In reading this thread, I have realized that we are still not in accord about what the definition of the question really is. It asked about the universe, and to some, it is defined as the group of matter that takes up volume and can be studied physically. To others, the universe is defined as space. For one to define the universe as matter requires that person to conclude that the universe is indeed finite. For the other to define the universe as space requires that person to conclude that the universe is infinite. The latter is due to the fact that space is a concept of nothingness, of unoccupied volume, omnipresent, and neverending, until it is interrupted by matter. Even when matter interrupts space, space is still what it was before anything was introduced. So to answer the initial question, it must first be agreed upon what the meaning of universe is. True, it has been given a dictionary definition, but we must still come about a unanimous decision about how to answer "what is the universe?"
Being one who has involved himself in science all his life, I have come about Einstein's theories that require the assumption of a finite universe. The common laws of physics that we all learn about in high school and on public television programming requires the assumption of this finite universe. Be informed, however, that this use of the term universe is, to us, still undefined. To my understanding, the classical use of the term encompasses all space. It is also true that these theories include the explanation of a finite, geometrically toroidal universe, which uses the analogy if traversing Earth in relation to space and time--if one travels north for a very long time, he or she will eventually pass the north pole and turn out to be travelling south. This analogy applies to the Big Bang in terms of space-time, where if one were to traverse through time for a very long period, he or she would reach the space-time equivalent of a south pole, end up traveling backwards through space-time, and replay the Big Bang in reverse. Once that is achieved, he or she will then hit the space-time equivalent of the north pole and replay the Big Bang once more in a type of Mobius strip of space-time, where in travelling, one will eventually return to his or her original location, in the same original direction. Now, this theory requires for us to assume a finite space and a finite time. Should you believe it? That is up to you. Do I believe it? Not without more evidence.
So what is my verdict about the containment of the universe? I would like to say that it is infinite, but not because of the aforementioned theories. As had been described, my "wish" seems to be that I want the universe to be finite, where answers lie beyond our capacity of knowledge and understanding. As a student of physics, I am used to finite spaces and finite matter; I am exposed to laws of gravitation, of thermodynamics, and of other common laws that govern our everyday lives. Because I am used to these laws, per se, I desire to expose the boundaries and limitations of their effectiveness. It was posted before that if the universe had a physical end, it must be true that the laws that we have all taken for granted are broken beyond those boundaries. As a matter of opinion, I say that that is true.
It has always been a mystery to myself why the laws of physics break down and are invalid in the very microscopic levels. To be more specific, I have wondered why a new physics must be applied to subatomic particles, such as the everyday electron. To me, if the laws of physics become null and void at such a level of examination, unthinkable to our classical scientists of ancient times, I believe it true that the same laws must be broken at macroscopic levels unthinkable by our minds today.
Physics Major at the University of California in Riverside