Is there punishment strict enough for this?

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Semi local, truly sickening story:

A 38 year old man, who knew he was diagnosed with AIDS, raped a 7 year old girl multiple times, between June of '03 and November of '04, videotaping some of the aggressions. Yes, a 7 year old. The girl will receive a battery of blood tests to make sure she's not infected with AIDS, and hopefully she isn't. Here's the downright scary part of the whole thing, however. The man currently is incarcerated, but he's asking for a conditional release until his trial, which could take a while to happen because there's not an attorney out there who seems to want the case, understandably.

I'm generally not a violent person, but this kind of stuff makes me truly mad. Life sentences in Canada are 25 years long, and it's the first time I say it's not long enough, and/or strict enough. I might sound a bit too radical and extreme, but he deserves death. A long and extremely painful one at that. This kind of crap puts me so much out of myself, I'd pay to attend the execution, if we had that kind of treatment here, and I'd laugh in his face while he suffers. I'm struggling to find words that could properly explain just how furious I am at such an human being's behavior... Not only did he ruin this little girl's life by raping her, he most likely transmitted to her a deadly disease. A 7 year old, who had just started to enjoy life, now has to suffer for no reason whatsoever.

I'm praying this scumbag does not get his conditional release, and that he rots in jail for the next 25 years. Sorry if I offended anyone... It takes a lot to get me truly mad, and that's usually the kind of stuff that does it.
He'll get a nice surprise in prison if Canadian jails are anything like American jails. You know you're messed up when even criminals think you're a piece of ****.

If not, you could always hire someone to suspend his license to operate. I know some people who'd take care of that...

(Note for the slow: The last part was a joke)
I know people who rape children aren't generally the most popular types in prison, but I doubt he'll get raped ...

By the way, AIDS isn't nearly as lethal a disease as it used to be. At least not in the West, where there are decent medicines for many. It's still little fun to have the disease of course and still a pretty severe risk, but with the proper medical treatment you can last for decades.

Just to add a bit of clarity for those who need it:
* I understand AND endorse your feelings.
* I do not endorse this guys actions
* I hate this guys guts
* I do not endorse the death penalty
* I wish the guy got raped in prison by someone wearing a condom
* I hate condoms
* I don't endorse rape
* I could still imagine this guy becoming his current despicable self through life experiences that deserve some sympathy
* I do not consider symphaty to mean endorse any more than I consider understand to mean endorse
* I do understand my own feelings even if you don't endorse them
* etc.
She's 7 years old .. she has barely even developed an immune system yet. If it does indeed turn out that it was transmitted to her, then she's basically up you know who's creek without a paddle. I can see your anger, man; I feel the same way. Honestly, if I were the judge, I would order half a prision to skeet on his face, have him castrated, make him live the rest of his years in jail with the by-product of said castration in an open jar preserved by formaldahyde. To top it off I would have his pillow wrapped in razor wire.

:lol: sorry if this came off a bit harsh, but its 4 in the morning and I can't seem to go to sleep, so I'm naturally weird about now.
Lynch mob at the ready. Whatever punishment this man gets it will not be enough. I want to kill him.
I don't get into fights, but I would give him a slow and painful death. Hearing about disgusting and revolting happenings like that get me so mad. My Electronics teacher feels the exact same way as me and he used to do K1 style fighting :scared:
He should get whipped to death, it would give him a taste of what that girls going to feel if she is infected with it.
The first thing I'd do is. Get the girls father and get him to (Without touching it. Due to the AIDS) Cut his thing off. I'd make him use a lazer or something and I'd make the asshole watch it. After that I'd let some masters of torture take over.
Get some brothers in to go to work on homes here, with a pair of pliers, and a blow torch. Do you hear me boy? I'm gonna get medievil on your a$$.
This type of crap happens way too often in Canada. Child molestors are getting some ridiculously easy sentences. I wish I could bring up some examples, but there are just way too many in my head. Seriously.

We need a serious revision to our justice system here in Ontario. People who have concrete evidence against them (ie: DNA, video, etc) and are convicted of a serious crime like rape, should have no chance for a conditional release. The longer these perverts are on the streets, the more likely someone else will be victimized.
Ghost C
He'll get a nice surprise in prison if Canadian jails are anything like American jails. You know you're messed up when even criminals think you're a piece of ****.
Yeah, the fellow in Cell Block 5, estranged from his two kids, serving time for assault is doing to have a field day with that scum bag.
You all would approve of Arizona where a man convicted of owning, not producing, child porn, was sentenced more severely than a murderer.
Yeah. Better to just let him go. With government-paid therapy. Poor guy. He must've been hurt so deeply.
can you not even reply to it without putting words in my mouth that i have never said or being cynical? this way you disqualify yourself and strengthen my point.
As a parent, I'm with Ghost C on this one. Child molesters are at the bottom rung of the social ladder in prisons and are often the target of inmate hostility. He'll get exactly what he deserves. Life sentence with no chance of parole. Put him in with the other homicidal socialpaths so he can spend the rest of his short, miserable life being the prey.

