[PS3]Grand Theft Auto V - Role Play Events

  • Thread starter Vince
Looking good! Accepted! You might have to be placed in the queue/waiting list though, as you might not be room for you quite yet. I will add you to my PSN when there is room.

Aweseome stuff! Also I have a question, how often can you change your car, realistically? Like after a month or a 2 weeks? :)
I have a few things I want to address.

First off, I am tired of the constant refresh of characters. Make up a character and stick with that character. I refuse to change characters in the OP if they have only RPed them for not even two weeks. I would expect people to naturally know if they will enjoy their character or not, and constantly changing your character grinds some of the other people's RP experiences down as the character they were RPing with is no longer around. There are roughly three RP events a week (if people are online and people actually RP), and only having a character around for 3, 4, 5, 6 RP events is just... no. You don't do that. If you can't find a character that you can stick with for at a minimum of 8 RP events, I will remove you from the club.

I am also tired of the constant messages and text chats I receive every single time I turn my PS3 on. If there is an RP event, I will invite you do it. If there isn't, I won't! Sending me four messages and two damn chat invites is not okay. I won't say who does it - you know who you are. I will remove you from the group if you continue to do this. Even if you RP often and do it well, I will still remove you from not knowing how to check the OP. If I haven't updated it yet, be patient. If I have, wait until I invite you.

I will also be cracking down on the amount of out-of-character talk in the chat. Once someone begins RPing, that is when the RP starts. And when the RP starts, I want the OOC chat to simmer down. It doesn't have to stop completely, but it needs to get to a really low point. The use of parenthesis is highly recommended. Too much OOC chat when everyone is trying to RP is simply annoying. Annoying will get you kicked.

If you don't plan on actually RPing in the lobby, don't join. I know that sometimes I don't RP, but hey - since I'm the admin, I often times like to just sit back and watch everything from a distance. Just because I do that, doesn't mean you do it too. I want everyone to have a good, RP-filled time - not a mess of OOC chat and silence. We are all in this club to role play, so let's actually role play!

One more note - No more overly-wealthy characters. I'll be limiting on how many vehicles you can have, and how much power you can have person-wise. I know that some of you RP wealthy business men and such, but knowing you have an unlimited amount of resources is just a no-no. The OP states that you need to choose a vehicle or vehicles based on your characters wealthiness and background. I have seen a few instances where a lower-middle class character is driving around in a Comet? Priorities? Ehhhh no. I'll be setting a limit on the vehicles that characters own - four. Wealthy or not - sports cars or cheap compacts - this is the max amount of vehicles you can have. I want (if possible) a list of the vehicles your character owns. I'll be keeping an eye out on the gathered list and I will question those who are cruising around in a vehicle that simply doesn't match their character.

I think that covers it. Sorry if I'm being a bit of a jerk, but cracking down on all of these problems will make the club a lot better - I promise.

What I'll do now is a simple check up. I want every club member to check in with me, and tell me how they are doing. I will be doing occasional checks on every single club member to see what they have been up to. Not checking in with me will prove that you are not being active on the thread. Checking the thread is very important if you wish to still be in the club.
Feel free to suggest, support, or debate against any idea or rule. I'm open to suggestions to make the club a better place for everyone.

I will be doing one of these check ups now. They don't have to be detailed, but simply tell me what you want to do, what you will be doing, and other small bits from the RP. :)
Of course, you won't be affected if you are on a bit of a hiatus due to IRL things. I also apologize if there is a club member who is no longer in this club but got tagged due to some OP errors. Thanks guys! :cheers:

Aki Ishikawa


I go to school from 12:30-4:40 Central time so I won't be able to make the week day RP's so please don't kick me
The reason why I want people to cut back on the character changes is for the instances where they use their character to interact with people, only to drop the character suddenly. It cancels out any connection there ever was with the character interaction, and it makes people plan out character meets and whatnot all over again. It's fine if it doesn't work out on both ends, but if you start interacting with a lot of characters only to change your own, that's when it gets a bit annoying. :)

Fair enough, i can sometimes lose track on whos doing what with all these changes, and like you said, when it gets changed to fit into someone elses story.
i have been meaning to put up the character i have been using for the last 4 RP's i just havent had a chance but i will post it when i can im not home right now so i will do it when i get home
I have been using this character for the last 4 RP's never had time to post it Pinkintron.

Out Of Character (OOC)

Name: Chandler
Age: 17
Role Play experience: Only in this RP club.

