[PS3]Grand Theft Auto V - Role Play Events

  • Thread starter Vince
I know the OP doesn't have a date for today, but would anyone like an event in the next thirty minutes? I would just make an impromptu one right now but there's only 3 other members online.
Vince, would you like me to open Events up too? Lately no Events have actually happened..
No thank you, I think I can get everything under control already. The reason why they haven't been happening is because of the lack of members being online due to school and whatnot. It's not so much me not being able to have a good, smooth time schedule anymore, especially now that Snorevette is helping me.
Henrik Koenisaab has decided to move back to Sweden, as he doesn't like it in Los Santos. He has sold his house to an unknown person, and his Primo to Tony Dreg. He's taking the first flight back today. But....

Name: Tony Dreg
Age: 27

Job/Career/Money Source:
FIB Agent, Paid Security

Bio (description of your characters past, present, and future goals):

Tony was born in Ludendorf, North Yankton. He grew up and always wanted to be in the FIB. He like the idea of investigation and stopping crime, and always like the siren.

His family was pretty average. His mom stayed at home and took care of him, while his dad worked 40-50 hours a week. He was an only child. His dad drove his Ubermacht Oracle, while his mom loved her Dundreary Regina.

Tony was never the smartest kid growing up in school, but he had one goal, to go to the police academy out of high school. So, he did just that at 18.

He ended up passing, and joined the Ludendorf police force at 19. He moved out of the house, and bought one not far from where he grew up. For several years, he was an officer there. Got some experience that he needed to join the FIB. So when he was 25, he applied for the job as an FIB Agent. He passed the requirements, and was accepted.

He sold the house in Ludendorf, and moved to Los Santos, where the headquarters are. He lives in a decent house in Paleto, but thinks of moving somewhere closer. He doesn't like the long drive.

He did a lot more paperwork and had a desk job, which wasn't what he expected. He still got a car, an undercover FIB Buffalo. He somewhat got bored of part of his dream job, just because of all the time he spends in the office and doing paperwork, so he started his own Private Security Company at 26, Dreg Security LLC. He is looking for some people to employ.

And that catches up to now.
Note: He wasn't apart of the police force during the Ludendorf robbery by Michael Townley, Trevor Philips, and Brad Snider.
Personality (Angry, depressed, obsessive, etc): Most of the time, he's a happy guy. He doesn't like to sit around, but rather likes to do things.

White Buffalo with Cop Horn for a Siren(On Duty) Albany Primo and Albany Washington(Off Duty)
I am unexpectedly going to be leaving out of town today - I cannot host the event. I'll be sure to update the events list when I can, but I simply can't host today.

By the way, I don't like my characters Bio etc. Please may I change it please?
(I didn't follow the job and always getting distracted with other things)
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This is a DDOS attack by a 3rd party on the PSN servers, Rockstar isn't even relevant here...

I can get on PSN and GTA Online just fine, but literally nobody else is on though so I'll give it an hour until the event is called off.

I was joking...

I can't even get on PSN. And its not my internet, I did the check, and it said PSN failed.