Is there any benefit to NOT collect prizes from remote races?

Is there any point to letting your Cr./EXP build up? Still don't see a point in the 3 lights thing, if you just get to 3 lights then keep going and going and going.

Do you cash out every couple races, every day, or let it build?
Think of it as the First International Bank of Bob. You could save for a big purchase or you could keep making withdrawals to buy stuff. The decision is yours.:)
Do you cash out every couple races, every day, or let it build?
In an effort to figure out if there is a total cap, I'm letting mine build up. Once we figure out if there is a cap, I'll likely cash them in daily or every couple of days.
I was a little intrigued to know If the was a cap on how much you can let it build up too.
So since 23rd I have been letting the Cr my 6 drivers make bulid up. So far one is at 900k with the other not far behind. In Total between them the 6 drivers have a total of just under 5 million in Cr ready to claim.
We let you know if the comes a point when / if I have to cash it in.
i already have 20million in credits so to cash them now would be silly unless all i wanted was the XP. This way i get to earn credits and XP but dont lose the credits by being at my limit!

The downside is I don't know what to spend my cash on at the moments because im only needing to do the endurances and that's with the X2010.
I think I see one benefit. When doing remote races, I tend to pick the most under developed racers from my friends lists. If you don't claim the prize money and experience, it still shows your driver with low experience. I have been picking four drivers from my friends that are still showing zero experience after the ten or so events that i have entered them into.
as Motor City Hami has said, I have 2 Lvl 0 drivers who I don't cash out until they have at least around 300k credit on them. Cashing them out makes them roughly Lvl 20, so I retire them and create new ones. By not cashing them out, they stay at the same lvl and exp points.
I think I see one benefit. When doing remote races, I tend to pick the most under developed racers from my friends lists. If you don't claim the prize money and experience, it still shows your driver with low experience. I have been picking four drivers from my friends that are still showing zero experience after the ten or so events that i have entered them into.

This is what i have found...My LVL 0 bob is earning all my cr. The lvl 40,35,35 and 36 bobs get avoided abit as my friends cant live with

So benifit for me is NOT to collect cr and hence not leveling up bob and keeping him on zero as to get friends to use him.

Have another bob doing just 24hr endurance races-3 races 3 wins LVL 38!
The only thing I can think of is using them as the First National Bank of BoB.

You have a 20M credit limit - except, your Bob's can collect (seemingly) as many credits as you they you allow in remote races. So if for some reason you want to keep a huge account - you can buy cars as you like and then transfer money from the First National Bank of Bob to replenish your main account to 20M.
So from what I am reading, it is more beneficial to race lower spec Bobs which in turn will net more CR / Xp ?

Yes, but only because people seem to use them more because they are typically less likely to beat your higher level Bobs. So, they race more, hence; they collect more Cr.
Is everyone sure, or maybe already including it in thier test, if the lights also means a bigger earning factor per race?

Have been thinking about that, and wondered about it again when I saw the thread title.
