(PS4) Grand Theft Auto V - Roleplay Events

  • Thread starter bscar27
Exp: Done a little rp

Name:Bill Nye
Age: 22
Job/Career/Money: Scientist
Grad from Harvard, Currently scientist, Wants to be millionaire.
Personality:Varies from time and situation
Out Of Character (OOC)
Name: Chris Tyson
Age: 25
PSN: TysonC91
Role Play experience: RP'd mainly on PC over the past few years on the likes of WoW, SWTOR and ESO and have now turned my attention to PS4 and GTA

In Character (IC)

Name: Akeela Galaar
Age: 25
Job/Career/Money Source: Akeela highlights in the LSPD as a Seargant, working the hard streets of Los Santos. He has a very promising career and often takes on the odd private detective jobs on the side.

Behind the scenes he makes the majority of his cash by providing information and locations for street racing events for the right price and ensuring they don't get interrupted where he can.

Bio (description of your characters past, present, and future goals): Born and raised in South Africa for the most part of his younger life, this is where he acquired his unusual name.

At the age of 17 he moved to Los Santos where he joined the LSPD training academy. After graduating he soon took to the role and learnt the ropes from his mentor and partner, who was killed in a drug bust. As such he is against drugs and cartels and often goes out of his way to Perdue any leads that could run up to an arrest and drug bust.

Personality (Angry, depressed, obsessive, etc): Akeela is a chilled out and fun loving loving guy. He is passionate about cars and spends a lot of his time and money investing in vehicles and upgrading them.

He does have a bad temper at times but only when pushed.

Vehicle: Importe Dukes and a Sultan RS

Photograph (If available): N/A

I like chicken nuggets
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Out Of Character (OOC)
Name: Chris Tyson
Age: 25
PSN: TysonC91
Role Play experience: RP'd mainly on PC over the past few years on the likes of WoW, SWTOR and ESO and have now turned my attention to PS4 and GTA

In Character (IC)

Name: Akeela Galaar
Age: 25
Job/Career/Money Source: Akeela highlights in the LSPD as a Seargant, working the hard streets of Los Santos. He has a very promising career and often takes on the odd private detective jobs on the side.

Behind the scenes he makes the majority of his cash by providing information and locations for street racing events for the right price and ensuring they don't get interrupted where he can.

Bio (description of your characters past, present, and future goals): Born and raised in South Africa for the most part of his younger life, this is where he acquired his unusual name.

At the age of 17 he moved to Los Santos where he joined the LSPD training academy. After graduating he soon took to the role and learnt the ropes from his mentor and partner, who was killed in a drug bust. As such he is against drugs and cartels and often goes out of his way to Perdue any leads that could run up to an arrest and drug bust.

Personality (Angry, depressed, obsessive, etc): Akeela is a chilled out and fun loving loving guy. He is passionate about cars and spends a lot of his time and money investing in vehicles and upgrading them.

He does have a bad temper at times but only when pushed.

Vehicle: Importe Dukes and a Sultan RS

Photograph (If available): N/A
So I'm not entirely sure this is where I post this, but i couldn't find anywhere else to post it. Hope to hear back soon if the community is still going?
NAME: German
Age: 17
PSN: I_CubanGuy_317_i
Role play experience: very little

Name: Antonio
Job/Career/Money Source: import cars mechanic own a little shop by chamberlain hills// street racer
Bio: Born in Italy and moved to United States when I was 6 years old love Italian fashion and beer my future goal is to become a professional drag racer
Percosnlity: thought and serious will do anything for his friends except that it puts his cars in danger.
Vehicle: japanes imported Karin sultan custom
Photo: don't have one
NAME: German
Age: 17
PSN: I_CubanGuy_317_i
Role play experience: very little

Name: Antonio
Age: 24
Job/Career/Money Source: import cars mechanic own a little shop by chamberlain hills// street racer
Bio: Born in Italy and moved to United States when I was 6 years old love Italian fashion and beer my future goal is to become a professional drag racer
Percosnlity: thought and serious will do anything for his friends except that it puts his cars in danger.
Vehicle: japanes imported Karin sultan custom
Photo: don't have one
Out Of Character (OOC)
Name: Cameron
Role Play experience: None I've been watching some on twitch

In Character (IC)

Name:Mickey Strictlen
Job/Career/Money Source: police officer

Bio (description of your characters past, present, and future goals): Mickey was a frail child and was often abuse by a bully. So he set his mind to take down criminals. He is currently a strict cop that not much people like. He also likes chicken nuggets. He wants to continue his current career and be as strict as possible

Personality (Angry, depressed, obsessive, etc):Mickey is strict and won't but up with you crap.
Vehicle: A police cruiser or a under cover buffalo
I'm pretty sure this club has been dead for over a year.

