Anybody for tonight ??
I'm willing to if other people are, but my Christmas break is nearly over so I'm not sure when I'll be free.
I will definitely want to RP on GTA V though. Hopefully I can pre-order it.
RP still active?
Im still up for it, but as you said, the more numbers the better as having 3 people got boring.
RP still active?
Uh, I'm not sure what you mean. All discussion goes here. So, post your app here? All In Character (IC) happens in a Playstation chat room that you will be invited too when the time of the event happens.Copy and paste on this page for OOC?
Since it's been a long while, and GTA V is just around the corner, we can just say that time is on pause in Liberty City. No need to create a new character for everyone when this may be the last event for GTA IV.Depending on a lot of things (Katie's Rallycross championship and my brother to mention a few) I might be up for something in the weekend, I haven't got a clue if I'd be using one of my 2 earlier or make a 3rd![]()
I think I'll need to go back and find my character thenno probs asking K.
Oh and, please, do NOT let this be like last time I was RPing, though I can live with the last part if you all get in the same car![]()
NOOOO not spamming KT
Last time ended in a ghetto-ish situation IIRC with 2 groups either not giving a f-word or trying to shoot down each other.
Whoop Ass sounds delicious, that's an energy drink I'd like to try(I know what you mean, just kidding of course)
I think I'll go with Vis the street racer just to have a character.
The part about the last part was ending an RP with an RPG, kinda![]()
Oh, that type of can
Don't worry about the endings, that's how it is when people have been too serious for too long, take the "car meets guy with RPG" as an example, it's just to have someas long as the rest is fine 👍
That poster with race/general party I hung at Mary's is still in account if we get to do another. Just for the sake of doing something we can all be part of![]()
As said earlier, I'm still up for this 👍.
Great! Accepted! *Adds you to members list*Out Of Character (OOC)
Name: Barry
Age: 28
Role Play experience: Currently an active member with the Sons of Chaos. Help where I
can when I run into others role-playing.
In Character (IC)
Name: Barry Escobar
Age: 28
Job/Career/Money Source: Weapons Dealer, GTA
Bio (description of your characters past, present, and future goals): Barry grew up in Vice City and grew a taste for music early on as a kid. However, after Barry's father was killed during a mass murder at the Malibu Club, Barry's mother had to move. Barry's
mother was a flight attendant which allowed Barry opportunities to travel. After a brief stint at Burger Shot, Barry finally got his first REAL job as a mechanic in Liberty City.
It was during this time that Barry started prospecting for an MC known as the SONS OF CHAOS. He put in his time and is now the current Treasurer for the club. He hopes to earn enough money buy a business in Los Santos and visit his mother there.
Personality: Friendly with mainly everyone except for rival MC'S. Prefers to speak with officers
before talking to an MC member he does not like.
im still interested in this.
also im not in members list?
A bit late to actually suggest this, but maybe if we ever do decide to come back to GTA IV after the release of V, or if any DLC comes out for V, we could have themed RP nights? For example, a TBOGT RP night, or TLAD RP night. Only suggesting this as I got EFLC for Christmas and I've been hooked on them. Of course, unfair for those who only have the original IV though.