[Update!][PS3] GTA IV Role Play Events!

  • Thread starter Vince
Will set up lobby in about 10 minutes time, when you coming on Pinkie?

EDIT: Room is up. Anyone who wants to join me, send me a Freind request.

Edit 2: Is anyone going to join, im very bored now, when will the room be up Pinkie?
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Will set up lobby in about 10 minutes time, when you coming on Pinkie?

EDIT: Room is up. Anyone who wants to join me, send me a Freind request.

Edit 2: Is anyone going to join, im very bored now, when will the room be up Pinkie?

No one joined? Well, what's the point of me making a lobby? :indiff:

I mean, if we can get some people besides you and me in one...
Turns out Grand Theft Auto V isn't coming out until September, so we have time to continue this. Possible tomorrow I can host an event. Can we see who is interested?
My dad is working tonight so I'm free to stay up late. However, staying up late will come at my own expense... I've got to be at the hairdressers by 10am tomorrow morning. :lol:
Out Of Character (OOC)
Name: Raiden
Age: 18
PSN: AlphaMonkeyNips
Role Play experience: Used to roleplay in the "city" servers on mgo

In Character (IC)

Name: Dom
Age: 25
Job/Career: Taxi Driver/miscellanious work

Personality:Dislikes most people,mainly calm and kind even though he dislikes people and is just trying to make it in Liberty City

Bio: Dom grew up in Steinway Liberty City, graduated high school, but didn't go to college. Instead of going to college Dom started doing odd jobs and an occasional theft, he then started working for L.C.C taxi and has kept his options open.

Additional Info
He is a good guy does what "he" thinks is right. Easily manipulated and will try to solve things with words instead of action, hasn't been caught doing any crime and has only done it a few times.

I just want to say I have heard a lot about you guys and I JUST found you I thought you were on xbox but so glad you are here and I hope you guys will accept me. Sorry my bio is short I had trouble making it.
Out Of Character (OOC)
Name: Raiden
Age: 18
PSN: AlphaMonkeyNips
Role Play experience: Used to roleplay in the "city" servers on mgo

In Character (IC)

Name: Dom
Age: 25
Job/Career: Taxi Driver/miscellanious work

Personality:Dislikes most people,mainly calm and kind even though he dislikes people and is just trying to make it in Liberty City

Bio: Dom grew up in Steinway Liberty City, graduated high school, but didn't go to college. Instead of going to college Dom started doing odd jobs and an occasional theft, he then started working for L.C.C taxi and has kept his options open.

Additional Info
He is a good guy does what "he" thinks is right. Easily manipulated and will try to solve things with words instead of action, hasn't been caught doing any crime and has only done it a few times.

I just want to say I have heard a lot about you guys and I JUST found you I thought you were on xbox but so glad you are here and I hope you guys will accept me. Sorry my bio is short I had trouble making it.
This RP is pretty much dead, but yes, accepted. I'll add you to my friends list when/if we have another one.

I was hoping GTA V would be coming around the bend sooner, but I guess not.
Let's Revive this thread!

Out Of Character (OOC)
Name: They call me 'JZX'
Role Play experience: Incredibly minimalistic, only role play i have done is in GT5 Cops & Cruises.

In Character (IC)

Name: Deshan
Age: 25
Job/Career/Money Source: Self Employed, Owner of JDMSpec Garage.
Bio (description of your characters past, present, and future goals): Deshan, is educated, quite popular, and strongly committed to his job, family and cars. His past consists of Many Many, Track Days, Street Racing and Drifting. He has lost his temper and responsible for many survivor injuries people. He hasn't changed one bit, but he plans to gain Money, Respect, and property.
My Character is resilient, respectful. But Rebellious, Police mean nothing to him. Nothing is crime, when it comes to vengeance. Especially for his loved ones.
I don't have any problem with another role play event - last one was pretty good. GTA V isn't coming 'till what, September?

Not sure if I'd make a GTA V Role Play group or w/e, I feel pretty awful about letting this one die off. But if I or someone else makes one for number 5, we can have more events in GTA IV before.
So, can we do another event soon, i have become soooo bored of my other games and this group has always been fun. I dont mind hosting if need be until Pinkie gets there.
yoady607 - cop - Normal GTA
Uh... what? If you are applying, use the application

Members: I'm pretty much free all day - I didn't want to set a time because I know some people will have classes/school in the morning. I'm thinking 2, maybe 3 PM Pacific Standard Time?

