Unpopular Opinions - General Thread

  • Thread starter Carbonox
I get your point, but I don't see GTP as being like Xitter, FaceBook, Reddit, Instagram - y'know? It's a more specialized forum that predates social media as we know it.
It doesn't have to be like any of those to be social media, none of those are really like any of the others, and all of those are specialized.

Also lots of social media predates "social media as we know it," by which I suppose you mean the most dominant, ubiquitous platforms, and indeed lots of social media predates GTPlanet. None of them are any less social media due to--or by virtue of--that fact.

So often people purport to hate social media but they are in fact utilizing social media to inform others of their hatred of social media.

It's not like everyone's posts on GTP are trying to "game the algorithm" for a fleeting morsel of attention.
Then you don't like that sort of social media behavior. That's fine. You could even be more broad and say you don't like the algorithmic amplification which enables that sort of behavior.
Never mind the fact that it's not like provocative threads get "increased engagement" or whatever.
I think some probably do, whether you realize it or not, even as that increased engagement may be short-lived. That isn't to say they all do, or even that those which are intended to farm engagement, for whatever purpose, end up being successful. I think you may not realize how much "engagement" encompasses.
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Mega corp. social media is borderline evil, designed to hook people to their screens.

Online platforms are useful communication tools, but most of the big tech domains are just the matrix. Its mostly bots anyway.

It would be unpopular to say that big tech social media has improved society.
Maybe. With the way evil corporations use it to control and steer the masses I'm no longer sure if the internet does more good than harm.
The balanced of harm and prosperity has slid strongly towards the former for the current generation raised in the matrix.

I imagine most of us here grew up with landlines and VHS. These poor kids nowadays have never known a world without interactive screens and assume spending all their recreational time in the matrix is a normal way of life.

So, if you had the magic button to turn off the web entirely, would you do it?
So, if you had the magic button to turn off the web entirely, would you do it?
If this was aimed at me you are asking the wrong person, sometimes I'm so fed up with everything I think I'd push the coronal-mass-ejection-hitting-earth-button if I had one.

Semi-serious joke aside, the Internet has helped me a lot with special knowledge in my hobbies and interests, it provides me with access to products offered in other countries and even on other continents - stuff I would have never even heard of without it, and it helps me with useful knowledge about my chronic illness.
But the downfall of society is probably greatly accelerated by the internet with people having only digital pseudo friends, no longer seeking company of real people and with big corporations pushing BS agendas to mercilessly steer people into directions that benefits only them destroying many many lives in the process.

I really can't answer the question since I'm not entirely sure how exactly the internet has impacted my life negatively, and how it would look like if the internet had never existed - its a lot of speculation.
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So, if you had the magic button to turn off the web entirely, would you do it?

The problem with the internet is people. Bad people will use it to do bad things, and lazy people will use it to be lazy, but I think it would be wrong to rob people of all the benefits - if you're not sure what those benefits are then you're either not using in the internet, or are not accurately recalling life before it. Media lies and corporate manipulation existed long before the internet, and people were probably less aware of it.
On the back of the TV show getting good reviews, I'm going to say it:

Fallout 4 is a really good game.
On the back of the TV show getting good reviews, I'm going to say it:

Fallout 4 is a really good game.

Most of the Fallout community agrees 4 is a good game, just not a good Fallout game lol. That’s the opinion I seem to run into time after time when talking to big fans of the series.

If you want an opinion that’ll really piss off the hardcore Fallout fans who are diehard protectors of everything prior to New Vegas, it’s that the art style shift in Fallout 4 that has become the series’ identity in the latest instalments and TV show was a great change and gave the IP a much more recognizable and unique aesthetic.

Most hardcore Fallout fans hate the art style shift lol, but I adore it and think it makes the universe way more unique and visually interesting.
Most of the Fallout community agrees 4 is a good game, just not a good Fallout game
I think it's a really good Fallout game. I accept the criticisms that people say but even with that, I absolutely maintain that what Fallout 4 gets right, it gets very right.
I honestly believe that the album One More Light pushed Chester Bennington to his end.
It sounds like it was produced by Beyoncé for the Backstreet Boys. It sucks a massive one.

The guitars have been almost entirely replaced with light synths and the rock drumming with some R&B beats from an iPad. Only the title track is remotely close to a Linkin Park record.

I’d rather listen to Nickleback than One More Light.

I don’t think I could live myself either, if I’d released it. RIP old friend.
Unpopular opinion - pineapple CAN go on pizza

so there
I finally converted my wife to Hawaiian pizza yesterday, though she's not 100% sold on the pineapple part.

Only took 25 years (though confessionally, I disavowed it until I worked at a pizza joint).
People look at me weird when I tell them I want eggs on my pizza, including my wife....

Usually people who have not travelled much the world...
A few of them in America

They don't know what they missing out on
One of the best pizzas I've ever had was a breakfast pizza; sausage, egg and bacon.
It's a very common pizza here.
Go into a pizza shop and ask for an Aussie and it's pretty much the same but substitute the sausage for cheese.
I'll eat it and it's fine, but much prefer other pizza, my go to is normally vegetarian with chicken. I know it sounds strange but that way you tend to get the better-quality vegetables.
One of the best pizzas I've ever had was a breakfast pizza; sausage, egg and bacon.
You reminded me of something... One of the best pizzas I've ever had was in Sicily.

I was in the service and headed to the middle east for a tour of duty. The plane "broke down" at a US Naval Base there ( breaking down is sometimes code for pilots wanting to stay at a location a little longer ). The group I was with went to get some dinner at a restaurant in town. I saw on the menu they had a pizza with hog dogs and french fries. I like trying different food sometimes so i got it.

It was amazing.
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Raygun - the Olympic meme, is awesome.

Why is breakdancing in the Olympics? **** knows. I thought BMX racing was a stupid Olympic sport, and I use to participate in that myself. What I do know is that one Aussie woman with 0 rythme but 100% enthusiam has won the internet for the last week or two.

There's been so much coverage of this particular meme that it's over-shadowed the games itself, despite the degernate ceremonies that I haven't bothered to watch. A 0 funk, middle aged white chick with balls of steel has lightened up many peoples days during a time of international carnage.

I honestly believe there's as much joviality breed from this as there is annoyance that the games are not being 'respected'.

It's modern France. 2024. This is the least grim newsworthy event that's occured in my recent memory.
Wait until you find out she created the governing body of break dancing in Australia and appointed her husband as the ultimate judge. She refused to let some clubs participate in the Olympic trials while not allowing funding for the trials to go to others for travel to the trials. She loop-holed her way into an all expenses trip to the Olympics.
It seems like there's a ton of misinformation out there for whatever reason, but from the few journalists who've done some sleuthing, it doesn't looks like any of that is really true:

Here's the finals in which she won:

I just think those competing in Australia to be breakdancers aren't on the same level as those in other countries.
I just think those competing in Australia to be breakdancers aren't on the same level as those in other countries.
Not to mention that Australia has indigenous “black” folk who are probably way more skilled in the ways of dancing.*


If there’s any native islanders on here, please chime in.