[PS3]Grand Theft Auto V - Role Play Events

  • Thread starter Vince

I know he said that but i remember Pinkatron putting up days for events not to long ago and no one showed up i mean i could host the lobbys so we can get some RPs going im just saying
Out Of Character (OOC)
Name: Austin
Age: 16

PSN: Lil_Moto_21
Role Play experience: None

In Character (IC)

Name: Austin
Age: 21
Job/Career/Money Source: Undercover cop.
Bio (description of your characters past, present, and future goals): Austin grew up in a little family that never had money, he grew up having to be home schooled then later on went to real school and graduated high school and law school to be a cop. Austin was then able to be an undercover cop ( where he is now) and become known for a change. He never had friends and never was cared for and that’s his goal for the future. To be known as someone, to have a family, to have a good start with life. I like chicken nuggets.

Personality (Angry, depressed, obsessive, etc): Austin is very chill and fun to be around.
Vehicle: Surono Benefactor
Photograph (If available):

Later Today I would like to know if anyone is wanting to do some Roleplay Today. I will be hosting a lobby at 5:30 Central Time. I have been waiting so long to do another event so i will host one so please add me on PS3.
Do you all plan on expanding the RP events to the PS4 when GTA comes out? As of right now that's the only way I could join in the fun lol
Later Today I would like to know if anyone is wanting to do some Roleplay Today. I will be hosting a lobby at 5:30 Central Time. I have been waiting so long to do another event so i will host one so please add me on PS3.
Although I never gave you permission to host lobbies, feel free to do so anyway. It's late-October and the club should start to pick up again.

Do you all plan on expanding the RP events to the PS4 when GTA comes out? As of right now that's the only way I could join in the fun lol
I probably won't be buying a PS4, at least not for a long time.

I never really took this into consideration - I'm not sure if I should completely end the RP club since I won't be able to do anything without a PlayStation 4, or just host events on the PS3 I have. Either way, it's a issue that I need an answer for.
I probably won't be buying a PS4, at least not for a long time.

I never really took this into consideration - I'm not sure if I should completely end the RP club since I won't be able to do anything without a PlayStation 4, or just host events on the PS3 I have. Either way, it's a issue that I need an answer for.
If you would like I could start a PS4 chapter to the club, while you run the PS3 side. Also if you'd like for me to write up an application for this club first, I'd be more than happy to! :cheers:
I never really took this into consideration - I'm not sure if I should completely end the RP club since I won't be able to do anything without a PlayStation 4, or just host events on the PS3 I have. Either way, it's a issue that I need an answer for.

I'd continue it on the PS3. It's been confirmed that online characters aren't deleted from the PS3 version, just that stuff bought on the PS3 version after transfer won't carry over to the next gen version and vice versa.

After transferring your character to PS4, Xbox One or PC, you can continue playing with him/her on your PS3 or Xbox 360 but the progress you make while playing is not shared to the character you transferred to your new version.

If a lot of people were selling their PS3s then I'd say get someone to start a next-gen (preferably PC because Steam and Teamspeak) group, but idk.
I'd be sticking to PS3 as well because there's not enough games that I want on the PS4 yet for me to make the jump. Might as well make use of the free online gaming that the PS3 has.

Edit: Oops. I think we forgot to celebrate the RP's 1st year anniversary.
Although I never gave you permission to host lobbies, feel free to do so anyway. It's late-October and the club should start to pick up again.

I know I just have been wanting to RP again for awhile and I was just seeing who is even wanting to just to kinda get back into things, Plus no one even showed
You can remove me from the group Mr. Pinkintron. I've been inactive way too long. I apologize for that. I've been pretty busy with life now that school has started up again among other time consuming things, and I don't have as much time as I did in the summer.

Again, I apologize for this message being a couple months overdue. I might apply again sometime soon once I dust off GTA V. Until then, I'd be glad to give my spot to someone who deserves it. I'll be back.
Out Of Character (OOC)
Name: Jake Wilson
Age: 16
PSN: RacingAtHome
Role Play experience: Trucking on San Andreas PC

In Character (IC)

Name: Steve Schumacher
Age: 21
Job/Career/Money Source: Taxi driver by day, odd jobs by night.

Bio (description of your characters past, present, and future goals):
I failed at school. I mean really failed. The only thing I passed was English. This didn't allow me to get into college or anything. My parents were abusive. I decided against lots of alcohol as I knew I couldn't afford it on my own. I wanted to be a racer but due to my lack of funding and good education, I knew I couldn't do anything like that. Instead, I drive taxis ands buses during the day and try to find some work in the night. My jobs are rarely well paid unless it's a VIP taxi. If there was criminal activity to get money, I would probably do it.I currently live on Grove Street as that's all I can afford.

Personality (Angry, depressed, obsessive, etc): I tend to be very passive in what I do as I have such a low paid job and often get abusive customers. Fortunately, I can live through that much easier these days. I also now take drugs as they help with my abusive customers.
Vehicle: Bravado Buffalo
Photograph (If available):
Will be up when GTA Online is back on.

I like chicken nuggets but I prefer popcorn chicken. :P
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Silly, when you drop out of school you don't just give up, you become an incredibly dangerous sociopath and rob several banks!

I like the character, but the application is a little short. It's probably long enough, but his personality is pretty vague and the bio could be a little longer. Where does he live? Would he ever willingly engage in criminal activity to achieve his goals?

You're also missing a vital part of your application. Read through all the rules again and adjust your application accordingly.
Silly, when you drop out of school you don't just give up, you become an incredibly dangerous sociopath and rob several banks!

I like the character, but the application is a little short. It's probably long enough, but his personality is pretty vague and the bio could be a little longer. Where does he live? Would he ever willingly engage in criminal activity to achieve his goals?