In Character (IC)

Name: Jason Roberts
Age: 23
Job/Career/Money Source:
Mechanic, Underground Street Racer, Is willing to just about do anything to get money.

My Characters Bio:
Jason was just a regular white boy born and raised in Austin, Texas. Jason's mom was killed in a car accident when he was 2 years old, so his dad raised him by himself. Jason's dad (John) is very active and outgoing. His dad was a retired professional motocross racer and in his spare time he always took part in illegal street racing. Jason got his first dirt bike at the age of 4 and ever since then he has been attached to dirt bikes and fast cars. When Jason turned 16, his dad got an offer to work for the local mod shop LS Customs in Los Santos, San Andreas so Jason and his dad moved to the city. When they got to Los Santos, they were surprised on how big the street racing community was around there and how little motocross was.

Jason was home-schooled the first year in Los Santos, and in the meantime his father started to work at the local LS Customs. But one day Jason went down to Cluckin' Bell to get some Chicken Nuggets (One of his favorite fast food places to eat in Los Santos) for him and his dad for lunch. When he came home, he saw his dad dead on the floor of their house. The local gang had robbed Jason's house while his dad was in the home and they shot him right in the head and took almost everything. After Jason's dad's, passing he took his dads position at the local Mod Shop. When he got enough cash he started building his dad's project car and he has modded it up to the max and after that he started making a lot of money from street racing and car shows that he enter the car into and he still drives that car today. He was offered an amazing price on a Invetero Conquette so he bought that and modded it up with the extra cash he got from his dads passing. Jason drives his truck most of the time when he isnt Street Racing.

Cars & Trucks:

Looking for Some
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Yeah I just thought it would be intertwinable with other games and use previous characters if possible. No complaints, just curious!
We haven't had an RP event in a while - would anyone be up for an event on Sunday?

Another note that I forgot to mention - I'll be going away to Italy for a week in a very short while, and then I'll have maybe a week at most of free time before I have to prepare for moving (so I'll be packing the PS3 up anyway). I'll try and get it set up ASAP but if there are any complications I'll let you guys know. Until then, expect a definite dry spell.
We haven't had an RP event in a while - would anyone be up for an event on Sunday?

Another note that I forgot to mention - I'll be going away to Italy for a week in a very short while, and then I'll have maybe a week at most of free time before I have to prepare for moving (so I'll be packing the PS3 up anyway). I'll try and get it set up ASAP but if there are any complications I'll let you guys know. Until then, expect a definite dry spell.

I'm up for it, as long as there'll be more then 4 or 5 people.
Apologies if I've basically disappeared, work has taken a turn for the worst,(due to a certain manager I really dislike) So it probably won't be for a while until I get back online again, so it's best for someone else to take my place.
Greatest RP event EVARR! & Ewan, do you still hate me for blowing up your firetruck? :D

Yes. :grumpy:

But that, obviously, wasn't an official RP event. If anyone wants an actual RP event today then reply. If it DOES happen I'll make a room, if not then I won't. Or I'll make a dedicated 'mess around' room and invite everyone.

What happened on the lobby? I'm really curious to what happened.

The event didn't have many people, so we decided to do a photo cruise. And then things got out of hand and it was beyond saving after people DID join, hence why we'll have an actual RP event today.
Yes. :grumpy:

But that, obviously, wasn't an official RP event. If anyone wants an actual RP event today then reply. If it DOES happen I'll make a room, if not then I won't. Or I'll make a dedicated 'mess around' room and invite everyone.

The event didn't have many people, so we decided to do a photo cruise. And then things got out of hand and it was beyond saving after people DID join, hence why we'll have an actual RP event today.

I could depending on the time.

The best part was ramming your hearse.

I didn't know what was going on until I turned voice chat to everyone.
Yes. :grumpy:

But that, obviously, wasn't an official RP event. If anyone wants an actual RP event today then reply. If it DOES happen I'll make a room, if not then I won't. Or I'll make a dedicated 'mess around' room and invite everyone.

The event didn't have many people, so we decided to do a photo cruise. And then things got out of hand and it was beyond saving after people DID join, hence why we'll have an actual RP event today.
I'll join :D & our new sport doe...
Yes. :grumpy:

But that, obviously, wasn't an official RP event. If anyone wants an

The event didn't have many people, so we decided to do a photo cruise. And then things got out of hand and it was beyond saving after people DID join, hence why we'll have an actual RP event today

I want to RP TODAY