As far as I know, it has, as have all the other RP groups. As it happens this thread is just the first result for 'GTA V PS4 roleplay' on google, hence all the applications from new users.

Maybe it would be best if a mod locked this thread, unless anyone wants to revive and rework this.
Well if people are up for it, why don't we all just add each other in PS4 and work something out? A group of us could get together and make an event or even just join a private server and crack on?
I'm down if you want add me @ ZenApe
Well if people are up for it, why don't we all just add each other in PS4 and work something out? A group of us could get together and make an event or even just join a private server and crack on?
wn I
Well if people are up for it, why don't we all just add each other in PS4 and work something out? A group of us could get together and make an event or even just join a private server and crack on?

My PSN is Polarcrimson. I kinda wanna revive this group
Out Of Character (OOC)
Name:Jackson steinle
Role Play experience:none

In Character (IC)

Name: Mark
Age: 23
Job/Career/Money Source: motovlogger, euntapanuer
Bio (description of your characters past, present, and future goals): grew up very wealthy, finished high school and started working a burgershot. Found love making videos of me riding around.
Personality (Angry, depressed, obsessive, etc): Happy in general. Only get pissed and ****** drivers.
Vehicles: sultan RS fully built(Benny's upgrade), bunch of motorcycles, yacht, t20(yes I am "rich")
Photograph (If available):
Welcome to the PS4 Grand Theft Auto V Roleplay club thread! Thanks for stopping by and I hope you find what our club has to offer most convienent and enjoyable! To make the transition from PS3 to PS4 as seamless as possible, I will be using the identical format as the previous club unless certain things would like to be changed by popular demand.

Note: Please note that that the game is rated M for Mature, so if you are under 17 please know that this role play WILL involve drugs, prostitution, shootouts, and other vulgar types. This, however, does not mean you cannot play if you are under 17, but you have been warned, and prepare to most likely get offended in one way or another.

This section is where events are dated. Any events planned will be posted here on either Sunday night or Monday afternoon. Check on this around once a week to see if you can be available during a dated event. I schedule events based on my calendar. If there is something in the way, I'm not going to put Grand Theft Auto first. i.e. "I have an appointment at 2:00, so I'll bump the event an hour."
Also note that the events don't start at exactly at the time listed. Normally, there is a 30 minute window between the times. I will add you as a friend on PlayStation Network and invite you to a chat room when I myself opens a lobby. Again, when I eventually get some moderators, they can host official groups. Myself or a moderator will then let everyone know in the chat room when the event begins, normally after about 15 minutes of setting up the lobby.

Any lobbies hosted without a moderator in them is considered not valid, as I wish to let each character grow as a club instead of having club members host lobbies and me not hearing about what occurred in said event.

You do not need a microphone to play. We use the PSN chat room for In Character (IC) and Out Of Character (OOC) chat. Though it is not necessary, you may find it easier to put [OOC] or something alike before your message. In character, when interacting and conversing with another player, let them know you are talking/interacting with them. If not, they probably won't recognize you.


bscar27 - Kurt Owens
Volchelkin - Craig Murray
The Bloodmine - Pagan Patel
See post #104 on page 4 for any accepted members that have applied later than 2/19/2015


1.) Don't 'stalk' other players.

Sometimes the roleplay gets a little damp, which requires you to get into some unlikely social actions. However, refrain for getting carried away from whom you talk to. As in, don't get in a group of 10 people all deciding to walk on the docks at the same time, and coincidentally 'bump' into each other. it is not realistic and annoying.
If you notice someone in a certain area by themselves or two, you can come up with some scenario to get interactive, but don't be a pest.

2.) No extreme killing sprees.

As exciting it may seem to you, it can easily ruin the role play experience. You can have shootouts with police, but it isn't logical to stand in the middle of a boardwalk and blast everyone with an RPG.

3.) No Extreme weapons for your character.

Self explanatory. I'll see how far the gun limitations are, but in the mean time - don't make your character have an RPG, minigun, and whatever else. I think walking around with a 12-gauge shotgun, and pistol, and a Uzi is unrealistic and extreme already.

4.) Don't drive unrealistic cars for yourself.
This one is pretty much self explanatory as well. A dead-beat drug dealer doesn't drive a Comet. It just doesn't happen.

5.) Once in a while, stop for a red light, or get some gas at the gas station.
It really bugs me when someone is constantly weaving in and out of traffic and running red lights. If it's a street race, it's acceptable. But just flooring it to save time or whatever get annoying, especially if you crash your car and just go get it fixed immediately. Also, to make sure you have read the rules, put "I like chicken nuggets" somewhere in your application.

