Is San Andreas too black?

  • Thread starter parker2
I think that this game makes all black people look like they do drugs and break the law and i think that rockstar should stick with a white character from now on, its nothing against black people but the games were better when ypu were white.
I think that this game makes all black people look like they do drugs and break the law and i think that rockstar should stick with a white character from now on, its nothing against black people but the games were better when ypu were white.

Better when you were white? what?

The portrayal is the same when there is a group of criminals regardless of the race they are. The only difference is that you come to the game with the view that black people are criminals.

How many black protagonists are there in the video gaming community?

I've only played sa a bit through, but aren't there bad white guys? Hispanics? Yakuza?
Absolutely correct. You could argue that GTA III and GTA: VC make all Italian people look like criminals. :P

It interests me that this guy is from Kentucky, which we all know is a state full of mixed races and different cultures. :rolleyes:
VC made it look like Hispanics did drugs.
#3 made it look like Italians were bad.

I haven't beaten SA, but it seems like they make the Chinese have their own drug dealing too.

But the fact is, is that this is nothing more than a game. Not all black, white, etc. in the game are like that in real life.
I know that in the U.S., African-American has higher percentage of males involved in crimes than the white males. I don't know about other countries though.

As for the GTA games, I don't think it matters which race they use. What I would love to see though, is to be able to create your own character, like in sports games. Maybe even put your face on the character, utilizing eye-toy cameras.
They should make aussie gangsta's.

Have any of you guys seen Getting Square?

anywho, i dont have a problem with any GTA's. Some race has to be used and which ever does people are gonna say rockstar is racists, unless they make everyone oompa loompas. but then Rockstar will get sued by the midget (sorry if this is an offensive term) groups.
I know that in the U.S., African-American has higher percentage of males involved in crimes than the white males.

There are various socio econmic reasons for this-- but making a broad generalization about a race could make you appear racist.

I'll play the devils advocate and point out that maybe they are targeted by the cops--

I have a black friend that was pulled over by a cop in rural georgia-- the cop wouldn't tell him why, he asked for his license and registration....he kept asking why he was pulled over, the cop didn't like that, my friend got a little beligerant, and the cop arrested him and he spent the night in jail-- for essentially driving while black. He was never charged with anything.

Rockstar is just trying to do something different instead of the same old thing-- I woudn't look any deeper into it then that...
I have a black friend that was pulled over by a cop in rural georgia-- the cop wouldn't tell him why, he asked for his license and registration....he kept asking why he was pulled over, the cop didn't like that, my friend got a little beligerant, and the cop arrested him and he spent the night in jail-- for essentially driving while black. He was never charged with anything.
The same happens occasionly around here if you drive a hot hatch and wear a cap.

If they kept using white characters negatively wouldn't that make it racist to whites? That's how you have to look at these things.

It's stupid to think that the minute you use a black as a negative figure you are being racist.
I did say at the time that the lead character in San Andreas just didn't engage me as much as Tommy Vercetti did - so much so that I've actually forgotten his name... CJ? I forget.

Is this because he's black? Nope. Is it because he refers to everyone as "n****r" and the game is jam-packed full of the worst music I've ever heard? Yep. That, in turn, is because the lead character is black - he refers to his friends as "n****r" and listens to that music because that's the popular common parlance in that sector of community (well... I assume so - never having been to LA ghettos, I'm having to assume an awful lot). So while the colour of the skin of our protagonist isn't the primary factor in my disinterest, combined with his social grouping it directly causes the primary factor. I suppose a black, middle-class lawyer wouldn't be running around nuking police cars with napalm and tearing up a state with a Harrier Jump Jet though.

This alienates me as a player - but I suppose that Tommy Vercetti did the same for some black players, being set in an era when black people were still routinely oppressed and treated as second class. Then again, pleasing all of the people all of the time is nearly impossible - but while I bought GTASA without hesitation based on the strength of GTAVC, I won't be buying the next GTA game, whatever it may be, without first renting it.
There are various socio econmic reasons for this-- but making a broad generalization about a race could make you appear racist.

I'll play the devils advocate and point out that maybe they are targeted by the cops--

I have a black friend that was pulled over by a cop in rural georgia-- the cop wouldn't tell him why, he asked for his license and registration....he kept asking why he was pulled over, the cop didn't like that, my friend got a little beligerant, and the cop arrested him and he spent the night in jail-- for essentially driving while black. He was never charged with anything.

