[PS3]Grand Theft Auto V - Role Play Events

  • Thread starter Vince
I have a few things I want to address.

First off, I am tired of the constant refresh of characters. Make up a character and stick with that character. I refuse to change characters in the OP if they have only RPed them for not even two weeks. I would expect people to naturally know if they will enjoy their character or not, and constantly changing your character grinds some of the other people's RP experiences down as the character they were RPing with is no longer around. There are roughly three RP events a week (if people are online and people actually RP), and only having a character around for 3, 4, 5, 6 RP events is just... no. You don't do that. If you can't find a character that you can stick with for at a minimum of 8 RP events, I will remove you from the club.

I am also tired of the constant messages and text chats I receive every single time I turn my PS3 on. If there is an RP event, I will invite you do it. If there isn't, I won't! Sending me four messages and two damn chat invites is not okay. I won't say who does it - you know who you are. I will remove you from the group if you continue to do this. Even if you RP often and do it well, I will still remove you from not knowing how to check the OP. If I haven't updated it yet, be patient. If I have, wait until I invite you.

I will also be cracking down on the amount of out-of-character talk in the chat. Once someone begins RPing, that is when the RP starts. And when the RP starts, I want the OOC chat to simmer down. It doesn't have to stop completely, but it needs to get to a really low point. The use of parenthesis is highly recommended. Too much OOC chat when everyone is trying to RP is simply annoying. Annoying will get you kicked.

If you don't plan on actually RPing in the lobby, don't join. I know that sometimes I don't RP, but hey - since I'm the admin, I often times like to just sit back and watch everything from a distance. Just because I do that, doesn't mean you do it too. I want everyone to have a good, RP-filled time - not a mess of OOC chat and silence. We are all in this club to role play, so let's actually role play!

One more note - No more overly-wealthy characters. I'll be limiting on how many vehicles you can have, and how much power you can have person-wise. I know that some of you RP wealthy business men and such, but knowing you have an unlimited amount of resources is just a no-no. The OP states that you need to choose a vehicle or vehicles based on your characters wealthiness and background. I have seen a few instances where a lower-middle class character is driving around in a Comet? Priorities? Ehhhh no. I'll be setting a limit on the vehicles that characters own - four. Wealthy or not - sports cars or cheap compacts - this is the max amount of vehicles you can have. I want (if possible) a list of the vehicles your character owns. I'll be keeping an eye out on the gathered list and I will question those who are cruising around in a vehicle that simply doesn't match their character.

I think that covers it. Sorry if I'm being a bit of a jerk, but cracking down on all of these problems will make the club a lot better - I promise.

What I'll do now is a simple check up. I want every club member to check in with me, and tell me how they are doing. I will be doing occasional checks on every single club member to see what they have been up to. Not checking in with me will prove that you are not being active on the thread. Checking the thread is very important if you wish to still be in the club.
Feel free to suggest, support, or debate against any idea or rule. I'm open to suggestions to make the club a better place for everyone.

I will be doing one of these check ups now. They don't have to be detailed, but simply tell me what you want to do, what you will be doing, and other small bits from the RP. :)
Of course, you won't be affected if you are on a bit of a hiatus due to IRL things. I also apologize if there is a club member who is no longer in this club but got tagged due to some OP errors. Thanks guys! :cheers:


Aki Ishikawa

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I've been in a bit of a creative block for a while which is why I haven't been joining a few sessions recently. Also, I'm doing a work experience placement at my local car dealer so my activity is going to drop for a few weeks. Depending on that, and when I have several TV shows on, I can try to join sessions.

I can't really do RP sessions that go on into the night BST time due to having to get up early to go to work in the morning.
I am indeed on hiatus until further notice, things happened and I forgot to mention it. Plus I'm currently more of a side character, haven't done much that would cause someones RP experience to suffer, so yeah. I SHOULD be able to get back to it(or should I say start it) later in September (Though with Destiny coming out, it will be difficult. :P) But yeah. Hiatus for now
I think I'm going to have to throw in the towel anyway. Now that I'm working full-time I just don't have enough time during the week to join events, and my weekends are usually reserved for the road trip club or just kicking back with friends. I'd rather just do the odd fun role play with no real 'character' or anything with a close group of buddies. Adios, amigos. Thanks for everything you've done with this, @Pinkintron. 👍
I have a few things I want to address.

