(PS4) Grand Theft Auto V - Roleplay Events

  • Thread starter bscar27
Out Of Character (OOC)
Name: yousaf
Age: 15
PSN: ToXiccViperz
Role Play experience: other gta v servers

In Character (IC)

Name: David Johnson
Age: 21
Job/Career/Money Source: Street Racing
Bio (description of your characters past, present, and future goals): kill the street racers that killed his mother and father
Personality (Angry, depressed, obsessive, etc): chill, relaxed
Vehicle: Dodge Charger
Photograph (If available):
Welcome to the PS4 Grand Theft Auto V Roleplay club thread! Thanks for stopping by and I hope you find what our club has to offer most convienent and enjoyable! To make the transition from PS3 to PS4 as seamless as possible, I will be using the identical format as the previous club unless certain things would like to be changed by popular demand.

Note: Please note that that the game is rated M for Mature, so if you are under 17 please know that this role play WILL involve drugs, prostitution, shootouts, and other vulgar types. This, however, does not mean you cannot play if you are under 17, but you have been warned, and prepare to most likely get offended in one way or another.

This section is where events are dated. Any events planned will be posted here on either Sunday night or Monday afternoon. Check on this around once a week to see if you can be available during a dated event. I schedule events based on my calendar. If there is something in the way, I'm not going to put Grand Theft Auto first. i.e. "I have an appointment at 2:00, so I'll bump the event an hour."
Also note that the events don't start at exactly at the time listed. Normally, there is a 30 minute window between the times. I will add you as a friend on PlayStation Network and invite you to a chat room when I myself opens a lobby. Again, when I eventually get some moderators, they can host official groups. Myself or a moderator will then let everyone know in the chat room when the event begins, normally after about 15 minutes of setting up the lobby.

Any lobbies hosted without a moderator in them is considered not valid, as I wish to let each character grow as a club instead of having club members host lobbies and me not hearing about what occurred in said event.

You do not need a microphone to play. We use the PSN chat room for In Character (IC) and Out Of Character (OOC) chat. Though it is not necessary, you may find it easier to put [OOC] or something alike before your message. In character, when interacting and conversing with another player, let them know you are talking/interacting with them. If not, they probably won't recognize you.


bscar27 - Kurt Owens
Volchelkin - Craig Murray
The Bloodmine - Pagan Patel
See post #104 on page 4 for any accepted members that have applied later than 2/19/2015


1.) Don't 'stalk' other players.

Sometimes the roleplay gets a little damp, which requires you to get into some unlikely social actions. However, refrain for getting carried away from whom you talk to. As in, don't get in a group of 10 people all deciding to walk on the docks at the same time, and coincidentally 'bump' into each other. it is not realistic and annoying.
If you notice someone in a certain area by themselves or two, you can come up with some scenario to get interactive, but don't be a pest.

2.) No extreme killing sprees.

As exciting it may seem to you, it can easily ruin the role play experience. You can have shootouts with police, but it isn't logical to stand in the middle of a boardwalk and blast everyone with an RPG.

3.) No Extreme weapons for your character.

Self explanatory. I'll see how far the gun limitations are, but in the mean time - don't make your character have an RPG, minigun, and whatever else. I think walking around with a 12-gauge shotgun, and pistol, and a Uzi is unrealistic and extreme already.

4.) Don't drive unrealistic cars for yourself.
This one is pretty much self explanatory as well. A dead-beat drug dealer doesn't drive a Comet. It just doesn't happen.

5.) Once in a while, stop for a red light, or get some gas at the gas station.
It really bugs me when someone is constantly weaving in and out of traffic and running red lights. If it's a street race, it's acceptable. But just flooring it to save time or whatever get annoying, especially if you crash your car and just go get it fixed immediately. Also, to make sure you have read the rules, put "I like chicken nuggets" somewhere in your application.

6.) Don't kill anyone without their consent.
Self exploratory. Don't go around killing someone unless they say it is alright. Also, do not do anything to other member's cars unless they say it is alright as well.

7.) Don't fix cars like magic.
If you get into a car accident, don't drive over to a LSC and get your vehicle repaired instantly. Give it some time, like a real accident, and leave your car there for a few days, or however long you think your car damage can be fixed.

8.) Have common sense.

I can list rules forever, but most of them are common sense. I don't believe I have to post every little thing down, but that doesn't excuse you to act stupidly and say "It isn't in the rules!" Please, please, please! For the sake of the game, be far to everyone.