Rockstar is just trying to do something different instead of the same old thing-- I woudn't look any deeper into it then that...
I'm sorry if I sounded racist. I am not a racist at all. However, it was not some generalization on my part. You don't like it and I don't like it either, but it is the truth. Also, note how I said that I didn't care which race they used in GTA games. :)

You also mentioned racial profiling. I agree 100% that it is practiced in certain areas, or by certain officers.

As for the hiphop gangsta style being too much for some GTA fans, that why I suggested a character creator/editor feature earlier. :D
I think that this game makes all black people look like they do drugs and break the law and i think that rockstar should stick with a white character from now on, its nothing against black people but the games were better when ypu were white.

I liked being a black gangster. We have had white people b4 as main characters.Basically the character has to fit in with the storyline.
This entire topic makes no sense. It makes black people look bad? In any GTA game people have been breaking the law. If you don't like the fact that you play as a black person then that is your personal preference. It makes no difference to me, because I don't look at the skin color of the main character to see whether I like the game.

If it would be a white person in every GTA game it would be rather racist, because black people will be like "Why'd we have to play as a damn cracker every time?". I like the fact that there is a theme in GTA: SA. Here it's mostly in a black neighborhood. I like that better than having some bull**** gangs like Yakuza fighting rocket launcher wielding Hare Krishnas.
Skin color is meaningless to me, but I must admit that I'm not fond of the "hip-hop" culture (or whatever they're calling themselves these days).. people who wear clothes eight sizes too big, can't walk in a straight line without appearing to limp, spend five thousand dollars on jewelry, ride the bus as a result, and can't quite speak coherent English. Never could see the draw of that.

There's also a very large difference between a "gangster" and a "gangsta". Gangsters I can relate with as respectable businessmen.. Gangstas, I just tell 'em to wear a frikkin' belt and to turn down that damn noise.
How can you say blacks shouldn't be used and say you aren't being racist. I'm not saying your racist, I'm just saying that sounds racist. Ok, anyway, I think that vc was a lot more interesting than sa.

And it has nothing to do with music, the way cj talks or the fact that he is black. It's just that the plot isn't as strong as Tommy Vercetti's was, and how could it right, the game was partially based on Scarface. Now who doesn't love scarface?

I think what rockstar tries to do with the Gta series protray different enthic crime groups. Like the italians, spanish, chinese, and blacks, but they are just using stereotypically references to create these gangs. And I enjoy them going through these different types of ethics, and you have to keep in mind it's just a game, they're just trying to keep the series refreshing.

Now, when I first came to this thread I honestly thought that you folks were going to discuss the matter of the game's visuals being to dark at times. I don't know if any of you experience this, but at times I really have to squint to see, this was never a problem when I played VC which was much more vibrant.
How can you say blacks shouldn't be used and say you aren't being racist. I'm not saying your racist, I'm just saying that sounds racist. Ok, anyway, I think that vc was a lot more interesting than sa.

And it has nothing to do with music, the way cj talks or the fact that he is black. It's just that the plot isn't as strong as Tommy Vercetti's was, and how could it right, the game was partially based on Scarface. Now who doesn't love scarface?

I think what rockstar tries to do with the Gta series protray different enthic crime groups. Like the italians, spanish, chinese, and blacks, but they are just using stereotypically references to create these gangs. And I enjoy them going through these different types of ethics, and you have to keep in mind it's just a game, they're just trying to keep the series refreshing.

Now, when I first came to this thread I honestly thought that you folks were going to discuss the matter of the game's visuals being to dark at times. I don't know if any of you experience this, but at times I really have to squint to see, this was never a problem when I played VC which was much more vibrant.
True, except once you watch Scarface, it makes VC seem as Scarface: The Game excluding the actual Scarface game coming out.

VC was definately the most interesting with the strongest plot of the 3.
SA just has so many missions that make the story come out with only 1 certain strand of missions. The other ones needed to progress just seem out of random "helping out" missions.
Yeah the game moved too slowly whereas in VC you could watch as Tommy just became this big gangster. And it was really statisfying, you know what, I think that's where this game really lacks. It's the fact that tommy became this big thing and you kinda felt proud at the end of the game.

But in SA you never really feel as if CJ actually made it, yeah sure he was mentioned on the radio, but he still didn't look or feel like a gangster. He was missing the "COOL" factor at the end, that tommy indeed earned.
its nothing against black people but the games were better when ypu were white.

I thought San Andreas was the best game in the series, and I'm not a huge fan of rap music or the culture.
GTA is not racist, it mocks and stereotypes everyone regardless of race, sex, or class. It's a parody, often heavy handed and juvenile, but not for a second meant to be taken seriously.
...I like that better than having some bull**** gangs like Yakuza fighting rocket launcher wielding Hare Krishnas.