First off, I am tired of the constant refresh of characters. Make up a character and stick with that character. I refuse to change characters in the OP if they have only RPed them for not even two weeks. I would expect people to naturally know if they will enjoy their character or not, and constantly changing your character grinds some of the other people's RP experiences down as the character they were RPing with is no longer around. There are roughly three RP events a week (if people are online and people actually RP), and only having a character around for 3, 4, 5, 6 RP events is just... no. You don't do that. If you can't find a character that you can stick with for at a minimum of 8 RP events, I will remove you from the club.

I am also tired of the constant messages and text chats I receive every single time I turn my PS3 on. If there is an RP event, I will invite you do it. If there isn't, I won't! Sending me four messages and two damn chat invites is not okay. I won't say who does it - you know who you are. I will remove you from the group if you continue to do this. Even if you RP often and do it well, I will still remove you from not knowing how to check the OP. If I haven't updated it yet, be patient. If I have, wait until I invite you.

I will also be cracking down on the amount of out-of-character talk in the chat. Once someone begins RPing, that is when the RP starts. And when the RP starts, I want the OOC chat to simmer down. It doesn't have to stop completely, but it needs to get to a really low point. The use of parenthesis is highly recommended. Too much OOC chat when everyone is trying to RP is simply annoying. Annoying will get you kicked.

If you don't plan on actually RPing in the lobby, don't join. I know that sometimes I don't RP, but hey - since I'm the admin, I often times like to just sit back and watch everything from a distance. Just because I do that, doesn't mean you do it too. I want everyone to have a good, RP-filled time - not a mess of OOC chat and silence. We are all in this club to role play, so let's actually role play!

One more note - No more overly-wealthy characters. I'll be limiting on how many vehicles you can have, and how much power you can have person-wise. I know that some of you RP wealthy business men and such, but knowing you have an unlimited amount of resources is just a no-no. The OP states that you need to choose a vehicle or vehicles based on your characters wealthiness and background. I have seen a few instances where a lower-middle class character is driving around in a Comet? Priorities? Ehhhh no. I'll be setting a limit on the vehicles that characters own - four. Wealthy or not - sports cars or cheap compacts - this is the max amount of vehicles you can have. I want (if possible) a list of the vehicles your character owns. I'll be keeping an eye out on the gathered list and I will question those who are cruising around in a vehicle that simply doesn't match their character.

I think that covers it. Sorry if I'm being a bit of a jerk, but cracking down on all of these problems will make the club a lot better - I promise.

What I'll do now is a simple check up. I want every club member to check in with me, and tell me how they are doing. I will be doing occasional checks on every single club member to see what they have been up to. Not checking in with me will prove that you are not being active on the thread. Checking the thread is very important if you wish to still be in the club.
Feel free to suggest, support, or debate against any idea or rule. I'm open to suggestions to make the club a better place for everyone.

I will be doing one of these check ups now. They don't have to be detailed, but simply tell me what you want to do, what you will be doing, and other small bits from the RP. :)
Of course, you won't be affected if you are on a bit of a hiatus due to IRL things. I also apologize if there is a club member who is no longer in this club but got tagged due to some OP errors. Thanks guys! :cheers:

