Sort of. I have m3 f80 (comp version), which is basically exactly the same as the M4 f82, but in saloon form (good family car

Really pleased with it 18 months on, used to be a to b with my old standard civic, but trips to shops easily turn into 2 hour detours... Deliberated about getting a german performance car for years, was struggling with cost when civic did job perfectly well and costs a fraction (although m3 running costs not 'that'd bad imo, mainly fuel useage which would be much lower if I drove it much less for the sake of it and changed gears in more sensibnel ranges... sounds, torque is addictive and struggle with discipline to drive it 'normally' as a result... recall watching video reviews and people saying the way its setup, you just want to drive it relatively hard all the time...

can totally emphasize with that now) Absolutely love the damn thing, no regrets at all, and thats not just me justifying it... truely is immense thing and never for one moment regretted it.
Still has magic now 18 months on and 14k more miles on the clock. Has crossed my mind about getting something more sensible again, but just cannot bring myself to do it, despite logically making sense. Feeling it generates is worth every penny, and I like to think I'm usually a pretty logical person, not governed by 'feeling's
