PunkRockSadly it's true. Ever heard of the Hilton family ( I don't think they're widely known outside Qc, though)? They were boxers, abeilt not really good ones, who fell face first in all the "glamour" of that lifestyle. The father's a drunken idiot, while the sons are repeat, drunk ass sex offenders. One of them raped his own 14 year old daughters... his own daughters! He's serving time in a minimum security prison, where he's having a better life condition than you and I...
They should get the smallest cell possible, without a window, no ammenities, hidden away from everyone else, without heating or A/C. Make them think about what they've done, why they're there.
PunkRock, you raise a good subject. I've always considered Canada to be low on laws. In America, something that would get a real sentence here get's nothing. Most murderers, are arrested for about 2 days then released, atleast most of the time down here in North Delta, British Columbia, Canada. 👎
The laws need to be more strict. Like American laws.