@Aki Ishikawa
You can take me off the list. I've been wanting to leave for the longest and I also got what I wanted from it anyway.
It's fine if some of you are on hiatus, but once those hiatuses get about a month long, I think it would be best to remove you from the group. There are still people waiting to join and I would love to give them a chance than have a handful of people who haven't been able to participate for a month or so.
I haven't had confirmation from Dom himself but he is rarely on GTA itself, let alone RP, so I think it is ok to remove him, especially as it gives someone else, as you say, a chance to participate. (Dom is imRioter)
I haven't had confirmation from Dom himself but he is rarely on GTA itself, let alone RP, so I think it is ok to remove him, especially as it gives someone else, as you say, a chance to participate. (Dom is imRioter)
Do you think Dom could tell me himself, or can I just have some proof of this? I'm not saying you're a liar or anything, I was just want that confirmation just to be 100% sure. I've removed people in the past only to have them come back at me saying "I didn't say to remove me, so who did?".
I have removed Aki Ishikawa and Katiegan upon request.
Please tell me if you are still interested in RPing. There is space for you, but I just want to make sure you're still around and willing to RP.
Do you think Dom could tell me himself, or can I just have some proof of this? I'm not saying you're a liar or anything, I was just want that confirmation just to be 100% sure. I've removed people in the past only to have them come back at me saying "I didn't say to remove me, so who did?".
I have removed Aki Ishikawa and Katiegan upon request.
Please tell me if you are still interested in RPing. There is space for you, but I just want to make sure you're still around and willing to RP.

Of course. I will however, warn you that it may take a while. Of course I could be wrong and he starts rping next session, I don't know.
I was on vacation.

However, I have entirely lost interest in GTA. I've considered selling it plenty of times. I'll try to give it a go and see if I can stay in the group. Also, I'm not sure how busy I'll be with school and sports; school starts tomorrow for me. I will try to join the next event if it works for my schedule. The events for me in the next couple weeks will determine my future in this club. If my activity is lacking, I'll give up my spot. 👍
Oops. I'm guilty of most of these new rules. Especially the overly wealthy part, with a total of 5 vehicles (a Thrust, an Exemplar, a Jester, a Cheetah and a (stolen) Z-type), though I do have a legitimate explanation for his wealth being the inheritance of a gigantic crime empire. I've been planning to get rid of him but it's looking like I'll have to do that sooner rather than later.

Unfortunately that'll mean I'll have to break another rule and switch characters - fortunately I already have another character in mind who will be both less wealthy and more interesting to RP as which will mean I'll be less likely to be dumb in the chat. If Pink doesn't want any more character switches I'll gladly stick with Marcello for the moment.

I'll say a few things about the RP myself, as a mod. First of all, it would be absolutely lovely to have another mod - I will be heading to university in less than a month and I'm unsure how much my ability to host lobbies is going to be affected. It may actually improve thanks to a brand new, stable connection, but most likely I'll be too busy studying to host lobbies a lot of the time. As it stands it's alright, but in the future it may not be.

On the same subject, it might be worthwhile getting a couple more moderators anyway and putting a priority-based rota in place to decide who hosts lobbies, with 1st priority hosting, 2nd priority hosting if 1st priority is gone, 3rd priority hosting if both are gone, etc. Then the priority would cycle so 1st priority goes to the back, 2nd priority becomes 1st, 3rd becomes 2nd etc. This would allow for much more consistent lobbies without confusion about who's hosting, and would mean there's less likely to be a situation where nobody could host.

Secondly, I just want to add another thing to the rules, if I may. You know the 'don't interact with people for no reason' rule? Yeah, that's gone out of the window, it seems. I know it can be boring if it's late and there aren't many people, but pay attention to the chat. If two characters are having a heartfelt discussion about a pet hamster recently found to be highly combustible, don't drive across the city just to butt in with an offer to rob a bank. I'm not saying random interactions can't or shouldn't happen - if you hear gunshots or a cry for help or even just see someone's cool car then by all means stop and chat (unless they're shooting the hamster murderer or discovering another burning hamster or chasing after the hamster murderers boss in the chat, then don't) but it's very annoying for other people if they suddenly have to cram you into their hamster vigilante scheme without their permission, then the hamster vigilante squad gets all crammed up with every character in the rp and yeah I've kinda lost track of where I was going with this. But don't interact with people unless they aren't doing much.

On that note, if you have to RP NPCs, do it yourself (unless anyone is willing and/or is RPing as the NPC type you require). The emergency services and taxis are all available on your phone and it really isn't too difficult to solo RP a police call. By all means, if you need someone to transport a vehicle alongside you, you can feel free to ask if anyone is available to help, but don't spam the chat with *Dials 911*.

