If that's afternoon time, I might be able to do a bit of it, if it's morning time, GTA HERE I COME
Yes - normal GTA IV.I'll drop by, I think. I can't promise it though. - Is this on "normal IV"?
PinkintronYes - normal GTA IV.
On that note, I shall probably start a lobby within the next hour and a half. Logging onto PSN now - if I don't have you already, be sure to add this username if you want an invite:
I'll try, but can't promise anything.. Guests, you know
PinkintronI think I already have you, no worries ^^
You do have me, you were one of those "I better keep this guy just in case" when I was cleaning up my friends list
Signing in now and accepting. 👍FR should be on it's way now 👍.
PinkintronHeh, well, I guess that case came in handy!
Hmm, a bit vague... but I guess I'll let you in since it may be probably the last event until GTA V.Application
Out Of Character (OOC)
Name: Mike
Age: 40
PSN: Milldrum
Role Play experience: I played Dungeons and Dragons 25 years ago and I pretend to care about work every day.
In Character (IC)
Name: Matt
Age: 21
Job/Career: Plumber and part time musician
Nicknames: Giggler, Ed and Fred
Personality: Fun loving guy with a drinking problem. The more I drink, the harder I fight. I am a petty criminal but do not want to hurt anybody. I love riding motorbikes but do not get enough time to.
Favorite joke: What's red and looks like a brick
Answer: A red brick (Followed by an infectious giggle)
OOC: Can I join please?
Room open - sending invites now.
May I join if everyone is still going?
Hmm, a bit vague... but I guess I'll let you in since it may be probably the last event until GTA V.
Just, work on your character's history a bit, mmk?
Room open - sending invites now.
I tried and you tried but I think my Internet and noob ness caused for me not to join. Thanks for trying. Enjoy your game.
Are we having another tonight or was that the last blast?
That's what she said.