Also, maybe I, or someone else, could carry this group onto GTA V? Let's see...
Out Of Character (OOC)
Name: Adrian
Age: 14
PSN: yoady607
Role Play experience: It's first time i play Role Play,but i have little experience from GTA San Andreas multiplayer Role Play servers. :D

In Character (IC)

Name: Adrian
Age: 24
Job/Career: Taxi Driver
Bio: Lived a simple life in Algonquin, avoided things like drugs,guns etc..
He just wants to live a simple life.
Personality: Adi is a shy guy.He lykes walks in the Middle Park and relaxind, and sometimes to make drift through the city.

Thx, and sorry for my bad english. :)
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Out Of Character (OOC)

Name: Ryan McKeown

Age: 18

PSN: g-e_e1

Role Play experience: I've done a lot of Roleplaying on Arma 2 and World of Warcraft. I've done some Roleplay in Minecraft but it was only for a week.

In Character (IC)

Name: Steven

Age: 26

Job/Career/Money Source: Rookie Cop.

Bio (description of your characters past, present, and future goals): Steven is a rookie straight out of the Police Academy. After 8 weeks of training. He is out on the street. Realizing that cops make very little, he starts to take bribes from criminals to help pay for bill and food. His past life was fairly good, always having 3 meals a day. Always working to help feed the family. So he's used to hard work. Future goals are to become a Sargent for the Police Force and maybe even someday become a Police Chief.

Personality: My character is a very energetic person. He's almost always talking. But my character is also very polite and kind to other people. Which is why he takes bribes from criminals because he feels putting them in jail would ruin their lives.
This sounds like a lot of fun!

Out Of Character (OOC)
Name: Lars Petter
Age: 20
PSN: larsto33
Role Play experience: Done some on my own on GTA IV.

In Character (IC)

Name: Kyle Turner
Age: 27
Job/Career/Money Source: working as a golf pro at the Liberty city golf course.

Bio (description of your characters past, present, and future goals):Lone wolf who moved to Liberty City two years ago. Kyle is hiding a big secret. He is a seriallkiller. He moved to LC to start a New life, and to Control his need to kill.

Personality: Kyle is a very emotional person, and sometimes has problems controlling his temper.
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Out Of Character (OOC)
Name: Adrian
Age: 14
PSN: yoady607
Role Play experience: It's first time i play Role Play,but i have little experience from GTA San Andreas multiplayer Role Play servers. :D

In Character (IC)

Name: Adrian
Age: 24
Job/Career: Taxi Driver
Bio: Lived a simple life in Algonquin, avoided things like drugs,guns etc..
He just wants to live a simple life.
Personality: Adi is a shy guy.He lykes walks in the Middle Park and relaxind, and sometimes to make drift through the city.

Thx, and sorry for my bad english. :)
This is the lowest amount of detail I've ever read. Sorry. Add some detail please.

Out Of Character (OOC)

Name: Ryan McKeown

Age: 18

PSN: g-e_e1

Role Play experience: I've done a lot of Roleplaying on Arma 2 and World of Warcraft. I've done some Roleplay in Minecraft but it was only for a week.

In Character (IC)

Name: Steven

Age: 26

Job/Career/Money Source: Rookie Cop.

Bio (description of your characters past, present, and future goals): Steven is a rookie straight out of the Police Academy. After 8 weeks of training. He is out on the street. Realizing that cops make very little, he starts to take bribes from criminals to help pay for bill and food. His past life was fairly good, always having 3 meals a day. Always working to help feed the family. So he's used to hard work. Future goals are to become a Sargent for the Police Force and maybe even someday become a Police Chief.

Personality: My character is a very energetic person. He's almost always talking. But my character is also very polite and kind to other people. Which is why he takes bribes from criminals because he feels putting them in jail would ruin their lives.
Interesting character... accepted! Wonder how far Steven will reach his goal of being chief 👍
I've added you to the member list, and will send you a friend request to invite you when a lobby opens.

This sounds like a lot of fun!

Out Of Character (OOC)
Name: Lars Petter
Age: 20
PSN: larsto33
Role Play experience: Done some on my own on GTA IV.

In Character (IC)

Name: Kyle Turner
Age: 27
Job/Career/Money Source: working as a golf pro at the Liberty city golf course.

Bio (description of your characters past, present, and future goals):Lone wolf who moved to Liberty City two years ago. Kyle is hiding a big secret. He is a seriallkiller. He moved to LC to start a New life, and to Control his need to kill.

Personality: Kyle is a very emotional person, and sometimes has problems controlling his temper.

Again - same with Ady607. Add detail, it's really dry.

Edit: Event Dates updated! Please look at the OP for the info, and reply if you will be able to attend - for priorities and whatnot :rolleyes:.
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