6.) Don't kill anyone without their consent.
Self exploratory. Don't go around killing someone unless they say it is alright. Also, do not do anything to other member's cars unless they say it is alright as well.

7.) Don't fix cars like magic.
If you get into a car accident, don't drive over to a LSC and get your vehicle repaired instantly. Give it some time, like a real accident, and leave your car there for a few days, or however long you think your car damage can be fixed.

8.) Have common sense.

I can list rules forever, but most of them are common sense. I don't believe I have to post every little thing down, but that doesn't excuse you to act stupidly and say "It isn't in the rules!" Please, please, please! For the sake of the game, be far to everyone.

9.) Don't be absent.

I try too keep this as active as possible. When a member of the club is absent for an extended amount of time without notice, I am highly likely to remove them from the club and allow someone new to take their place. If you do not join a single event in a period of three weeks without notifying me, you will be removed. If you do notify me, then you will not be effected.


Please fill as most as you comfortably can. It will not only be easier to keep track of things, but also it makes me trust you more. If you are looking for help when making a character, check out this site. This will give you plenty of information on how you can build your character.

Out Of Character (OOC)
Role Play experience:

In Character (IC)

Job/Career/Money Source:
Bio (description of your characters past, present, and future goals):
Personality (Angry, depressed, obsessive, etc):
Photograph (If available):

If you have any questions, suggestions, complaints, comments, or concerns, please message me.

Out Of Character (OOC)
Name: Nathan
Age: 17
PSN: Wee_Hillsey_2014
Role Play experience: I personally myself do not have any role play experience but i am very familier to the rules and terms. I watch alot of role play on youtube and enjoy watching it alot and wish to become a part of the great community.

In Character (IC)

Name: Geoff
Age: 25
Job/Career/Money Source: Geoff earns money by working with his gang the Families he is a gang member but gets payed protection money by civilians that live within the families neighbourhood.
Bio (description of your characters past, present, and future goals): Geoff grew up on Families territory always wanting to be a member, once he hit 18 Geoff joined the Families. Geoff hates the Ballas and everything to do with them although currently Geoff has no murder charges. Geoff would like to see Grove Street (Davis) returned to the Families one day in the near future.
Personality (Angry, depressed, obsessive, etc): Geoff is a typical Gangster. He has a short fuse and you wont like to see his wrong side.
Vehicle: Vigro
Out Of Character (OOC)
Name: Theo McGirr
Age: 24
PSN: doppergog
Role Play experience:
Military simulations on battlefield and ghost recon
In Character (IC)

Name: Theo
Age: 64
Job/Career/Money Source:
Bio (description of your characters past, present, and future goals):
Personality (Angry, depressed, obsessive, etc): Theo was born in Dublin to a single Mother. The church took him away the day he was born as his Mother was unmarried and put him up for adoption in California. He moved from paleto Bay to LS when he was 22 after his parents were killed in a car crash. He began to loose all hope. He went to school at night and worked extremely hard to earn a degree in mathematics and commerce. He worked in the financial sector day and night for years and years and became extremely rich. All this time, he was lonely. He is currently in pursuit of friends to be remembered when he is gone. He is an older man but is extremely funny and energetic. He's a very inteligent man but does have a temper.
Vehicle: literally any vechicle, (OOC Theo won a gift card of 1500 dollars on psn so I have a load of cash on gta online.) I can minimise he vechicles I use if required.
Photograph (If available):
I'm pretty sure this club has been dead for over a year.

As far as I know, it has, as have all the other RP groups. As it happens this thread is just the first result for 'GTA V PS4 roleplay' on google, hence all the applications from new users.

Maybe it would be best if a mod locked this thread, unless anyone wants to revive and rework this.

Yes, perhaps we should address this...
Out Of Character (OOC)
Name: Simon
Age: 15
PSN: Yogomojo
Role Play experience: Some gmod roleplay but left that because the community is cancerous. I also like chicken nuggets

In Character (IC)

Age: 27
Job/Career/Money Source: Prostitution
Bio (description of your characters past, present, and future goals): Crack addict who's main goal is getting enough money to afford more, grew up in boston in the foster care system, moving from home to home, now lives on the streets or any house she can squat in, currently living in abandonded garage.
Her last pimp died from a drive by shooting by a rival pimp, leaving her with no pimp and a faggio.
Personality (Angry, depressed, obsessive, etc): Somewhat depressed and angry but happy when she has drugs and friends, however is usually /crazy when on the crack. (Don't worry this isn't an rp reason to go on a killing spree.)
Vehicle: Principe Faggio
Photograph (If available):
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Out Of Character (OOC)

Name: Darryl brown

Age: 21

PSN: TheBestHere168

Role Play experience: not any but can learn fast

In Character (IC)

Name: Ray Cartha

Age: 25

Job/Career/Money Source: General labor

Bio (description of your characters past, present, and future goals): Grew up off of Grove St. living in a home with his mom and brother. Now he is trying to support his wife and 3 month old son by himself. He wants to be the most successful person that anyone in his family has ever known, not just for himself but his family.

