Isaac Hayes Quits "South Park"

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© Comedy Central
"South Park" character Chef
Isaac Hayes Quits 'South Park'
Mar 13, 4:33 PM EST

The Associated Press

NEW YORK -- Isaac Hayes has quit "South Park," where he voices Chef, saying he can no longer stomach its take on religion.

Hayes, who has played the ladies' man/school cook in the animated Comedy Central satire since 1997, said in a statement Monday that he feels a line has been crossed.

"There is a place in this world for satire, but there is a time when satire ends and intolerance and bigotry towards religious beliefs of others begins," the 63-year-old soul singer and outspoken Scientologist said.

"Religious beliefs are sacred to people, and at all times should be respected and honored," he continued. "As a civil rights activist of the past 40 years, I cannot support a show that disrespects those beliefs and practices."

"South Park" co-creator Matt Stone responded sharply in an interview with The Associated Press Monday, saying, "This is 100 percent having to do with his faith of Scientology... He has no problem — and he's cashed plenty of checks — with our show making fun of Christians."

Last November, "South Park" targeted the Church of Scientology and its celebrity followers, including actors Tom Cruise and John Travolta, in a top-rated episode called "Trapped in the Closet." In the episode, Stan, one of the show's four mischievous fourth graders, is hailed as a reluctant savior by Scientology leaders, while a cartoon Cruise locks himself in a closet and won't come out.

Stone told The AP he and co-creator Trey Parker "never heard a peep out of Isaac in any way until we did Scientology. He wants a different standard for religions other than his own, and to me, that is where intolerance and bigotry begin."
No he wasn't. I didn't even really notice that Chef had been phased out over the last few seasons. He was funny, sure, but the show is just fine without him.
Oh noes, the Scientologist is anger. :(

Seriously, jokes about Scientology aside, how ridiculous is this double-standard…
No he wasn't. I didn't even really notice that Chef had been phased out over the last few seasons. He was funny, sure, but the show is just fine without him.

What about the first few seasons? I'd say he played a pretty major role then, but I agree that he has been phased out. I'm not really a fan of season 9 anyways...
I don't think the show is going to last much longer, anyway.

Sad, though. I like the character. Get ready for more Scientology jokes, though.

I wonder what they'll do with his character. Probably arrested for rape of a minor, or something.
I've noticed his appearence becoming less and less on the show. I wonder if they'll do a farewell episode.

Got to give the man some kind of farewell for his hilarious role.
Solid Lifters
I don't think the show is going to last much longer, anyway.

I believe they just signed a contract for 5 more years, or around that length of time anyways, so they'll be around for a couple more years atleast.

Although its sad to see his character gone, I think they'll be able to get on without him, probably even replace him, although I don't know with what. I just hope they keep his parents coming back, their lochness monster stories make milk shoot out my nose. :lol:
Isaac Hayes is a Scientologist? That's hilarious.

Anyone know the name of the episode with Scientology in it? I remember watching it and thinking it was hilarious, but I can't remember the episode name...
Anderton Prime
Isaac Hayes is a Scientologist? That's hilarious.

Anyone know the name of the episode with Scientology in it? I remember watching it and thinking it was hilarious, but I can't remember the episode name...

Trapped in the Closet....?
Trapped in the Closet....?
If only they'd mentioned that in the news story that Solid Lifters posted....
Solid Lifters
Last November, "South Park" targeted the Church of Scientology and its celebrity followers, including actors Tom Cruise and John Travolta, in a top-rated episode called "Trapped in the Closet." In the episode, Stan, one of the show's four mischievous fourth graders, is hailed as a reluctant savior by Scientology leaders, while a cartoon Cruise locks himself in a closet and won't come out.
When I first heard this on the radio this morning I couldn't believe his reasoning. They didn't give Matt Stone's response to it, but I was thinking back to all the shows where my dad told me I shouldn't be watching the show because it was blasphemous.

This of course coming from the man who cheated on my mother and left on the day of their anniversary. :indiff:

They have seemed to have a lot less Chef lately anyway. I can live without him. If they even address the issue, which I am sure they will unless legal reasons prevent it, I imagine it will be either him dying somehow or running off to join the Church of Scientology.

I remember thinking that episode was hilarious, especially when they were describing what Scientologists believed about the whole aliens and whatnot and the words "Scientologists really believe this" was flashing across the screen.

It wasn't any worse than when they did the Mormons and anytime someone explained what the Mormons believed a chorus in the background sang, "dumb dumb dumb dumb." They had one woman question the whole story and the chorus went, "smart smart smart smart."

So I figure if Isaac Hayes can handle that and the idea of Jesus having a talk show and only being able to beat Satan because Satan threw the fight then he should be able to handle what is nothing more than an honest telling of Scientology with Tom Cruise acting like an idiot, I mean himself, in the background.
Haha that guy couldn't take a joke.

Ah well, I haven't noticed much of him recently, suppose the gang will need a new 'explainer'.
I actually think it's pretty weak. I mean, they SLAMMED mormons(with an entire episode calling them dumb), Christians(an episode when Jesus fights satan and when it's a magician versus satan) and Isaac gets upset when they do the SAME THING to scientology? That's serious double standard.

I have lost a lot of respect for Isaac Hayes. My opinion of Scientology aside, I'm a christian and the episodes with Jesus in it are pretty offensive but the challenge is that they DO bring up good points. So if I can't sit back and laugh with it, then I don't have faith or religion. I have a titanium rod from the base of my skull to the seat of my pants, if you know what I mean. :sly:
Yeah... knowing you to be one of the most devout guys on this board, it's hard to imagine you watching "South Park".

