Isreals PM Ariel Sharon has major stroke

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I just heard on the news that isreals 77 year old pm Ariel Sharon has had another stroke and is in the hospital. all power has been transfered to his top deputy and It is likely that even if he lives his political career could be over.

JERUSALEM - Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon suffered a massive stroke Wednesday and was on a respirator after falling ill at his ranch. Doctors operated to drain excess blood from his brain. Hours later, his personal physician said he expected the prime minister to emerge from surgery “safely.”

"The prime minister is currently in surgery. It is proceeding properly,” said his personal physician, Dr. Shlomo Segev. "We need to wait patiently. "I expect him to emerge from it safely."

Powers were transferred to Sharon’s deputy, Vice Premier Ehud Olmert.

Dr. Shlomo Mor-Yosef, director of Hadassah Hospital in Jerusalem, said Sharon suffered “a significant stroke,” adding that he was “under anesthetic and receiving breathing assistance.” A few minutes later, Mor-Yosef emerged to say that initial tests showed Sharon had suffered a cerebral hemorrhage, or bleeding in his brain.

Mor-Yosef said Sharon, 77 and overweight, had “massive bleeding and was being transferred to an operating theater.”

Dr. Shmuel Shapira of Hadassah Hospital told Channel 10 TV that Sharon was taken to an operating room to drain the blood after suffering what he termed a “massive stroke.”

Sharon was put in an ambulance at his ranch in the Negev Desert after complaining about feeling unwell. A doctor said the stroke developed while he was being taken to the hospital in Jerusalem, a drive of about an hour.

Channel 2 TV said Sharon was suffering from paralysis in his lower body. Analysts on Israeli TV stations said his life could be in danger.

Stricken hours before scheduled surgery
The health crisis came hours before Sharon was to undergo a procedure to seal a hole in his heart that contributed to a mild stroke on Dec. 18. Since then, Sharon had been on blood thinners.

Cerebral hemorrhages — bleeding in the brain — account for only about 10 percent of strokes and can result either from rupture of blood vessels or leaking due to too much blood thinner medication.

“It’s among the most dangerous of all types of strokes,” with half of victims dying within a month, said Dr. Robert A. Felberg, a neurologist at Ochsner Clinic in New Orleans. “Any time they give blood thinners to prevent clots, there is a risk” that too much can cause a hemorrhage, he said.

Sharon is about 5-foot-7 and weighs between 250 and 300 pounds, but doctors checking him last month said he otherwise was in good health.

Olmert assumes control
Cabinet Secretary Yisrael Maimon said Sharon’s authority was transferred to Olmert because the premier was under general anesthetic.

The dramatic decline in Sharon’s health comes as Sharon runs for re-election on March 28 at the head of a new centrist party, Kadima. He enjoys a wide lead in the polls. The party’s strength is centered on Sharon, and if he were forced to step down, Israel’s political scene would be thrown into turmoil.

Sharon’s office said his personal physician was with him at the ranch in the Negev Desert in Israel’s south. He was taken to the hospital by ambulance, a drive of more than an hour, instead of being transported by helicopter.

Shapira said the massive stroke “apparently developed during the trip, and it developed quickly, as these events do.”
I hope this doesn't upset things over there - apart from the whole Iraq thing, things seems to have been fairly stable in the MiddleEast of late. Well, more stable then I remember anyway.
yeah I think things have been slightly better... But if he cant run for reelection in march his party will be much weaker without him and things will get very nasty again.
I hope this doesn't mess up the plans with the stuff he was doing with Palestine. I hope that the Israelis continue to move out and the Palestinians move into their area so there can be a little peace!
well if he cant continue as PM I doubt that will work.

JERUSALEM — Prime Minister Ariel Sharon was in serious condition Thursday following seven hours of emergency surgery to stop widespread bleeding in his brain caused by a life-threatening stroke, doctors said.

