Is PAL better than NTSC?

Clearly Sony has figured that out.....sounds like someones complaining just for complainings sake.

Anyway, the reason they haven't "just unlocked it" is to limit lag. I know most of the time you can have games with players on the other side of the world fine most of the time, but I think they've locked it for now to ensure online play quality is higher.

Hmmmm.....Its better but I think they didnt put enough thought or effort into it from the start so now they are lagging behind.

Speaking of lag I understand that but still I think its time to unlock it so I can play with my friends and family in the UK, without importing. Still this is only a demo and not the full game so its hard to compare and judge. Maybe this fall when home is out and that big GT5P update is suppose to come.
Hmmmm.....Its better but I think they didnt put enough thought or effort into it from the start so now they are lagging behind.

Speaking of lag I understand that but still I think its time to unlock it so I can play with my friends and family in the UK, without importing. Still this is only a demo and not the full game so its hard to compare and judge. Maybe this fall when home is out and that big GT5P update is suppose to come.

I meant that clearly Sony does know that online play is a big thing, seeing as they hurriedly stuck it on the PS2 and worked hard to make a decent system for the PS3...although they still haven't got it right yet, they clearly do realise its a major factor in games today. At least they've done better than Nintendo's joke.

I agree that the region lock needs to be brought down now, because player numbers are slowly getting lower.
Anyway, the reason they haven't "just unlocked it" is to limit lag. I know most of the time you can have games with players on the other side of the world fine most of the time, but I think they've locked it for now to ensure online play quality is higher.

Maybe that's the reason, but it just doesn't work! Why is there almost no lag when I play with 15 Japanese guys and very often horrible lagging when playing with only a few people frome Europe ??
I'd say because the infrastructure in many European countries sucks, like region locking games does... 👎
Im not going to buy any region locked game no more!
I love MGS4 e.g., but can I play it online with friends from say Northamerica? ... as far I know, no :(
Maybe that's the reason, but it just doesn't work! Why is there almost no lag when I play with 15 Japanese guys and very often horrible lagging when playing with only a few people frome Europe ??
I'd say because the infrastructure in many European countries sucks, like region locking games does... 👎
Im not going to buy any region locked game no more!
I love MGS4 e.g., but can I play it online with friends from say Northamerica? ... as far I know, no :(

Well, yes, blame 100-year old phone lines, lol, but there isnt much we can do about that till the telecoms companies finally replace it all with fibre-optic.(yes i do realise they are already doing this/done this in some places, but the 100 year old phone lines are still a problem in places).
Well, yes, blame 100-year old phone lines, lol, but there isnt much we can do about that till the telecoms companies finally replace it all with fibre-optic.(yes i do realise they are already doing this/done this in some places, but the 100 year old phone lines are still a problem in places).

But without region locking we could choose who we wanna play with and also when. No matter how bad some old phone lines may be.
It doesn't make sense, unless making more money out of each game of course...
I struggle to understand how I'm breaking laws-I just insert the disc and it plays. I've cracked nothing!
It's just a technicality of the law. Sony never meant for PAL to be played in the US, and because the PS3/GT5:P are copyrighted, it's technically not allowed. Don't worry about it. Absolutely no one who works for the government cares.
It's just a technicality of the law. Sony never meant for PAL to be played in the US, and because the PS3/GT5:P are copyrighted, it's technically not allowed. Don't worry about it. Absolutely no one who works for the government cares.

Of course Sony meant for PAL to be played in the US. If they didn't, they would have region locked the system like they did with PSX and PS2.
In a note to all NTSC players in the US who bought an PAL version: you are breaking the law. The Digital Millennium Copyright Act prohibits the bypassing of any copyright protection system. Sony and the US government don't particularly care if you bought a PAL version; the law is more for stuff like illegal DVD cracking. I just thought you'd be interested to know that you are all felons ;).


Well if it works legally on the machine without any modification then its Sony's fault for breaking the law! :sly:

Besides now the whole world is starting to become region free with most things..... they should concern themselves with piracy over anything else!

Guys, I'm NTSC. Sorry if this question is silly, but in my PS3 which I bought in the US, can I purchase a PAL version of the game and have it work in my machine and on my Sony Bravia NTSC tv?

I have lived in Europe (and in Asia) and my previous experiece with DVDs was that I needed a PAL DVD player to see PAL DVDs, and I needed a tv that would play PAL as well. It sounds like these consoles and the format compatibility work differently.

