[PS3]Grand Theft Auto V - Role Play Events

  • Thread starter Vince
Let's take a moment to thank @Snorevette for creating all of these lobbies when I cannot.

So, I'm still dealing with some members who appear inactive, as well as the inactive members who have been in the queue list. Taking a glance at the thread, I see everyone else has been pretty darn good so far.
I was thinking about hosting a quick lobby tomorrow, and/or on Friday.
Again, I'm still dealing with some seemingly inactive members and updating the OP list. Thank you all for being so patient - it means a lot. :)
Let's take a moment to thank @Snorevette for creating all of these lobbies when I cannot.

So, I'm still dealing with some members who appear inactive, as well as the inactive members who have been in the queue list. Taking a glance at the thread, I see everyone else has been pretty darn good so far.
I was thinking about hosting a quick lobby tomorrow, and/or on Friday.
Again, I'm still dealing with some seemingly inactive members and updating the OP list. Thank you all for being so patient - it means a lot. :)

It depends on what time the lobby starts tomorrow if I can make it because I go to school from 12:30-4:40 central time. The Character I have been using lately is the one I recently put up in the forum his name is Jason Roberts
If there were plans on a session tonight, theres a chance that it wont happen, I'm getting that rockstar games services are not available..
I've been inactive since school started. I haven't really had much time, and on top of that, I haven't gotten a single alert in the past month or two. I don't know what to say. I'll post an update tomorrow.
So, uh, I was talking with GT a few days ago and he suggested a break, especially since this is such a hectic time of year, so yeah, I thought I'd post the suggestion, not only as a suggestion but also to revive the thread.
Bad news - until I can get a TV or find a way to connect my PS3 to my laptop I can't use my PS3 and so by extension I can't host lobbies. I'll at least be back for December, though...
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I'm going to kickstart this again. The OP is updated, with two events added for this weekend.

A few people haven't checked in with me yet so I'll give them until this Sunday before they get removed for inactivity.

And just a quick check on people who are in the queue list. You'll be removed as well if you do not check in with me.
