(PS4) Grand Theft Auto V - Roleplay Events

  • Thread starter bscar27
You know my PSN. You messaged it a few weeks ago. Although I think it's @BeAsTPkRIPPER that organises the lobbies and stuff

I have kinda lost interest in the Roleplay thing no one really does it anymore. I have now been racing Project Cars and alot of other games. I still play Grand theft auto V Daily. If someone does make a Roleplay lobby I would most certainly join if I can and have nothing else going on, but I have a job now and I am also Busy and my work schedule can change anytime of the day its not the same everyday.
Man I hate when the rp community dies, idk if someone wants to speak to me maybe we can start our own rp lobby...
My psn is TheSpedyBadger
I do have a few idea's
Man I hate when the rp community dies, idk if someone wants to speak to me maybe we can start our own rp lobby...
My psn is TheSpedyBadger
I do have a few idea's

I mean I will host them if alot of people are down to do it I just do see alot of people doing it I have tried to start up a lobby before and no one joined so. Spedy add me and we can work something out bro
Out Of Character (OOC)
Name: CJ Charpentier
Age: 18
Role Play experience: Life In Los Santos and other site role plays.

In Character (IC)

Name: CJ Comeaux
Job/Career/Money Source: Business Mogul

Bio (description of your characters past, present, and future goals): Born into wealth, CJ was immediately interested in making money from an early age. He grew to become into a business man right out of college, and became a business associate of Devin Weston, eventually becoming a multimillionaire. He has one goal, make more money.

Personality (Angry, depressed, obsessive, etc):generally lighthearted and carefree, mostly a jerk around most people, and looks down upon the lower social classes, generally tending to piss them off. It will one day be his downfall, but for today, he's a money maker.

Vehicle: Black Lampadati Felon
Photograph (If available):


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Name: Cole
Age : 18
PSN: bloodeeey(PS4)
Role play experience: played on other servers

(in character)
Name: Cole/bloodeeey
Age: 22
Job: Transporter and criminal
Bio: my character was in the military before joining Merryweather Security. After leaving Merryweather I started transporting people and packages that weren't so legal. Will drive anyone or anything for a price that may be illegal. I'm also trained in combat with weapons but bad at hand to hand combat.
I apologize for being absent for awhile I just have other things that are way more important than the RP events. I have alot of family problems and just problems that needed to be fixed in my personal life.

Like @afbarnes said it is difficult now days to get a lobby going and to have it work for the PS4
Name: Quintin
Age : 21
PSN: WerrhhCow (PS4)
Role play experience: I've role played on many sites
Mic: Yes

(in character)
Name: Alastair
Age: 28
Vehicle: Windsor
Job: Ex-Criminal
Bio: Alastair is a man who just wants to live an easy life and forget about his past, though it seems some people aren't willing to let him forget. He's easy-going and mostly calm. But, that can change when it comes to protecting himself and others
Sorry for wall o text Bio. Lol, I write so this was fun for me.

Out Of Character (OOC)
Name: Cole Brown
Age: 18
PSN: Brown352
Role Play experience: Your triple A RPGs, nothing like this though

In Character (IC)

Name: Jon Shrub
Age: 24 - April 4, 1991
Job/Career/Money Source: Money Left in Trust (15k) Petty Theft, Drugs

Bio: Jon had it made as a child and in his younger teen years. Being the son of the affluent politician Alex Shrub, the notorious Vice City mayor, later turned governor. Jon grew up in the Midwest, where his father was originally from and had the life that anyone wished for, luxury, money, anything he wanted as a child. Things began to change when he was coming of age as he was moved to Vice City with his father, somewhere he did not remember. Entering high school was not easy for Jon. Being faced with existential crisis', whether there is a god, and Carrying the last name of his Father around Vice City Christian Prep school. He was expected to make great things of himself. As a Freshman in high school his father was already talking of Law School and "fulfilling your old mans dreams". Little did his father know because he was never around, those were not his dreams. He wanted to be an artist, painting or designing things.

His father never listened to him, or even gave him a chance to speak. Jon hated his father and often on dark nights would contemplate killing his father, inheriting his money and leaving and running away. It was the summer after his senior year, 2010, his father was murdered. The murderer, the weapon, no evidence has ever been found, and the case has been closed cold since August of 2015.
No retribution, Jon had one thing to look forward to now, the money he would receive. However, as with many things in Jon's life. This did not go his way. However, his fathers Millions were left to Carter Alex Castellans. The 27 year old son of his former maid, and mistress apparently, and Jon's brother.