Finally, whilst I disagree with the 'Don't come if you aren't going to RP' rule (The RP is interesting to watch and we rarely have full servers so I think people can stay), you should stay in your apartment. Crashing planes, causing shootouts etc. is very disruptive, but staying in your apartment and spectating via the TV is much better for the environment. Plus, you can explain your character watching TV much easier than your character colliding with a tree in a military cargo plane and miraculously surviving the gigantic fireball that follows to RP another day. At the very least, legally cruise around on land in a realistic vehicle for your character.

Phew. I think that's everything.
Oops. I'm guilty of most of these new rules. Especially the overly wealthy part, with a total of 5 vehicles (a Thrust, an Exemplar, a Jester, a Cheetah and a (stolen) Z-type), though I do have a legitimate explanation for his wealth being the inheritance of a gigantic crime empire. I've been planning to get rid of him but it's looking like I'll have to do that sooner rather than later.

Unfortunately that'll mean I'll have to break another rule and switch characters - fortunately I already have another character in mind who will be both less wealthy and more interesting to RP as which will mean I'll be less likely to be dumb in the chat. If Pink doesn't want any more character switches I'll gladly stick with Marcello for the moment.

I'll say a few things about the RP myself, as a mod. First of all, it would be absolutely lovely to have another mod - I will be heading to university in less than a month and I'm unsure how much my ability to host lobbies is going to be affected. It may actually improve thanks to a brand new, stable connection, but most likely I'll be too busy studying to host lobbies a lot of the time. As it stands it's alright, but in the future it may not be.

On the same subject, it might be worthwhile getting a couple more moderators anyway and putting a priority-based rota in place to decide who hosts lobbies, with 1st priority hosting, 2nd priority hosting if 1st priority is gone, 3rd priority hosting if both are gone, etc. Then the priority would cycle so 1st priority goes to the back, 2nd priority becomes 1st, 3rd becomes 2nd etc. This would allow for much more consistent lobbies without confusion about who's hosting, and would mean there's less likely to be a situation where nobody could host.

Secondly, I just want to add another thing to the rules, if I may. You know the 'don't interact with people for no reason' rule? Yeah, that's gone out of the window, it seems. I know it can be boring if it's late and there aren't many people, but pay attention to the chat. If two characters are having a heartfelt discussion about a pet hamster recently found to be highly combustible, don't drive across the city just to butt in with an offer to rob a bank. I'm not saying random interactions can't or shouldn't happen - if you hear gunshots or a cry for help or even just see someone's cool car then by all means stop and chat (unless they're shooting the hamster murderer or discovering another burning hamster or chasing after the hamster murderers boss in the chat, then don't) but it's very annoying for other people if they suddenly have to cram you into their hamster vigilante scheme without their permission, then the hamster vigilante squad gets all crammed up with every character in the rp and yeah I've kinda lost track of where I was going with this. But don't interact with people unless they aren't doing much.

On that note, if you have to RP NPCs, do it yourself (unless anyone is willing and/or is RPing as the NPC type you require). The emergency services and taxis are all available on your phone and it really isn't too difficult to solo RP a police call. By all means, if you need someone to transport a vehicle alongside you, you can feel free to ask if anyone is available to help, but don't spam the chat with *Dials 911*.

Finally, whilst I disagree with the 'Don't come if you aren't going to RP' rule (The RP is interesting to watch and we rarely have full servers so I think people can stay), you should stay in your apartment. Crashing planes, causing shootouts etc. is very disruptive, but staying in your apartment and spectating via the TV is much better for the environment. Plus, you can explain your character watching TV much easier than your character colliding with a tree in a military cargo plane and miraculously surviving the gigantic fireball that follows to RP another day. At the very least, legally cruise around on land in a realistic vehicle for your character.

Phew. I think that's everything.

