Israel and Palestine

  • Thread starter ///M-Spec
This is almost a win - win for Israel, don't you think? If terrorism slows down(I doubt it'll ever completely stop), great. If terrorism do continue, Palestinians will lose its' popularity.

Like I said, I think danoff's money, but I am hoping for the upset here. Israel made a huge step forward towad peace, IMO. If Palestine doesn't follow the lead here, I will lose some respect for them.
How many steps toward peace have the Palestinians made?

We will see in the next few weeks how committed the Palestinians really are towards peace.
Viper Zero
How many steps toward peace have the Palestinians made?
I didn't claim any! :D I don't think they made any sacrifice this big, but my knowledge and understanding on this subject is bit limited tbh.....

Viper Zero
We will see in the next few weeks how committed the Palestinians really are towards peace.
*crosses fingers*
This really isn't that big a deal. The Israelis made a strategic withdrawal from an untenable position. The tiny contingent of Gaza settlers doesn't amount to much compared to the West Bank population of 350,000.

The West Bank is the real issue, and always will be. That really is a problem that has no solution. There will never be a Palestinian state because of it, and therefore there will never be peace.
The West Bank is the real issue, and always will be. That really is a problem that has no solution. There will never be a Palestinian state because of it, and therefore there will never be peace.

I disagree. The real issue is the existance of Israel at all. The terrorists will not be happy until Israel no longer exists - which is why there will never be peace.
This really isn't that big a deal. The Israelis made a strategic withdrawal from an untenable position. The tiny contingent of Gaza settlers doesn't amount to much compared to the West Bank population of 350,000.

The West Bank is the real issue, and always will be. That really is a problem that has no solution. There will never be a Palestinian state because of it, and therefore there will never be peace.
I agree and disagree. While I understand why you say it is not a big deal, I think it was. Strategic move or not, if this was a game of chess, this really starts moving the pieces again.

I also do see what you mean by "problem that has no solution". There won't be peace until both sides come to a compromise. Way these guys play though, maybe you are right.
This is almost a win - win for Israel, don't you think? If terrorism slows down(I doubt it'll ever completely stop), great. If terrorism do continue, Palestinians will lose its' popularity.

Like I said, I think danoff's money, but I am hoping for the upset here. Israel made a huge step forward towad peace, IMO. If Palestine doesn't follow the lead here, I will lose some respect for them.
I lost what ever sympathy and respect I had for them when they celibrated sending a young girl to death as a suicide bomber on a bus full of students . That along with the camera shots showing spontanious celebrations after the planes hit on 9 /11 while the rest of the world mostly held vigils , marked them as vermin in my book .
I have some sympathy for the Israelies but they are still carving out a spot among tribes only these tribes dont use bows and arrows they carry AK 47 's .
and tend to blow themselves up in crowds . If the Palestinians have any sense in their heads they would court world opinion by trying to gain their objective by peacefull means that they have shown themselves to be capable of savagery ...but dont hold your breath . They have shown little capability for reason and good judgement throughout their history . Maybe thats why they are still living in refugee camps . That and the fact that they allow themselves to be used by other Arabs to keep the fight going . What cause will there be if the " Palestine " question was to be rendered moot by the " Palestinians " ? What would the dictators do to keep the people under controll without the cause that unites them and the pictures of the poor downtrodden palestinians in their refugee camps ? Combine that with the threat of democracy in Iraq and the rise of fundementalist Islamic values . Light a match and run .
I disagree. The real issue is the existance of Israel at all. The terrorists will not be happy until Israel no longer exists - which is why there will never be peace.
Agreed. NOT among all Muslims, but among radical militant Islam, which has already been defined as The Problem.

Frankly I was angered by the Israeli settlers yesterday. I was watching coverage of them barricading themselves in their Gaza buildings and resisting the eviction efforts. While I understand that they view themselves as being removed from their rightful claims, I think they are being too arrogant about it. I think the time has come for Israel to make a solid move in good faith towards a peaceful long-term resolution to the cohabitation issue. They need to shut up and take one for the team, and vacate the area.

Once that is done, then the burden rests squarely on Islam and the Palestinians to respond in kind. In other words, Israel needs to call their bluff with a real concession. Then, if the violence continues, all bets are off.
If they would all just accept His Noodliness as our Savor and bask in the Salivation He offers, this problem would just go away.
...The real issue is the existance of Israel at all. The terrorists will not be happy until Israel no longer exists - which is why there will never be peace.

Israel is forever and everybody with a brain that works at all, including the most radical, hard-core, ultra-fanatical militants, knows it. There may be a few delusional types who think they are going to somehow make Israel go away, but they are so few in number they're inconsequential.

"Peace", or some Middle-Eastern version of it, will only break out when a Palestinian state is officially created. The settling of the West Bank by a third of a million Israelis eliminated any possibility of that happening. They'll never leave, so the Palestinian state will never happen, and the wretched status quo will just continue on.
Israel is forever and everybody with a brain that works at all, including the most radical, hard-core, ultra-fanatical militants, knows it. There may be a few delusional types who think they are going to somehow make Israel go away, but they are so few in number they're inconsequential.

"Peace", or some Middle-Eastern version of it, will only break out when a Palestinian state is officially created. The settling of the West Bank by a third of a million Israelis eliminated any possibility of that happening. They'll never leave, so the Palestinian state will never happen, and the wretched status quo will just continue on.

I don't think a Palestinian state will suffice. Not sooner than Israel has ceeded its own land in the interests of peace are people calling for more land to be given. It will never be enough.