Vice Premier Ehud Olmert was named acting prime minister and convened the Cabinet for a special session. Close Sharon associates said they did not expect the 77-year-old prime minister to return to office.

A brain scan after surgery showed that the bleeding had been stopped, and Sharon was transferred to the intensive care unit, said Dr. Shlomo Mor-Yosef, the director of Hadassah Hospital in Jerusalem. Sharon remained sedated and on a respirator, hospital officials said.

"At this point, all the vital signs are ... stable. The prime minister is still in serious condition," Mor-Yosef said.

Sharon's stroke threw Israeli politics and diplomacy throughout the region into turmoil amid election campaigns for both Israel and the Palestinians.

He had been expected to easily win re-election in March at the head of the moderate Kadima Party he created to free his hands for further peace moves with the Palestinians.

Many Israelis see Sharon -- an overweight war hero and longtime hawk who changed tack and withdrew from the Gaza Strip last year -- as the best hope for achieving a peace deal with the Palestinians. His illness would create a power vacuum in the government and cloud the electoral prospects of his party, which was built around Sharon.

At the emergency Cabinet meeting, Sharon's chair at the center of the long oval table remained empty.

"This is a difficult situation that we are not accustomed to," Olmert told the somber ministers.

Sharon fell ill at his ranch Wednesday evening and was rushed to Hadassah Hospital, where doctors put him on a respirator and began emergency surgery about midnight (5 p.m. Wednesday EST). Doctors said Thursday morning they had stopped the bleeding during initial surgery, but Sharon was sent back to the operating room because a brain scan showed he required more treatment. He later underwent a second scan before being sent to the ICU, Mor-Yosef said.

Surgery apparently had been complicated by blood thinners Sharon took following a mild stroke Dec. 18. The medication may also have contributed to Wednesday's stroke. Sharon originally had been scheduled to undergo a procedure Thursday to seal a hole in his heart that contributed to the initial stroke.

Mor-Yosef did not address Sharon's prognosis, but neurosurgeons not involved in Sharon's treatment said a full recovery was not likely following such a massive stroke. They said it usually takes at least a day after surgery to determine the extent of any damage.

Outside doctors said chances of recovery were slim, especially because of the length of the surgery.

"For them to have to go back in twice, that's not good," said Dr. Emil Popovic, at neurosurgeon at Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital in Perth, Australia. "At 77, not too many people make a good recovery from a brain hemorrhage."

Palestinian officials said they were concerned the uncertainty in Israel could overshadow their campaign for Jan. 25 elections.

U.S. National Security Council official Elliott Abrams and State Department official David Welch were to have met with Sharon on Thursday evening, apparently to urge Israel to reverse a decision to ban Palestinian voting in disputed Jerusalem. But Palestinians said that they had postponed their trip to the region because of Sharon's illness.

Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas has said he may not hold elections if Jerusalem, claimed by the Palestinians as a capital, is excluded.

"We hope that this (Sharon's illness) will not affect what we had expected of the Israelis," said Palestinian negotiator Saeb Erekat. If Olmert puts off a decision on Jerusalem, "it means the Palestinian election is going down," Erekat said.

Japanese Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi postponed his visit, scheduled to begin Sunday, Japan's Foreign Ministry said.

Israelis and world leaders expressed concern and offered prayers for Sharon.

In a statement, President Bush praised Sharon as "a man of courage and peace," saying he and first lady Laura Bush "share the concerns of the Israeli people ... and we are praying for his recovery."

Israel's stock market plunged 5.4 percent on news of Sharon's stroke.

Israeli Chief Rabbi Yona Metzger called on Israelis to read Psalms and pray for Sharon. "We are very, very worried," he said, and prayed for "mercy from Heaven."

Pan-Arab satellite television broadcasters beamed out largely straightforward, nonstop live coverage from outside the hospital where Sharon -- a particularly despised figure among many Arabs -- struggled for his life.

Ahmed Jibril, a radical Palestinian leader in Damascus, Syria, called the stroke a gift from God.