I would like to reiterate. Don't drive over to other people for the sake of it. I thought just in case, and no names, anyone thinks doing this is good. Don't do it, it ruins the experience.
So, will I be able to change characters? If not, then its not a problem. I'll do a few more events with that character, and then switch in a few weeks. He can move back to Sweden later. ;)
I think I'm going to have to throw in the towel anyway. Now that I'm working full-time I just don't have enough time during the week to join events, and my weekends are usually reserved for the road trip club or just kicking back with friends. I'd rather just do the odd fun role play with no real 'character' or anything with a close group of buddies. Adios, amigos. Thanks for everything you've done with this, @Pinkintron. 👍

You can take me off the list. I've been wanting to leave for the longest and I also got what I wanted from it anyway.

This basically since school started I can't play during week days and I'm barely online during weekends so you can as well take me off the list.
Quick question, mic allowed?

Just wondering if it would be too much of a distraction.
In my experience, using a mic is allowed but it's probably not best to RP using it, and stick to the text chat. Simply because people might mute you, of find it hard to understand you. But using your mic to chat is fine I think, just be sensible (don't blare music down it etc)
In my experience, using a mic is allowed but it's probably not best to RP using it, and stick to the text chat. Simply because people might mute you, of find it hard to understand you. But using your mic to chat is fine I think, just be sensible (don't blare music down it etc)
Alright. Have a PS Pulse Elite, so I don't think comprehension will be a problem. My canadian accent is about as mild as Trevor's. Though, I guess that's coming from myself. :lol:
I have a few things I want to address.

First off, I am tired of the constant refresh of characters. Make up a character and stick with that character. I refuse to change characters in the OP if they have only RPed them for not even two weeks. I would expect people to naturally know if they will enjoy their character or not, and constantly changing your character grinds some of the other people's RP experiences down as the character they were RPing with is no longer around. There are roughly three RP events a week (if people are online and people actually RP), and only having a character around for 3, 4, 5, 6 RP events is just... no. You don't do that. If you can't find a character that you can stick with for at a minimum of 8 RP events, I will remove you from the club.

I am also tired of the constant messages and text chats I receive every single time I turn my PS3 on. If there is an RP event, I will invite you do it. If there isn't, I won't! Sending me four messages and two damn chat invites is not okay. I won't say who does it - you know who you are. I will remove you from the group if you continue to do this. Even if you RP often and do it well, I will still remove you from not knowing how to check the OP. If I haven't updated it yet, be patient. If I have, wait until I invite you.

I will also be cracking down on the amount of out-of-character talk in the chat. Once someone begins RPing, that is when the RP starts. And when the RP starts, I want the OOC chat to simmer down. It doesn't have to stop completely, but it needs to get to a really low point. The use of parenthesis is highly recommended. Too much OOC chat when everyone is trying to RP is simply annoying. Annoying will get you kicked.

If you don't plan on actually RPing in the lobby, don't join. I know that sometimes I don't RP, but hey - since I'm the admin, I often times like to just sit back and watch everything from a distance. Just because I do that, doesn't mean you do it too. I want everyone to have a good, RP-filled time - not a mess of OOC chat and silence. We are all in this club to role play, so let's actually role play!

One more note - No more overly-wealthy characters. I'll be limiting on how many vehicles you can have, and how much power you can have person-wise. I know that some of you RP wealthy business men and such, but knowing you have an unlimited amount of resources is just a no-no. The OP states that you need to choose a vehicle or vehicles based on your characters wealthiness and background. I have seen a few instances where a lower-middle class character is driving around in a Comet? Priorities? Ehhhh no. I'll be setting a limit on the vehicles that characters own - four. Wealthy or not - sports cars or cheap compacts - this is the max amount of vehicles you can have. I want (if possible) a list of the vehicles your character owns. I'll be keeping an eye out on the gathered list and I will question those who are cruising around in a vehicle that simply doesn't match their character.

I think that covers it. Sorry if I'm being a bit of a jerk, but cracking down on all of these problems will make the club a lot better - I promise.

What I'll do now is a simple check up. I want every club member to check in with me, and tell me how they are doing. I will be doing occasional checks on every single club member to see what they have been up to. Not checking in with me will prove that you are not being active on the thread. Checking the thread is very important if you wish to still be in the club.
Feel free to suggest, support, or debate against any idea or rule. I'm open to suggestions to make the club a better place for everyone.

