is This for Real?

  • Thread starter Diego440


Born to browse
This website offers to sell third-world orphans for adoption as organ donors.

We are a domestic and international adoption agency where parents are free to adopt a child who is a perfect match (up to 18 yrs) for the transplant of one or more “non-essential” organs to be donated to one of the adopting parents or your own children

There's obviously a loophole these people are taking advantage of, but this is morally horrible.

I'm actually not surprised. I've always heard 1 day, children of those countries would just end up being treated like products in a super market.

I think Joey just put it best, below.
Wow that's something else, although it's not as bad as I originally thought. At least they aren't having the kids adopted out and then killed for a heart transplant or something. I still think it's rather sad that people would be willing to do this though. I understand that you want to be healthy but is it really ok to do it at the expense of someone else?
I'd have to say that it is an interesting exchange of services. I wonder when they'll start buying organs from kids and skipping the whole adoption part.

I looked at the rates page and was quite surprised to see that you could buy an eye from them. Do they know how to do eye transplants? That may be something interesting to see implemented in curing blind people. It would be interesting to have to tell your kid that "Yeah, you know that missing eye? Yeah. It's right here."

Or the hip. Aren't those pretty important for walking?

I guess the part that's tough on morals is that you are pretty much saying that your life is more important than the kid whose organs you are buying. I wonder what the rate of abandonment and things will be for the parents who use these services.
This is common, but normally the subjects are deceased though in good physical condition. Perhaps these children from 'developing nations' have the mentality that nothing good will come from life, so these kids donate their organs to improve the lives of others around them. If this is the case, then they are among the most selfless people in existence, if the initial cause is rather pathetic. Then, this could be real.
I actually just read an article about this sort of thing in the newspaper—interviews with real Canadian doctors, about these actual websites.

It was discussing how people go onto these websites, then travel overseas for organs for nearly 1/10th the price ($12,000 heart transplant in India, anyone?), and come back with a new body part. . .

. . . then they buy the anti-rejection and other drugs here for the post-procedure. It's not a joke—though this website may be—but it actually happens.

The only way to really know is to call that number and inquire.
The possibilities are endless... you could adopt a new one every couple of years or so, so that you had the whole kit of spares (so to speak), and as you got older, you could always adopt at a higher rate - that way you could live for many years longer than you would have originally. You'd also have loads of lovely family photos to cherish as you grew old 👍 (if not that many children left :( ) The only drawback I can see is that you'd need to remortgage the house to extend that family plot at the cemetery - especially if your 'natural born' kids got in on the idea too... but presumably, your natural born kids don't care enough about you to deserve a place in your family plot anyway (since they can't be relied upon to cough up a liver or two), so that's a bonus.

Great hoax, though - however horribly tasteless it is.
Lol, did you read any of the stuff at that site? It's pretty obviously a joke if you read some bits of it... click on 'Register' and take a look at the questionnaire, for example...

Which sex related crimes have you been convicted of:
PLEASE NOTE: This is for U.S CITIZENS ONLY. U.S. Law requires to ask these basic questions, however, your answers are not a factor in the adoption approval process.

Or in the Profiles section...

About Bngu: Sweet, little Bngu has perfect health, despite the conspicuous absence of parents. This child has uncommonly big lips, but some parents find that to be an attractive quality for personal reasons.


Whether you need an immediate transplant, for which we have an “expedited program"

It doesn't take a genius to figure out what that would mean!