Well if it works legally on the machine without any modification then its Sony's fault for breaking the law!
Besides now the whole world is starting to become region free with most things..... they should concern themselves with piracy over anything else!
I live in the USA but travel alot to Europe and Asia on business and otherwise. Therefore Is eem to have alot of discs in alot of formats. Not that I'm trying to be shady it's just either myself of my girlfriend seem to buy some disc of something wherever we happen to be in the world.
I bought the 40GB PS3 model sold in the USA about 3 months ago.
I've simply plugged it into my Sharp Aquas HDTV with a HDMI cable. I've not modified the PS3 in anyway.
So far I've played the following formats on it with no issue;
-NTSC (games and DVDs) <----drrr, obviously
-NA BluRays (games and movies)
-NTSC-J (games and DVDs)
-NTSC games and DVDs from Taiwan (not NTSC-J, NTSC-C or NTSC...not sure of the format, these are mostly my GF's)
-PAL (games and DVDs) <--- You need an HDMI cable though
-European BluRay discs (is there a diff format for these?)
-Asian (from Japan and Taiwan) HD/BlueRay discs (again format?)
-Burned MP3 CDs from my mac laptop
-Audio CDs (burned from my mac and store bought)
-DVDs (burned from my mac)
-HD Audio CDs (US bought)
-Old school VCDs from Taiwan and Japan (10 years old or so)
In fact the ONLY discs I've put into my PS3 that it doesn't read are PS2 and PS1 games, as silly as that seems given it plays anything else in the world. Oh and DVDs from the mid 90s (like 1997/98)...but few DVD players play those anymore.
If this is oversight on Sony's part I expect them to fix it when they upgrade the system OS/firmware soon. I was actually very surprised when I found these formats all worked as SOny has always been militant about protecting regions and formats.