You're also missing a vital part of your application. Read through all the rules again and adjust your application accordingly.

Excuse me, but could you take a look at my application as well? I applied during the break so I assume no one was able to see it or something along those those lines. I'm mainly curious to see if it's fine as it is or if it could use some adjustments.
Excuse me, but could you take a look at my application as well? I applied during the break so I assume no one was able to see it or something along those those lines. I'm mainly curious to see if it's fine as it is or if it could use some adjustments.

Your character looks great, actually! It's not up to me to accept, though, but I don't see anything wrong with it. I'm annoyed as well - I was thinking of setting up a character that drove a Fugitive as well and now it's going to be all silly. :P

On that note, I may be forced to get rid of Marcello. Honestly, his arc wasn't working out quite as well as I hoped, and as a character he was getting to be really rather overpowered and boring to RP - any conflict was really just resolved by either buying his way out or just using his ridiculous arsenal and garage. I won't bump him off just yet but I will get rid of him in the future; I did decide to design him such that he wouldn't be permanent when I first wrote his bio.
Your character looks great, actually! It's not up to me to accept, though, but I don't see anything wrong with it. I'm annoyed as well - I was thinking of setting up a character that drove a Fugitive as well and now it's going to be all silly. :P

On that note, I may be forced to get rid of Marcello. Honestly, his arc wasn't working out quite as well as I hoped, and as a character he was getting to be really rather overpowered and boring to RP - any conflict was really just resolved by either buying his way out or just using his ridiculous arsenal and garage. I won't bump him off just yet but I will get rid of him in the future; I did decide to design him such that he wouldn't be permanent when I first wrote his bio.

Thanks a bunch! :D Well why not make a character with the Fugitive and along the way they get an upgrade or even have to sell it for unspecified financial reasons

Aw that's a shame, sounds like Marcello is some equivalent to a mob boss that can do anything with his money and if necessary, make others say hello to his "little friend"
Thanks a bunch! :D Well why not make a character with the Fugitive and along the way they get an upgrade or even have to sell it for unspecified financial reasons

Aw that's a shame, sounds like Marcello is some equivalent to a mob boss that can do anything with his money and if necessary, make others say hello to his "little friend"

Yeah, I like him but again it's sorta too easy just to say 'Marcello does this thing because he's good'. He doesn't really have any flaws outside of a relatively justifiable ego and a lack of compassion which can be fun to RP for a while but once you've realized there's nowhere else to go outside of robbing larger and larger banks and/or annoying larger and larger organizations.
Oh man, it's a shame I'll be buying the PC version of GTA V Remastered whilst everyone seems to be buying the PS4 version... I'd love to be able to RP in first person :P
Oh man, it's a shame I'll be buying the PC version of GTA V Remastered whilst everyone seems to be buying the PS4 version... I'd love to be able to RP in first person :P

That would be sick to do the RP in First Person. That would make the RP like 100% Better.
Oh yeah. This exists.

I'm not even sure if I want to continue this. Why? Grand Theft Auto V for the PS4. I am very happy at the effort that @bscar27 has to continue the RP for the PS4 version, however, I will not be a part of it. I don't plan on purchasing a PS4 (at least any time soon), and I simply don't have the motivation to still handle the PS3 version of this RP club along with there being another one for the next gen console.

If anyone is willing to host small events for the people who will still own the PS3 version, go right ahead. However, please don't count on me to be nearly as dedicated (if at all) to this anymore. I may enjoy an RP every now and again, but I just don't want this game to feel like a part time job anymore.

Anyway, those are just my two cents. Feel free to do whatever you want to do with the PS4 version @bscar27 , and feel free to use the same format as I if so desired.
Members - just let me know if you'd like to still participate in bscar's version of the PS4 RP for his sake. I don't want him to create it to have no-one want to participate. I let this die and I don't want to poison his version either, so to say.
I won't be getting a PS4 unless some very good exclusives come out - I'll gladly stick to the PS3 version and host events when possible, though. Unless everyone drops out and/or sells their PS3, in which case :(
I won't be getting a PS4 unless some very good exclusives come out - I'll gladly stick to the PS3 version and host events when possible, though. Unless everyone drops out and/or sells their PS3, in which case :(
That would be very unfortunate if the PS3 lobbies were to die out, but I'd happily join the PS3 events if there's enough people who will keeping it and interested to RP
Out Of Character (OOC)
Role Play experience:
RP in GT5, GT6, and GTA IV. Serious RPer.

Oh, and I like chicken nuggets!

In Character (IC)

Jonathan "Jon" Blake Jr.
Age: 25
Job/Career/Money Source: currently unemployed, planning on working for Lester.
Bio (description of your characters past, present, and future goals):
Actually very intelligent, graduated from college with distinction. However, his older and younger sister are being stalked by two people. The police has been unsuccessful in finding them. He dropped out of grad school to hunt down those two people, and has been unsuccessful since. His main future goal is to find who is stalking them, pay for his younger sister's high school tuition, and to go back to grad school. He also has a great passion for racing, and he is very good at pursuit driving in his Asterope, which he chose because of its surprising top speed and handling capabilities.
Personality (Angry, depressed, obsessive, etc): Very calm and composed. When he's in a job, he is very tenacious.
Vehicle: Karin Asterope
Photograph (If available): Sorry, no picture :(
Edit: Oops. I think we forgot to celebrate the RP's 1st year anniversary.

Since We didn't do a RP on that day. I will be hosting a RP lobby today to celebrate the 1 Year Anniversary of this RP Group. If you are interested in joining and you are accepted in the RP and you are on the RP list or the Queue then you may join. I will be home around 6:00pm CDT