Personality (Angry, depressed, obsessive, etc): Laid back

Vehicle: none

Photograph (If available):
Out Of Character (OOC)
Name: Tyler
Age: 19
PSN: Vuxlii
Role Play experience: None(Beginner)

In Character (IC)

Name: Ty Jenkins
Age: 23
Job/Career/Money Source: Uber/Taxi
Bio: Ty was born in a small town about 2-3 hours from Los Santos and had fairly wealthy parents, his life was quite simple and school for him was well. He was never very popular but was sure to keep a few friends always around. Ty really enjoys music and enjoys driving around(responsibly). His parents had a fall through and divorced around his preteen years and he went through a little bit of depression and such since then. He does have a medical history of Anxiety/Social Anxiety since he converted to Online School through high school and stayed home a lot. He then decided to move into Los Santos to change his life around, and with the help of both his parents he moved to a decent apartment in the hills. He is currently now on a simple job of Uber/Taxi, picking up anyone and taking them to their desired destination. But will eventally work on different classes and such to advance and do what he desires.
Personality: Friendly, Funny, Calm, Reasonable, Attentive.. he does not wish to seek any conflict and is understandable
Vehicle: Cheval Surge
Photograph (If available): N/A At the moment
Out Of Character (OOC)
Name:Tom Burn
PSN:ltsSomethingHD the first i is actually a lower case L
Role Play experience: PC role play on GTA V

In Character (IC)

Name: Tom Burn
Age: 23
Job/Career/Money Source: Motovlogger
Bio (description of your characters past, present, and future goals):dropped out of school to peruse a career in moto vlogging
Personality (Angry, depressed, obsessive, etc): gets very angry
Vehicle: Bati 801
Photograph (If available):couldn't get a photo across
Out Of Character (OOC)
Name: Dayton Broad
Age: 15
PSN: dayton014
Role Play experience: Play rp with frienfs

In Character (IC)

Name: Jason Smith
Age: 26
Job/Career/Money Source: Engineer
Bio (description of your characters past, present, and future goals): Graduated from MIT, Currently working on Zancudo Military Base
Personality (Angry, depressed, obsessive, etc): Happy
Vehicle: Obey Tailgater
Photograph (If available):
Out Of Character (OOC)
Name: Brian K
Age: 14
PSN: brian10024698
Role Play experience: Wanna have fun on RP

In Character (IC)

Name: Bryce Mann
Age: 24
Job/Career/Money Source: Street Racer
Bio (description of your characters past, present, and future goals): Grew up in a bad environment, turned to street racing, wanna be known as a street racer in the streets. Good driver, doesn't get on well with cops. He loves chicken nuggets.
Personality (Angry, depressed, obsessive, etc): Arrogant, happy
Vehicle: Elegy RH8, Verlierer
Photograph: N/A
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Out Of Character (OOC)
Name: sam wajzner reid
Age: 14
PSN: deluxe_x_dark
Role Play experience: some

In Character (IC)

Name: Jonathan reid
Age: 26
Job/Career/Money Source: police officer
Bio (description of your characters past, present, and future goals): to stop injustice in San andreas
Personality (Angry, depressed, obsessive, etc): serious
Vehicle: police charger
Photograph (If available): sorry camera broken
Out Of Character (OOC)
Role Play experience: I roleplay generally on older games.

In Character (IC)

Job/Career/Money Source:Police Officer
Bio (description of your characters past, present, and future goals): As a child, Shaun had goals of becoming a coder, a miner, and many other jobs. Then he learned, at an older age, that life wasn't easy. he was kidnapped, beaten, and abused for 7 months, before police and FBI saved him. He realised, at that moment, that he wanted to be an Officer. He could help people, he could keep others from going through what he went through. His life plan was simple; be a cop, protect the people, and do his job right. also, "I like chicken nuggets."
Personality (Angry, depressed, obsessive, etc): generally anxious and friendly unless provoked.
Vehicle: generally uses an old chevrolet off duty and a standard police pursuit vehicle while on duty.
Photograph (If available):