As an aside, it's interesting that Japan has its own locked version, but I have played with guys from Taiwan and Hong Kong. Based on this (and very little other knowledge), I don't think that Sony's selection of "region-matching" has anything to do with geographically related lag. I think it is some combination of commercial considerations and possibly technical issues (related to the different formats.) Or perhaps they all just had their own bootleg US NTSC version.
All versions of the game work with any HD TV.

Standard PAL/NTSC resolution televisions will have issues when running a version from out of region.

Well if it works legally on the machine without any modification then its Sony's fault for breaking the law! :sly:

Besides now the whole world is starting to become region free with most things..... they should concern themselves with piracy over anything else!


I live in the USA but travel alot to Europe and Asia on business and otherwise. Therefore Is eem to have alot of discs in alot of formats. Not that I'm trying to be shady it's just either myself of my girlfriend seem to buy some disc of something wherever we happen to be in the world.

I bought the 40GB PS3 model sold in the USA about 3 months ago.

I've simply plugged it into my Sharp Aquas HDTV with a HDMI cable. I've not modified the PS3 in anyway.

So far I've played the following formats on it with no issue;

-NTSC (games and DVDs) <----drrr, obviously
-NA BluRays (games and movies)
-NTSC-J (games and DVDs)
-NTSC games and DVDs from Taiwan (not NTSC-J, NTSC-C or NTSC...not sure of the format, these are mostly my GF's)
-PAL (games and DVDs) <--- You need an HDMI cable though
-European BluRay discs (is there a diff format for these?)
-Asian (from Japan and Taiwan) HD/BlueRay discs (again format?)
-Burned MP3 CDs from my mac laptop
-Audio CDs (burned from my mac and store bought)
-DVDs (burned from my mac)
-HD Audio CDs (US bought)
-Old school VCDs from Taiwan and Japan (10 years old or so)

In fact the ONLY discs I've put into my PS3 that it doesn't read are PS2 and PS1 games, as silly as that seems given it plays anything else in the world. Oh and DVDs from the mid 90s (like 1997/98)...but few DVD players play those anymore.

If this is oversight on Sony's part I expect them to fix it when they upgrade the system OS/firmware soon. I was actually very surprised when I found these formats all worked as SOny has always been militant about protecting regions and formats.
Funny that you should post this CW, as your enterthegame link has totally changed the equation for NTSC!

This is true my friend. I love what the chat has done for NTSC. The way it helps is amazing...I think if I didn't have that chat I probably would have quit the game by now.

With that being true, that still doesn't change how the average joe races you.

As far as quality of the participants is concerned, I'm happy enough with our bunch of GTPers - if they were any faster I wouldn't be able to keep up!

Well yes of course it is great when we race. But I am looking at the game at a whole. Everyone who plays, not a sect.

BTW: I would really object, in principle, to having to buy another copy of GT5P.

No brainer for me man. Sorry you prides gets in the way of that. But really the competitors are better in PAL.

The threat title is quite wrong assuming you meant Northamerica Vs. Europe versions .
However NTSC runs naturally faster, so it wins any comparisons regarding gameplay.
The best races are on JAPANESE NTSC game, if you know which time ( around 10.00h - 15.00h German time) theres plenty of competitors, majority of them very quick and super fair. The very best thing about is theres is almost NO LAG even up to 16 players!
Maybe change thread title, cuz I play lots of NTSC but sure not on American servers ...:indiff:

I wanted to be clear about which versions.. Thats why the title is not dumbed down.

The game isn't played on a dedicated server in America.. The host assumes a virtual server and thats how we play..You know disconnects? That is why when the host quits..the race is over. :(

Strongly disagree - you only need to take 1 corner, reasonably quickly and the average punter will never be seen again in 750. In 600pp, however he'll be right behind you, right up til he knocks you off the track :grumpy:

Yep, I get knocked off 1 almost 75% of the time in Suzy PP600. If it wasn't for GTP being behind me it would get know off 95% of the time.

I agree with PP750, if you fly thur there at 100% on the first lap..they can't catch you to punt you.

