions, so even the FM3's earlier release won't help that much) - a month is quite a lot of time, so even some of preorderers might hesitate. But we'll have to wait till TGS and I'm just letting my mind wander a bit :).

And REAL overhype? I don't see it much outside of GT-oriented societies/forums.
Hmm, that made me think... FM3's premiere is in late October, so if PD would play this right and gave us some really good, sound material + a release date @TGS it could steal some of the Forza's impact (especially considering the fact, that "system sellers" sell most consoles during the Christmas period and other similar occasions, so even the FM3's earlier release won't help that much) - a month is quite a lot of time, so even some of preorderers might hesitate. But we'll have to wait till TGS and I'm just letting my mind wander a bit :)
The thing is, the target audience for the two games does not really have much overlap in terms of sales. By that I mean, if you own a 360 and like racing games, you'll get Forza 3. If you own a PS3 and like racing games, you'll get GT5. If you own both consoles, and like racing games to the extend that you constantly keep up to date on their progress, the chances are you will will buy both. The only real difference is new gamers who are still sat on the fence in terms of what hardware to pick. One of these games could sway things one way or the other.

Personally, I bought my PS3 for Gran Turismo. Plenty of other people did too, and I'm sure that most people who are so bothered about the game will have one already. Not too many people are going to be significantly swayed by it this late in the game. Don't get me wrong, SONY have got the PS3 pricing bang-on now, and GT5 will only serve to increase those sales, but as an out-and-out system seller - too little too late I think.
The thing is, the target audience for the two games does not really have much overlap in terms of sales. By that I mean, if you own a 360 and like racing games, you'll get Forza 3. If you own a PS3 and like racing games, you'll get GT5. If you own both consoles, and like racing games to the extend that you constantly keep up to date on their progress, the chances are you will will buy both. The only real difference is new gamers who are still sat on the fence in terms of what hardware to pick. One of these games could sway things one way or the other.

Don't forget than not everything is set in this world. That's why Forza is trying so hard to convince everyone that "their game is better than GT". They are battling to some extent (most importantly to get the needed recognition), and even if PD wouldn't care - Sony does. Like hell.
Yes, it will, and some of us have been warning people to expect the worst, just to not be disappointed.

Well, i dont want to Sound Harsh, but you are Pessimistic, every time I read your posts i feel it that Way, In my Opinion Its Better to Hope For the Best, Be Prepared for the Worst and Expect Nothing 👍

Asi que, Suppongo que deberiamos esperar al TGS para ser Pesimistas o No :lol:

In English: So, I Suppose we should wait for TGS to Be Pessimists or not.
Well, i dont want to Sound Harsh, but you are Pessimistic, every time I read your posts i feel it that Way, In my Opinion Its Better to Hope For the Best, Be Prepared for the Worst and Expect Nothing 👍

Asi que, Suppongo que deberiamos esperar al TGS para ser Pesimistas o No :lol:

In English: So, I Suppose we should wait for TGS to Be Pessimists or not.

There are optimists and pessimists and who knows what in between.

Optimists tend to think pessimists are annoying and pointlessly worried.

Pessimists tend to think optimists are simple sheep who beg to be sheared.

Who knows what's better in the end... perpetually worried about stuff that might not be an issue, or to assume the best until it's too late and the truth is upon you?

I can understand the viewpoint of expecting less so you aren't dissapointed, but that also seems to me to rival the very point of existence which I generalize as work hard and perform well. If we just decide that it's always ok no matter how poor it is, that just paves the way for poor perfomers and failure doesn't it? Isn't the pessimist who keeps everyone on their toes about what to watch out for, as annoying as it may be, the better way to go?

Because if you worry abuot something that isn't there in the end, all you have wasted is some worry, but if you ignore a problem until it's too late, you have failure.
Don't get me wrong, SONY have got the PS3 pricing bang-on now, and GT5 will only serve to increase those sales, but as an out-and-out system seller - too little too late I think.
I disagree entirely. Just notice the sales bump which happened within days of the PS3 Slim's release, and it's still continuing. Plus, recall how many people here and at other gaming boards like NeoGAF and PS boards mentioned they were waiting for GT5 to finally ship to dive in. Then realize that as many as 100,000 people might equate to each post, as any student of marketing will tell you, and you have potentially millions of PS3 sales waiting for this Christmas.
I sometimes actually wonder if the PS3 is capable of producing all of the features/content people are speculating will be in GT5 without massive slowdown, bugs, glitches, etc...

*runs and hides*
I don't think GT5 is overhyped at all. When I think of a "hype", I think of the developers and/or publisher hyping up their game only to release a product that meets half of their hype. I don't consider a bunch of fans making wishlists or having theories about what is going to be in GT5 to be "hype". I think it is just natural for fans to do such things in anticipation of a game that they love. If you start believing in your own theories or "hype" about a game you know absolutely nothing about then you have bigger issues than if a game will meet your expectations or not.:lol:

What I hate but also absolutely LOVE about PD is how they are always keeping a tight lip on what is going on with their game. It is what you call "speak softly and carry a big stick". Turn10, on the other hand, are blabbing about how great their game will be. How it is the BEST looking racing game ever with the biggest list of the hottest cars or whatever. That is what you would call "hyping" a game. First thing I will be doing when I get my Forza 3 copy and my GT5 copy when it releases will be doing a side by side comparison of the same car on the same track then laugh at the "BEST looking racing game ever" comment.

Will some of us be disappointed in the final product? Most likely. Will most of us still buy GT5? Absolutely! Well, unless PD really messes up and GT5 is nothing more than a prettier GT4 which doesn't seem to be the case.
I don't think GT5 is overhyped at all. When I think of a "hype", I think of the developers and/or publisher hyping up their game only to release a product that meets half of their hype. I don't consider a bunch of fans making wishlists or having theories about what is going to be in GT5 to be "hype". I think it is just natural for fans to do such things in anticipation of a game that they love. If you start believing in your own theories or "hype" about a game you know absolutely nothing about then you have bigger issues than if a game will meet your expectations or not.:lol:

What I hate but also absolutely LOVE about PD is how they are always keeping a tight lip on what is going on with their game. It is what you call "speak softly and carry a big stick". Turn10, on the other hand, are blabbing about how great their game will be. How it is the BEST looking racing game ever with the biggest list of the hottest cars or whatever. That is what you would call "hyping" a game. First thing I will be doing when I get my Forza 3 copy and my GT5 copy when it releases will be doing a side by side comparison of the same car on the same track then laugh at the "BEST looking racing game ever" comment.

Will some of us be disappointed in the final product? Most likely. Will most of us still buy GT5? Absolutely! Well, unless PD really messes up and GT5 is nothing more than a prettier GT4 which doesn't seem to be the case.

Yeah, but one one will keep you entertained longer not just look better.
Yeah, but one one will keep you entertained longer not just look better.

Speak for yourself, guy.:lol: I still play GT4 'til this day. I was driving around the Nurburgring for a couple of hours the other day on GT4. I haven't touched Forza 2 in months. Don't get me wrong. Forza 2 has a lot more contents that I love and I enjoyed it greatly. It is just something about the Gran Turismo series, I can't explain it, that keeps drawing me back even with it's horrid physics and AI. The graphics were great for it's time but now that I play it on my 46" Sony Bravia, it doesn't look quite as nice as I remembered it on my 32" Sony Trinitron.:lol:

I honestly don't even use it as a racing game anymore. I'm using it as a "driving" game. I also love the Nurburgring in GT4 better than the extra wide version in Forza 1 and 2.

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