can you not even reply to it without putting words in my mouth that i have never said or being cynical? this way you disqualify yourself and strengthen my point.
I am certain there is no confusion over who's words they are. You're overreacting.
I don´t think he deserves to die, but a life sentence would be fair. If it was here he would surely get killed in jail in a matter of weeks. If the cops didn´t kill him, the other prisoners would probably do it. Of course they would rape the hell out of him first.
I am certain there is no confusion over who's words they are. You're overreacting.
you were not cynical and did not suggested that i would want him let go!? then explain me what you wanted to say, because i do not believe you were serious when you said he should be let go. ;)

you know, it is always the same reply. whenever i say that torturing or death penalty was wrong, someone replies "yeah, better let him go and run around freely to kill more." but that is not my opinion.

in my opinion such a person should be locked up on 3 m² with water and bred for the safety of our children. but he is still a human being and if you do the same thing to him, you are not better. it does not matter who is being raped or tortured, it is still rape or torture and therefore still wrong.

the "eye for an eye" method does not work, it does not prevent any further crime nor does it change what happened. this method will lead to into a vicious circle.
Prison for life is the perfect punishment IMO. He will be raped until he bleeds, beaten, and violated every day of his life until he finally dies in there.
And that is no where near the emotional stress and trama that the little girl will go thru the rest of her life. There is nothing more in this world that sickens me more than rape. Especially a 7 year old!!! If your penis is really that small then go rape a wall receptacle. I could go on forever but its friday and I want to try stay in a good mood. So on a positive note.... He will be raped until he bleeds, beaten, and violated every day of his life until he finally dies in there. :) 👍
I could still imagine this guy becoming his current despicable self through life experiences that deserve some sympathy

Who cares what experiences he went through? He deserves to die, twice (if in fact he did it).

Honestly, whatever it is he went through that "drove him" to this are completely irrelevant. They became irrelevant as soon as he made the conscious descision to screw up someone else's life.
He will be raped until he bleeds, beaten, and violated every day of his life until he finally dies in there. :) 👍
Hmmm, given the bleeding part, I wouldn't think so. Even if I tend to agree with Vladimir on this, my first reaction would be to find any sort of torture that won't make him bleed.

On a related, but less sickening note, a friend of mine once had to deal with a patient who had AIDS, and a psychotic episode in reaction to his medication after a stomach surgery... he was opening his wound, bleeding all over the place and threatening staff... :scared: Fortunately they managed to calm him down.
Honestly, whatever it is he went through that "drove him" to this are completely irrelevant. They became irrelevant as soon as he made the conscious descision to screw up someone else's life.
how can you know for sure whether one made a conscious decision?
how can you know for sure whether one made a conscious decision?

That's pretty much for the jury to decide - which is what I was about when I said "if, in fact, he did it".
in my opinion such a person should be locked up on 3 m² with water and bred for the safety of our children. but he is still a human being and if you do the same thing to him, you are not better. it does not matter who is being raped or tortured, it is still rape or torture and therefore still wrong.

the "eye for an eye" method does not work, it does not prevent any further crime nor does it change what happened. this method will lead to into a vicious circle.

The eye for an eye method doesn't work, eh? So what should we do, smack criminals on the back of the hand and tell them not to do it again? What do you think prison is? It's an eye for an eye - You screw up, you get screwed.

Saying the death penalty doesn't prevent crime is stupid. If someone's dead, they can't quite commit crimes, now can they? Vicious circle my ass - "Hey, if I do this, and I get caught, I could get the death penalty. I don't think I'll do this." It's the same reason why criminals aren't stupid enough to rob houses owned by people with guns. They don't want to die.

The man needs to be sentenced to death, period. Just like the guy in WV who raped the 18 month old girl should be sentenced to death.
Ghost C
The man needs to be sentenced to death, period.

He has AIDS. He has been sentenced to death.

Taking advantage of that, stop his medication.
AIDS takes too long. I say we kill him slowly and painfully, and sell it on pay-per-view to subsidize some of the costs of prisons.
This type of crap happens way too often in Canada. Child molestors are getting some ridiculously easy sentences.

Sadly it's true. Ever heard of the Hilton family ( I don't think they're widely known outside Qc, though)? They were boxers, abeilt not really good ones, who fell face first in all the "glamour" of that lifestyle. The father's a drunken idiot, while the sons are repeat, drunk ass sex offenders. One of them raped his own 14 year old daughters... his own daughters! He's serving time in a minimum security prison, where he's having a better life condition than you and I...

They should get the smallest cell possible, without a window, no ammenities, hidden away from everyone else, without heating or A/C. Make them think about what they've done, why they're there.
AIDS takes too long. I say we kill him slowly and painfully, and sell it on pay-per-view to subsidize some of the costs of prisons.

The pay-per-view bit would be unconstitutional in America. Killing someone like that on the other hand would not be unconsitutional here.

I argue that killing someone like this does not reduce us to his level. It is not fundamentally wrong to kill people.

I'll give you an example...

Guy breaks into your house with a gun. You shoot him dead.

That's not wrong by any stretch of the imagination.