I bought a PAL version of the game for many of the same reasons mentioned in the OP's post. I find the NTSC (NA) version "better looking" (subjective I know), but the PAL version has "better handling/racing" (again subjective). Cars seem to handle differently in the PAL version (contrast the feel and performance of the Type R in both to see). Also grass/sand seems much less harsh in the PAL version (i.e. if you accidently brake with one wheel or a tiny bit of the wheel off track it's not an automatic trip to the wall.) I prefer the "feel" of the NTSC version, but the PAL differences make online racing easier/better...more margin for error if you will.

Online racing, when you do synch up to European time/players, is better and cleaner. I've not seen as many proper punters like the NTSC version, but I have noticed many more drivers like to tap your rear bumper going into a corner. Not enough to spin you, but enough to make you unstable and get you offline so they can pass. That takes some skill to do right, still dirty in my book, but less so than ramming someone into the sand. Lastly I've noticed the penalty system on PAL to be more consistent. Maybe this is something PD fixed with the recent refresh of online races but I've not had any of the mysterious "bumped from behind and I get the penalty for ramming" ones that seem to be very common in the NTSC version.

I think you are on to something though with the way it looks on your TV..PAL v. NTSC.. They two different version of video. NTSC could be a sharper picture. I will have to compare though.

It would also make sense for PAL, being a different version with more skilled platyers. It would make sense that they have different Physics in their game.

What if the punter is ahead of you in 750pp? I've seen drivers use the ENTIRE road naviagting corners, swerving everywhere in 750pp because they can't handle the cars. Try and pass at your own risk.

Even yesterday I was in a race with fairly quick Tuned Vipers, and they ran me off in spoon and didn't flinch one bit.

It all comes down to respect. Who is more disrespectful, NTSC or PAL drivers? I can tell you not one, NOT ONE driver outside of GTP has ever stopped for me after punting me in NTSC.

I'm a NTSC driver, and I can tell you it's very rare for someone to make a clean pass on you without using you as a cushion in a turn, using you as a brakes, or punting you. This happens at every track and pp in NTSC.

Some will even brake check you or run you off the road if you threaten their position.

I think its a 50/50 thing Earth. 50% Respect and 50% skill.

Yes. It's called region-free, and many games with online compatibility are not region-locked. For example, all of the Tom Clancy series games for Xbox are region-free. The lockout forces consumers to buy region-specific electronics which might be more expensive, which can give producers an economic advantage.

In a note to all NTSC players in the US who bought an PAL version: you are breaking the law. The Digital Millennium Copyright Act prohibits the bypassing of any copyright protection system. Sony and the US government don't particularly care if you bought a PAL version; the law is more for stuff like illegal DVD cracking. I just thought you'd be interested to know that you are all felons ;).

But yes, the regions can be unlocked.

Interesting facts about PAL in the US. But your RUNIED MY THREAD, THREAD RUNINER YOU! lol :grumpy:

Just kidding. :D
Interesting facts about PAL in the US. But your RUNIED MY THREAD, THREAD RUNINER YOU! lol :grumpy:

Just kidding. :D

:nervous: Forgive my ignorance! :D

For all those who post below and who don't bother to read the first post, Chadwicksracing asked that you do not compare NTSC and PAL unless you have both copies. Don't be a thread-hijacker like I was.
"I get knocked off 1 almost 75% of the time in Suzy PP600"

I don't have that problem. My car is the slowest off the line, so I'm always last going into 1: no one to punt me. I drive thru the punters, puntees & ghosts on 1 & the esses. Works pretty well. 👍
"I get knocked off 1 almost 75% of the time in Suzy PP600"

I don't have that problem. My car is the slowest off the line, so I'm always last going into 1: no one to punt me. I drive thru the punters, puntees & ghosts on 1 & the esses. Works pretty well. 👍

Usually I am waiting for the P1 or P2 car to get its not that I am slow..its just that I am just in their way..because some how I am suppose to be faster with two cars in front of me.. Oh well..

I don't have that problem in PP750 on about 10% of the time I get punted..I am extremly fast off the line and fast in 1 & 2
if you buy it from ebay you won't spend more than $25 USD on the game. :)

Well, apart from the console itself, ah yeah, a big HD tv ofcoz, oh yeah, you want a steering wheel i guess, and a 5.1 surround set.

I nearly forgot, how about a nice cockpit too (anything to keep the wife happy, ****, forgot flowers for the wife and the complete series of 'the bold and the b' to ensure a happy and most important of all, quiet wife ;)

some current, and finally an 'i am the stig' t-shirt and your good to go :)


(ofcoz, he already has the gear, just poking fun)