I will be doing one of these check ups now. They don't have to be detailed, but simply tell me what you want to do, what you will be doing, and other small bits from the RP. :)
Of course, you won't be affected if you are on a bit of a hiatus due to IRL things. I also apologize if there is a club member who is no longer in this club but got tagged due to some OP errors. Thanks guys! :cheers:

Aki Ishikawa

We've already discussed this several pages back but I'm still struggling to find time to RP due to the sudden build-up of holiday school work recently which will put me out of action for a while. You did say you'd give me until October then you probably have to remove me though this is most likely going to happen anyway.

There's still quite a bit left in both Kenton and Kane's story which I probably can't finish for a while but I'm making plans for both of them, ready for my return, as we speak. I also have 3 completely new characters (one almost finished), each with completely different personalities (as if the differences between Kane and Kenton weren't enough...), in the works and I'll roll them out when they're ready and the opportunity in both time and RP story presents itself. If I end up getting removed, I'll probably continue with my current characters (as they still have a lot left in them) when I get back. But I'm really itching for some Kenton antics and weird dreams from Kane :P

Edit: Now I've woken up a bit, I can talk about the cars. Kane will most likely drive around in his white Elegy which has probably been seen by most members by now but may also use his Vacca, Carbonizzare and Surrano. Those should be okay for a race driver who earns a considerable amount of money.

As for Kenton, I need a bit more time to think. He may be a (mad) criminal who may have pulled off some heists in the past and takes money from the very people he killed but I'm still unsure. His Sabre is okay, but he also has several sedans eg. Oracle Gen II, Tailgater and Jackal. He also has a Baller which he uses to drive like an enormous cucumber on the road. Then there's the Zentorno ("Kane's" in the actual RP story as just plot fuel but I intended for Kenton to keep it - that sharp, angular styling really suits Kenton's pedestrian rampage) which would probably trigger anyone's alarm. I'll probably post his new garage later while I think it out.
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I aggree with most of the new rules, having some guy pull up in a million dollar supercar on the first session is abit silly, and again, the 4 car rule is good, dont have to keep up with who has what now etc. However, i can see the No constant character changes becoming an issue, yes not every session but for instance, my Character is/was a truck driver. However, theres not really much variety, i get a truck, a different trailer everyday and do a roadtrip... Gets quite repetitive, and quite frankly, no one cares... So we might want to sprice up the RP a bit and do something different.

Also, i like the rule about messages, if im not on GTA when the event is up, dont ask for an invite, kthx.
I've given it some thought, and I request to be removed from the list @Pinkintron. I've lost the inspiration to RP these days and I feel that I've gotten the maximum that I can out of it.
Out Of Character (OOC)

Name: Alex


PSN: TPDisney

Role Play experience: Mass Effect, RP Forums, ES:IV Oblivion, Fallout 3, Fallout New Vagas, Sims 2, Sims 3, GTA:LCS, GTA IV

In Character (IC)

Name: Alec Travellion

Age: 28

Job/Career/Money Source: Merryweather Corporate Sales Account Manager

Bio (description of your characters past, present, and future goals):

Alec (Born Alexander) was born in the city of Cambridge in the middle of the night after a Cesarean was suggested in an emergency from his mothers doctor. He was an only child and skipped through his first years of life without any problem. When he started secondary school he faced difficulties such as relatives dying and also going through the changes of puberty, towards the end of his time at high school he discovered that he was gay after an embarrassing situation at a house party involving him self and a girl in a friends bed. He felt embarrassed at first but soon grew to accept and love who he was and who he would become. When with his friends at school he was nicknamed 'Nugget' after only ever buying Chicken Nuggets at fast foodchains that they visited when they were out.