Having been given $100,000, and two luxury lofts in San Andreas. He did what any other 18 year old would do. Said his good-byes, bought a first class ticket to London and jetted off. Jon didn't know why London, he just knew he wanted as far away as possible from Vice City. Over the course of two years, Jon was met with more tragedy. While in London, Jon met a girl, whom he fell deeply in love with. Jon loved her family, and they loved him, he was living a normal life as an accountant, he was good with his money, and others for that matter. Things began to change for the worse when he was approached by a man in a suit one day, asking for a new accountant. Jon accepted, but noticed something different about the monetary situation with this man. Millions of Euro a day being brought in and taken out of his account. Jon wanted out and called a meeting with this man. Jon found out that he had been pulling money for the biggest crime syndicate in the UK and was not allowed to leave. In a years time, Jon was leaving work to have a parcel arrive, a note, saying

"Thank you for your time, you're no longer needed - Jack P"

Arriving home from work, only to find his girlfriend, dead. Jon was then attacked, shot and left for dead. Jon barely survived and walks with a slight limp. Now arriving in SA with his two lofts waiting for him, and $15,000, Jon wants to forget his dark past full of misfortune, and live a simpler life. He doesn't know if they know he's alive, or if it was a message to never say a word, and he hasn't. Jon lives day to day, waiting.
Personality: Aimless, Anxious, Depressed, paranoid - On Jons good days he's a down to Earth, friendly guy. On his bad days, he's reclusive, violent and scared of himself.
Vehicle: Willard Faction
Photograph (If available): NA
Kek Kek, you never included the Chicken Nuggets ;)

Out Of Character (OOC)

Name: Brad Scarbrough

Age: 17

PSN: bscar27

Role Play experience: GTA 5 on PS3

In Character (IC)

Name: Kurt Owens

Age: 25

Job/Career/Money Source: Kurt is the owner/operator of an automotive shop that specializes in the upgrading and customizing of people’s cars. Any aftermarket part you want on your car can be had at the right price through his garage

Bio (description of your characters past, present, and future goals): Kurt has had a very troubled youth. He was the least popular kid in school ever since the 1st grade and things never really got better for him. At age 14 his parents kicked him out of the house due to his especially low grades and just overall lack of motivation. The reason for this low point in his life isn’t perfectly clear, however many people seem to believe that he hit such a low spot in his life due to the massive amount of bullying he suffered through in school and his rock-bottom level of self-esteem. Kurt withered away into solitude for a few years to regain himself and no one really heard from him. At age 18 both of his parents suffered a tragic death due to a drunk driver colliding head on with them at well over 70mph. With the money left to him by his parents, he opened a hole-in-the-wall automotive shop dubbed “Iceman Motorsports” that specializes in performance upgrades and customization. To this day he doesn’t have any friends, all he has is his car and his apartment.

Personality (Angry, depressed, obsessive, etc): Kurt is a very introverted individual that never opens up about his feelings unless he can completely trust the person he is with. His persona is veiled in secrecy and very few people have made it past his icy cold stare to uncover his true being. He has a romantic and passionate side once he finds a girl that he can say and do anything with. He is one of the best friends anyone could ask for and is loyal until the very end to those that he feels will have his back in any situation.

Vehicle: Declasse Sabre Turbo
Out Of Character (OOC)

Name: Brad Scarbrough

Age: 17

PSN: bscar27

Role Play experience: GTA 5 on PS3

In Character (IC)

Name: Kurt Owens

Age: 25

Job/Career/Money Source: Kurt is the owner/operator of an automotive shop that specializes in the upgrading and customizing of people’s cars. Any aftermarket part you want on your car can be had at the right price through his garage

Bio (description of your characters past, present, and future goals): Kurt has had a very troubled youth. He was the least popular kid in school ever since the 1st grade and things never really got better for him. At age 14 his parents kicked him out of the house due to his especially low grades and just overall lack of motivation. The reason for this low point in his life isn’t perfectly clear, however many people seem to believe that he hit such a low spot in his life due to the massive amount of bullying he suffered through in school and his rock-bottom level of self-esteem. Kurt withered away into solitude for a few years to regain himself and no one really heard from him. At age 18 both of his parents suffered a tragic death due to a drunk driver colliding head on with them at well over 70mph. With the money left to him by his parents, he opened a hole-in-the-wall automotive shop dubbed “Iceman Motorsports” that specializes in performance upgrades and customization. To this day he doesn’t have any friends, all he has is his car and his apartment.