Speaking to reporters outside the hospital, Sharon aide Raanan Gissin warned Israel's enemies: "To anyone who entertains any notion to try and exploit this situation ... the security forces and IDF (Israeli military) are ready for any kind of challenge," he said.

But a Palestinian commentator on the Saudi-owned Al-Arabiya network offered Sharon unexpected praise as "the first Israeli leader who stopped claiming Israel had a right to all of the Palestinians' land," a reference to Israel's Gaza withdrawal.

"A live Sharon is better for the Palestinians now, despite all the crimes he has committed against us," said Ghazi al-Saadi.

According to Israeli law, Olmert, as vice premier, assumed the post of acting prime minister for 100 days. An election will be held in that time, apparently as scheduled on March 28. If Sharon should die, the Cabinet would choose a replacement, said legal analyst Moshe Negbi.

Sharon has been prominent in Israeli life for more than five decades. He first rose to prominence as an army officer in the 1950s, advancing through the ranks and gaining attention during the 1967 war. Sharon left the military for politics, forging the hardline Likud Party, which came to power in 1977.

As defense minister, Sharon directed Israel's ill-fated invasion of Lebanon in 1982 during which an Israeli commission found him indirectly responsible for a massacre of Palestinians in two refugee camps by Christian Phalangist soldiers.

Sharon re-emerged as prime minister in 2001 soon after the outbreak of a new round of Israeli-Palestinian violence, and two years later he reversed his decades-long course of supporting Jewish settlements in the West Bank and Gaza, and pushed through a plan to withdraw from Gaza and part of the West Bank. The pullout was completed in September.

The withdrawal fractured Likud, and he bolted to form Kadima. He was putting together a list of candidates for the election when he fell ill Wednesday.

In the election, Sharon was to face off against Likud's candidate, former Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, and Amir Peretz, the union leader who recently took control of the dovish Labor Party.

Olmert, who could emerge as Sharon's successor as head of Kadima, would likely have a far tougher time in the election than Sharon, Israel's most popular politician.

Sharon was put in an ambulance at his ranch in the Negev Desert after complaining of feeling unwell. The stroke happened during the hourlong drive to Hadassah Hospital, Dr. Shmuel Shapira of the hospital told Channel 10 TV.

Sharon was taken to the same hospital last month after suffering a mild stroke caused by a blood clot. Doctors said he would not suffer long-term effects, but they discovered a birth defect in his heart that apparently contributed to the stroke. They originally planned to fix the hole in a procedure Thursday.

He took blood thinners after the first stroke to prevent another clot, but such drugs also raise the risk of cerebral hemorrhages.
I'm always affraid if there's is something big going on there, there's a pretty big chance that there will be some kinda fight again if he dies:scared:

Dont ask me why, there's always a reason for some people to go shoot with guns:irked::scared:
They just said on the news that he's back in surgery and that there's no hope of him recovering without serious brain damage..

I fear for the stability now that he's gone...
I dont think he has a very good chance of suviving let along recovering. With him gone his party has lost a lot of stability. I wouldnt be suprized if isreal under new leadership took back all the land it just gave back.
I just moved this thread to our new Current Events forum as the first "real" thread. Get well soon, Sharon!
Is there any new news on the status of his condition? This could really turn out to be a disaster if his successor can't control the ongoing conflicts :nervous:
Even if it makes it through, which I honestly think he WILL, there's no way he can return to the office of Prime Minister.

So, what does the Israeli constitution say about such occurances? Is there a permanent line of succession there, or does an election need to occur?
There is going to be an election in march anyway. His party was expected to easily win. Without him however His party doesnt look as good and things are a lot more up in the air now.

Last I heard his condition was stable after the 5 hour operation to relieve the pressure in his head.
Brain Scan. He's supposedly better than before, but still in bad condition. Nothing much.
There's no doubt that he won't be fit for duty for a long while... if ever.

The big question now is: Who takes over?