9.) Don't be absent.

I try too keep this as active as possible. When a member of the club is absent for an extended amount of time without notice, I am highly likely to remove them from the club and allow someone new to take their place. If you do not join a single event in a period of three weeks without notifying me, you will be removed. If you do notify me, then you will not be effected.


Please fill as most as you comfortably can. It will not only be easier to keep track of things, but also it makes me trust you more. If you are looking for help when making a character, check out this site. This will give you plenty of information on how you can build your character.

Out Of Character (OOC)
Role Play experience:

In Character (IC)

Job/Career/Money Source:
Bio (description of your characters past, present, and future goals):
Personality (Angry, depressed, obsessive, etc):
Photograph (If available):

If you have any questions, suggestions, complaints, comments, or concerns, please message me.

Rhys= name
Rp=Loads on gta 4


Name: John Dixon
Age : 26
Job : runs a motorcycle club , recruiting any bikers that want to kick some ass
Bio: John was abandoned as at the age of 2months and was rescued by a member of the lost known as terry. Terry was a respected member of the lost and a lot of people didn’t agree with terry on bringing John in but people understood his reason.John was trained by all of the members of the club in cracking safes , riding bikes , shooting guns and most importantly learning respect , by the time John was 11 he was respected by all of the lost members and was certified as a lost member. Terry was getting old and helpless and John had a feeling that he would only have a few years to live. By the time he was 16 Terry died of brain cancer. John was destroyed by what had happened and only a few days later the police came in and killed most of the members apart from one which helped John escape. He fled the city of Los Santos and went to live in sandy shores he has made a name for himself as he has recruited some of the most iconic men and women at his biker club he has continued his life to this day as the most well known biker of sandy shores and the most notorious biker club.

Personality: he is a helpful man that will never turn down a job that someone needs doing , he despises cops and will never resist the temptation of abusing an officer that likes to give him a hard time , all in all he is a well respected man and people get along with him if you give him a reason to help you he can’t resist anything

Vehicle: lcc avarius
Out Of Character (OOC)

Name: Oskar
Age: 20
PSN: liverpool1238
Role Play experience: GTA 4

In Character (IC)

Name: Kash Leroy Johnson
Age: 19
Job/Career/Money Source: Drug trafficking, Gun trafficking, Gang-member, Money laundring, Robbery
Bio (description of your characters past, present, and future goals): Kash is a 19 years old african-american guy who has always lived the life of a gang-member and he is/wants to be a blood. Many of his friends tried to get out of the ghetto, but Kash and many other gang-member friend thought it was cool and wanted to be drug-barons. Kash sold drugs since he was 12 and his father was a blood and his mom is a drug-addict. Kash saw his father kill somebody when Kash was 5 years old. His father died in a shootout one year after. Kash hopes to earn much money in his way of life that he can start earning legal money in the future too
Personality (Angry, depressed, obsessive, etc): He smokes weed and trying a lot of drugs, so he's laidback. He got anger issues and thats why he always starts fights
Vehicle: Black Primo with cool rims
Out Of Character (OOC)
Name: Austin Perry
PSN: xXAsdf_AsdfXx
Role Play experience: A little

In Character (IC)

Name: Alexander Webb
Age: 35
Job/Career/Money Source: Uber
Bio (description of your characters past, present, and future goals): Born in Liberty City and moved to Los Santos when 21. March 14, 1982. Stubble or No Beard. Very bushy, curly hair. Height is 6' 2". Mom and Dad never got along and Samuel never really liked his Dad. Parents never got remarried and they became addicted of drugs and alcohol and never kept custody of him. Had an older sister that left as he entered middle school and didn't have an older figure to look up to. Since he had such a bad childhood, he doesn't want people to fall into the trap of him or his parents. Raised by his crazy aunt Cheryl, until he moved to Los Santos. Likes anyone except when provoked. Likes any to all music. He's a really okay guy. Doesn't have an intention to be bad but wants to do good. He's the type of guy that you see sitting on his porch drinking a beer or hanging out with his friends or the man driving around to help out. He probably the person you rely on with anything you trust and he can trust you too. Tried to stay away from drugs, cigarettes, or anything bad except for the occasional beer or two.
Vehicle: Cavalcade


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Out Of Character (OOC)
Name:Brian Murzinski
Role Play experience:6 months

In Character (IC)