After doing an internship with a sales company he started working with the business full time in London and working his way up the corporate ladder with a software company which was eventually bought by Gruppe Sechs. After working under the new management of Gruppe Sechs, Alec decided to apply with Merryweather and into a department that he was familiar with, some of the members of his old team had already secured a place with them and he decided to follow suit, after his third attempt he was hired by Merryweather as a Junior Sales Account Executive. As soon as he was hired he moved from London to Los Santos for more opportunity. He currently lives in Chumash on the sea front looking out on to the Pacific. From moving there 3 years ago until this day he has been dealing with hundreds of people a year and ensuring that businesses and even individuals have appropriate security so they can sleep easy at night.

Alec plans to get married in the future, but having a string of unsuccessful relationships is giving him doubts, he’s just waiting for Mr Right to pop up and let the fireworks fly and let him have the dream he’s always wanted.

Personality (Angry, depressed, obsessive, etc): Alec is a kind and caring individual who always does what he can to help his friends in need. However he can only give people so many chances, once he’s had enough of someone he can cut them out his life with surprising ease.

Vehicle: Ubermacht Zion Cabrio

Photograph (If available):

(I hope this is correct! haha)
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I aggree with most of the new rules, having some guy pull up in a million dollar supercar on the first session is abit silly, and again, the 4 car rule is good, dont have to keep up with who has what now etc. However, i can see the No constant character changes becoming an issue, yes not every session but for instance, my Character is/was a truck driver. However, theres not really much variety, i get a truck, a different trailer everyday and do a roadtrip... Gets quite repetitive, and quite frankly, no one cares... So we might want to sprice up the RP a bit and do something different.

Also, i like the rule about messages, if im not on GTA when the event is up, dont ask for an invite, kthx.
The reason why I want people to cut back on the character changes is for the instances where they use their character to interact with people, only to drop the character suddenly. It cancels out any connection there ever was with the character interaction, and it makes people plan out character meets and whatnot all over again. It's fine if it doesn't work out on both ends, but if you start interacting with a lot of characters only to change your own, that's when it gets a bit annoying. :)

Out Of Character (OOC)

Name: Alex


PSN: TPDisney

Role Play experience: Mass Effect, RP Forums, ES:IV Oblivion, Fallout 3

In Character (IC)

Name: Alec Travellion

Age: 28

Job/Career/Money Source: Merryweather Corporate Sales Account Manager

Bio (description of your characters past, present, and future goals):

Alec (Born Alexander) was born in the city of Cambridge in the middle of the night after a Cesarean was suggested in an emergency from his mothers doctor. He was an only child and skipped through his first years of life without any problem. When he started secondary school he faced difficulties such as relatives dying and also going through the changes of puberty, towards the end of his time at high school he discovered that he was gay after an embarrassing situation at a house party involving him self and a girl in a friends bed. He felt embarrassed at first but soon grew to accept and love who he was and who he would become. When with his friends at school he was nicknamed 'Nugget' after only ever buying Chicken Nuggets at fast foodchains that they visited when they were out.

After doing an internship with a sales company he started working with the business full time in London and working his way up the corporate ladder with a software company which was eventually bought by Gruppe Sechs. After working under the new management of Gruppe Sechs, Alec decided to apply with Merryweather and into a department that he was familiar with, some of the members of his old team had already secured a place with them and he decided to follow suit, after his third attempt he was hired by Merryweather as a Junior Sales Account Executive. As soon as he was hired he moved from London to Los Santos for more opportunity. He currently lives in Chumash on the sea front looking out on to the Pacific. From moving there 3 years ago until this day he has been dealing with hundreds of people a year and ensuring that businesses and even individuals have appropriate security so they can sleep easy at night.

Alec plans to get married in the future, but having a string of unsuccessful relationships is giving him doubts, he’s just waiting for Mr Right to pop up and let the fireworks fly and let him have the dream he’s always wanted.

Personality (Angry, depressed, obsessive, etc): Alec is a kind and caring individual who always does what he can to help his friends in need. However he can only give people so many chances, once he’s had enough of someone he can cut them out his life with surprising ease.

Vehicle: Benefactor Dubsta

Photograph (If available): View attachment 213144

(I hope this is correct! haha)
Looking good! Accepted! You might have to be placed in the queue/waiting list though, as you might not be room for you quite yet. I will add you to my PSN when there is room.