Personality (Angry, depressed, obsessive, etc): Kurt is a very introverted individual that never opens up about his feelings unless he can completely trust the person he is with. His persona is veiled in secrecy and very few people have made it past his icy cold stare to uncover his true being. He has a romantic and passionate side once he finds a girl that he can say and do anything with. He is one of the best friends anyone could ask for and is loyal until the very end to those that he feels will have his back in any situation.

Vehicle: Declasse Sabre Turbo
How do i apply?
Out Of Character (OOC)
Name:Talmadge Hill
Role Play experience:There was this computer game that i have played that is completely RPG it was called tibia, i have gotten out of it the last couple years because crappy company the lag is unbelievable and over ran by brazilians(not that i have anything against just communication problems) i have played that game a total of 5 years, and i want to relive that on GTAV

In Character (IC)

Job/Career/Money Source:He is the C.E.O of Samcro Inc. during the day for receiving and delivery of the Automotive Industry. He's also the active President of Notfit Mayham Motorcycle club who's main source of income is the growing and distributing Cannabis Sative to help people with battling cancer
Bio (description of your characters past, present, and future goals):He grew up in a home with a single mom. He is the youngest of 3 sisters. He was a high school dropout to help his mom pay the bills. When he was 19 his mom died from complications to pneumonia. He continued to work hard to fight through the pain. He was dedicated to the only thing he had left, his job. His sisters slowly stopped calling, or even checking in. One day his boss called him into the office. He had been impressed with his work ethics and quality of dedication. His boss proposed a business venture that Samcro could actually own his own company risk free but a percentage be given to his boss for being the venture capitalist. So Samcro starting his own company and in his spare time decided to create an active Motorcycle Club to fulfill his dreams of being in the Hells Angels
Personality (Angry, depressed, obsessive, etc):He is an easy going guy, Very optimistic, with little anger
Vehicle:Always riding some kind of motorcycle
Photograph (If available): none available
Out Of Character (OOC)
Name:Preston Howard
Role Play experience:embarrassed:nly with friends

In Character (IC)

Name:Preston Howard
Job/Career/Money Source:Drug Dealer, Large distributor, side job is construction
Bio (description of your characters past, present, and future goals):Preston grew up in the hoods of Losantos. He has been in and out of DT but never jail or prison. He graduated high school but no more education past that. He currently lives in the hood of LS and is a drug lord and works construction. He wants to do what he does and not change a whole lot other than make it to a bigger house and start a family.
Personality (Angry, depressed, obsessive, etc): Very casual and acts casual. Likes to party, drink and smoke. He likes cars and chills with the gangs and friends.
Vehicle: GTR (Elergy retro custom)
Photograph (If available): Dont have at the moment but I can tell you I have lots of tats and where casual clothes, lvl 450 and have a few mil.
Out Of Character (OOC)
Name: Adoni
PSN: LivingDead_Gurl
Role Play experience: always wanted to try, I Roleplay to myself all the time anyway. I need this community.

In Character (IC)

Name: Gwen Burton
Age: 16
Job/Career/Money Source: Mechanics helper
Bio (description of your characters past, present, and future goals): Gwen was only 3 years old living with her father in China, her father, Grant Burton was a striker hit man for a Chinese mafia. When he was cheated in a rigged bet. Out of fear to get her hurt, Grant sent Gwen and his best friend Daniel Loong back to the Burton farm in LS. Gwen has never heard from her father since, she doesn't know much more about her family and is hell bent on finding the truth. She plans on being the ceo of a racing empire one day (LDR).
Personality (Angry, depressed, obsessive, etc): Gwen spends a lot of time frustrated. As she feels alone in a city of animals.
Vehicle: Bravado is a life long family choice.
Photograph (If available):
Out Of Character (OOC)
Role Play experience:I play GTA V from week 1 Day 4

In Character (IC)

Job/Career/Money Source: Very rich, Retired at 28, Has a lot of money.
Bio (description of your characters past, present, and future goals): Wants to be a motivational speaker, Very nice, No past arrests
Personality (Angry, depressed, obsessive, etc): Neutral
Vehicle: Zentorno
Photograph (If available): Not available


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