But yeah, that's the whole premise of the show... you can't really get offended about anything, because they make fun of every creed, race, religion, country, etcetera... with about the same intensity. I've never found it offensive for offense's sake, and they always hit interesting buttons.
One thing i've noticed though is when they make fun of a religion, etc, they never make anything up, they just state facts and give their opinions of the facts. The mormon episode for example, none of what they said was made up, thats how the story was written. They basically just add their opinion or share their views on the subject through the characters along with it.

People may blame them for making fun of their religion, but they're merely telling the story or beliefs behind the religion, and its in the story that people find the humor. Maybe the people getting mad at South Park aren't mad at the creators, but get mad at the realization of how stupid their religion or beliefs sound when said out loud, feeling embarrassed about believing it, but are unable to turn on their religion and beliefs, so in turn, taking it out on Matt and Trey.
They basically just add their opinion or share their views on the subject through the characters along with it.
Actually, I saw them on Charlie Rose (on PBS) and they said that they make fun of their own beliefs sometimes because they just go wherever the jokes are. I know I was shocked to find out that they were conservatives, almost to the point of libertarians.
Actually, I saw them on Charlie Rose (on PBS) and they said that they make fun of their own beliefs sometimes because they just go wherever the jokes are. I know I was shocked to find out that they were conservatives, almost to the point of libertarians.

You were? It's actually pretty apparent when you take a second look at the majority of episodes.
Come on!!! How can Issac Hayes participate in all of the serious Jew bashing that show does and think it's uncool to make fun of scientology? They made fun of mormons, christians, (obviously team america poked a little fun at muslims - though he wasn't in that), I mean what religion isn't safe?

I mean, the very first episode of southpark had Jesus fighting Santa mortal combat style, and calling him a p*ssy.

I just don't see how you can be with the show this long and not understand that it makes fun of literally everything. Nothing is safe, nothing is sacred - and that's why it's funny.

Actually, I saw them on Charlie Rose (on PBS) and they said that they make fun of their own beliefs sometimes because they just go wherever the jokes are. I know I was shocked to find out that they were conservatives, almost to the point of libertarians.

The show where Big Gay Al becomes a scoutmaster has a hardcore libertarian ending.

Sadly, they're one of the only shows that seems to get it right with politics.
The show where Big Gay Al becomes a scoutmaster has a hardcore libertarian ending.
You were? It's actually pretty apparent when you take a second look at the majority of episodes.
I guess I'm just not looking for deeper meanings in South Park as much as I am just looking for a good laugh. It just seemed to me that jokes were always flying everywhere and nothing seemed to be biased in any direction.
That's odd, I thought the first episode of Southpark involved Cartman being abducted by aliens.:dunce:
The first South Park was a Christmas short. I think it was about 5 minutes long, the animation was very crude, and the naughty language basically tore down any sort of moral barrier. Absolutely hilarious, too 👍

And scientologists have the craziest, funniest beliefs of any sect, and deserve to be made fun of.
I guess I'm just not looking for deeper meanings in South Park as much as I am just looking for a good laugh. It just seemed to me that jokes were always flying everywhere and nothing seemed to be biased in any direction.

It's really easy for libertarians to come off as a perfect blend of repulican and democrat - which is probably why most people don't notice any sort of bias.
Come on!!! How can Issac Hayes participate in all of the serious Jew bashing that show does and think it's uncool to make fun of scientology? They made fun of mormons, christians, (obviously team america poked a little fun at muslims - though he wasn't in that), I mean what religion isn't safe?
Don't forget "Jew Boy Camp & Mosses" with the "Macaroni Art" and my favorite "Catholic Love Boat." lmao

Issac Hayes just lost my respect.

I just saw on WPIX out of New York (I work in media research) that last night they were supposed to rerun the "Trapped in the Closet" episode, which makes fun of Tom Cruise and Scientology, the very episode that Isaac Hayes got all huffy over.

Well, Tom Cruise threatened to boycott Mission: Impossible III, his own movie, if they aired the episode. So what, he ruins his own movie, right? Wrong. The links of synergy came into play here. MI3 is being produced by Paramount, which is owned by Viacom, who also owns Comedy Central.

They risk losing less money by pulling a rerun than by having a flop of an over-rated, bloated-budget blockbuster hopeful.

Well, since I have no interest in seeing MI3, despite Phillip Seymour Hoffman, I think I will go out and buy the South Park movie on DVD that same day. I have it on VHS but want to get it on DVD anyway, seems like May 5th is the day to do it. It would be cool to pull a MI3 boycott and have everyone buy or rent something South Park related on that day. It will let them and Tom Cruise know that Tom Cruise is a pompous twit and we all know it.

Here is the story on a British website.
And an American site
And the original article

I just saw on WPIX out of New York (I work in media research) that last night they were supposed to rerun the "Trapped in the Closet" episode, which makes fun of Tom Cruise and Scientology, the very episode that Isaac Hayes got all huffy over.

Well, Tom Cruise threatened to boycott Mission: Impossible III, his own movie, if they aired the episode. So what, he ruins his own movie, right? Wrong. The links of synergy came into play here. MI3 is being produced by Paramount, which is owned by Viacom, who also owns Comedy Central.

They risk losing less money by pulling a rerun than by having a flop of an over-rated, bloated-budget blockbuster hopeful.

Well, since I have no interest in seeing MI3, despite Phillip Seymour Hoffman, I think I will go out and buy the South Park movie on DVD that same day. I have it on VHS but want to get it on DVD anyway, seems like May 5th is the day to do it. It would be cool to pull a MI3 boycott and have everyone buy or rent something South Park related on that day. It will let them and Tom Cruise know that Tom Cruise is a pompous twit and we all know it.

Here is the story on a British website.
And an American site
And the original article
Oh, for god's sake, shut up idiots. Oh wait, Oh, for "Xenu, the galactic tyrant's" sake, shut up idiots.