Weilding what??
GTA is not racist, it mocks and stereotypes everyone regardless of race, sex, or class. It's a parody, often heavy handed and juvenile, but not for a second meant to be taken seriously.
Well put; couldn't have put it better myself.

Rockstar needed a change from the last two games: assumably Italian-American males in their mid-30's with an intelligent, but psychotic temperament, and the typical Mafioso-directed storyline. If they did another one of these series, as much as a lot of people here would not like to admit it, it would get repetitive. Sure, San Andreas isn't a lot of people's cups of tea here, but the whole black "gangsta/hip-hop" culture is very marketable, as seen through the change of MTV and the general mass-market of teenagers. Although Rockstar would refuse to admit it, the game is generally targeted at the under-18 market, and using popular culture, they were able to sell big.

Most of the longer GTA fans who have followed it from GTA 1, 2 or even 3, would've jumped straight at the chance to buy the game, regardless of what the game was supposedly based on because it carries on the violent criminal, almost RPG style gaming that made it so distinctive.

And I'm almost positive that GTA did not change any views on African-Americans being "pot-smoking criminals", whether you like to believe that or not.
Are you nuts? Yeah, there are a lot of blacks in the game (don't forget, I'm African-American myself), but it isn't too black. Too black means that any attempt to expose people to Latinos, Asians, and thereforth, ultimately fails. You do have Wu Zi Mi (Woozie), do you? You got your boy Cesar V., right? Let's not forget that crazy freak Catalina. A GTA game is never about race, and it doesn't really matter. Since the game is based on 1992, name me one big aspect about 1992 besides mostly bad music- gang violence. Ice Cube leaves NWA. People getting shot and killed. Or look at Vice City, probably set in the year 1986 in Vice City (resembles Miami). The hit show "Miami Vice" was the best show on TV, and you control the Italian Tommy Vercetti. Emphasis was on ugly hairstyles and music I can't stand.

No matter how you look at it, you can never have a game be "too black." I don't tackle racism issues, but I personally don't think it's too black. Oh, and look at it this way. If the game was "too black," then any race that isn't African-American is your enemy. And all your non-black allies would be your enemies. In other words, it isn't all black. I normally dislike time and era-based games, but the more recent GTAs are designed with emphasis on a certain era with music and atmospheres to match. GTA3 was more like current times in Liberty City (resembles New York City) with the more modern autos, an Internet Cafe on Staunton Island, it was basically the present.

So to make a long story short: too black? I don't think so. Read why above.
Are you nuts? Yeah, there are a lot of blacks in the game (don't forget, I'm African-American myself), but it isn't too black.
Don't forget? My mental picture of you had blonde hair. :D Sorry!
Maybe I should have said "I am black," rather than "don't forget." My bad. Only thing is, I'd have blonde hair if I was Dennis Rodman.
And if you married your wife whilst wearing a dress.


But until then, you can just be Sisqo!
Well I dont know about you guys but i poreffered being black this time round. If the character wasnt black you wouldnt be able to control gangs in the way we could and drive about in hydrlic lowriders etc. Frankly being white was getting boring and we dont rteally know nothing about white mans crimes. Being a black guy in the hood working his way up to become a king pin in his hood was alot more realistic.
If the character wasnt black you wouldnt be able to control gangs in the way we could. . .

And you believe that every black guy in LA is in a gang and they all have giant territory wars?

I'm pretty sure you couldn't control a gang like that anyway.m
. . .and drive about in hydrlic lowriders etc.

You can't drive in a hydrlic lowrider if you're white now?

Frankly being white was getting boring and we dont rteally know nothing about white mans crimes.

Wth? White people and black people commit different crimes? Aew you trying to tell us that white people don't commit crimes, or that white peoples' crimes are covered up?

Being a black guy in the hood working his way up to become a king pin in his hood was alot more realistic.[/QUOTE]

It was hardly realistic at all. Since when do cops frame guys for murder as soon as they get in town, and then recruit his friends against him, and then have the character single-handedly take out 2 entire gangs and force them to assimilate?

BTW, that's more like Vice City. You still hardly have any power in SA, whereas in VC you own the Imports/Exports dock and garage, you have your own Cab company, you own a printing press supplying you with an infinite amount of fake cash, you own a dance club, you get protection money from local businesses, and you have your own crack-filled ice-cream factory.