Name:David Murphy
Job/Career/Money Source:Drug Dealer
Bio (description of your characters past, present, and future goals):Parents left him at the age of 14 and his only way to get money is to drug deal.Drug deals to this day
Personality (Angry, depressed, obsessive, etc):Angry
Out Of Character (OOC)
Name:Brian Murzinski
Role Play experience:6 months

In Character (IC)

Name:David Murphy
Job/Career/Money Source:Drug Dealer
Bio (description of your characters past, present, and future goals):Parents left him at the age of 14 and his only way to get money is to drug deal.Drug deals to this day
Personality (Angry, depressed, obsessive, etc):Angry
Out Of Character (OOC)
Name: Dusty
Age: 16
PSN: Left_Behind417
Role Play experience: 3 months

In Character (IC)

Name: Dusty
Age: 23
Job/Career/Money Source: Vehicle Mechanic
Bio (description of your characters past, present, and future goals): single child with rich parents, parents were murdered and left everything to him. Became notorious for his driving ability, enjoys drifting constantly. Loves chicken Nuggets
Personality (Angry, depressed, obsessive, etc): quiet and likes to be in the company of females mainly.
Vehicle: Sultan
Out Of Character (OOC)
Role Play experience:None

In Character (IC)

Name:Alex pooch
Job/Career/Money Source:Pooch Repairs
Bio (description of your characters past, present, and future goals):His parents and friends both worked in the military so he joined then a few years later his parents died so he left to become a business owner and also started his own company called Pooch Repairs (P&R)
Personality (Angry, depressed, obsessive, etc):jumpy (due to being in the military), obsessive, kind
Vehicle: vacca, Company lorry (Pooch&Repairs,Business)
Photograph (If available):
Out Of Character (OOC)
Name: Holden
Age: 13
PSN: tshulkgaming
Role Play experience: 6 months

In Character (IC)

Name: Jessica Rose
Age: 35
Job/Career/Money Source: Military/ Merryweather
Bio (description of your characters past, present, and future goals): Jessica Rose was always inspired by her Military parents, she thinks now is the right time to join Merryweather and The Military.
Personality (Angry, depressed, obsessive, etc): Desperate, Determinated, Enthusiastic, and easily angered.
Vehicle: Fusilad and Ruffian.
Out Of Character (OOC)
Name: Hayden
PSN: MyPetMexicans_26
Role Play experience: 2 years

In Character (IC)

Name: Josh Foreman
Age: 21
Job/Career/Money Source: Drug Lord
Bio (description of your characters past, present, and future goals): Real Estate agent
Personality (Angry, depressed, obsessive, etc): fat, angry
Vehicle: motorcycle
Out Of Character (OOC)
Name: Magnus
Role Play experience:gta 5 PS3

In Character (IC)

Name: Magnus
Job/Career/Money Source: boss of bank
Bio (description of your characters past, present, and future goals): earn money
Personality (Angry, depressed, obsessive, etc):gready
Vehicle: baller LWB
Photograph (If available):
Out Of Character (OOC)
Jordan Kovacs
Age: 14
PSN: CoolMonkey130
Role Play experience: Experienced

In Character (IC)

David Santiago
Age: 25 (DOB: May 23 1987)
Job/Career/Money Source: Detective
Bio: David was born May 23 1987 in Ontario, Canada. He is a smart kid during school but did not get good grades because he lacked in certain subjects that he wasn't interested in. He participated most of the time in his gym classes unless he got injured. he graduated top of his class in English, Phys Ed, and Geography. His father wanted him to follow his footsteps by joining the army. When he graduated High School, he joined the US Army. He was deployed in Iraq to fight in the Iraq War. During a raid, he was shot in the arm and could not operate a weapon and was sent home with an honorable discharge. After he recovered from his injury, he moved to Los Santos and went to Cadet School. During school, his father was Killed in Action during a raid led by the enemy. he fell into deep depression and started to lack in school. When he was deployed after he finished Cadet School with his partner Officer Polanski, He received a call about a Stick Up in Paleto Bay. He arrived after the robbers left the bank, he went to the next area where the robbers were spotted. He arrested one of the robbers known as Norm Richards. He was congratulated when he went back to his precinct and was promoted to Detective. He is now investigating crimes around Los Santos and looking for clues of the other 3 perps that were involved with the heist.


Phys Ed
Iraq War
Cadet School
Police Officer
Paleto Bay Heist


May still be depressed about the death of his father. Needs to be watched on all cases that he works on.

Vehicle: Black Buffalo