It was ten years ago today...

  • Thread starter axletramp


Never trust a fart.
Jersey V.1.0
It was 10 years ago today that I joined GTP. Washed up on Jordan's Island after having being shipwrecked whilst aboard the fatally bound Gran Turismo Forum (GTF) of which I had been a member for a number of years. A few fellow passengers clung to the wreckage and drifted wearily along with me, and forgetting any GTP vs GTF nonsense, we settled happily in our new home. (It's OK don't panic, I'm not going to carry on typing like a failed English student looking for a job in the local paper!)

Anyway, I thought I'd just make a record of my 10th year here, because if Shem's grandma can get a thread then anyone can! ;)

It's been a strange 10 years on and off for me - a decade in which I was divorced and remarried (to my ex-wife's best friend :scared:), had TV documentary made of my wedding, moved away from the UK, managed to acquire two kids, had piercings come and go (and come again) and finally became a Creative Director. I made some good friends at the beginning, but due to work and some major lifestyle changes, I went on a long hiatus away from the world of GT and GTP, I even missed out GT4 completely!

But just over a year ago the impending news of GT5's launch meant I'd make a return to the forum - thankfully I remembered my old password and crept in through the back door at night so no-one noticed. Things had changed, many people moved on, new mods in place and old one's now Emeritus and Administrators, but it was nice to see how many actually remembered me... or perhaps you were just pretending. ;)

Anyway, enough of this self indulgent crap, I'm here now and plan to stay for much longer. Old friends may have gone, but I feel I've made stronger bonds this time around, and you can't ask for more than that.

...just don't go expect me to me any less annoying though. Well, some things can never change, can they? :sly:
Huzzar! Hip hip, huzzar!

Congrats AT. I haven't even been a member of the internet for 10 years yet! I bet you feel well old now. :lol:

My, my, how moving your announcement is that even my nan got a mention, I think I'll have a beer or 2 to celebrate you membership milestone. Not that I need an excuse but, you know, it's better than not having one!

All that's left to say is
(bottoms up!)
That first bit sounded like my Road Wars inspired creative writing for my standard grades. :D Just cause I'm nosey: why was your wedding made into a documentary...?

Nice story though, had some true grit. 👍
(Clap clap clap) Well done... Umm, let's just pretend I had something worth saying to say.

I just found out you can put bold writing by pressing ctrl b! :eek:

Aaaanyway. It's always great to see one of two things happen to a GTP member. They've been here since the early days (2001/2002) and that they disappear, and actually come back. Well done, actually. 👍 Just next time you come in the back door, don't start taking Awards in numbers other than 1 and 0!! :P
Thanks guys - I think... 'well old'? :grumpy:

As you were wondering, it was for a series called 'The Wedding Planner' on the Living channel. My missus used to be a video game and TV producer and an old colleague of hers was producing the series about different and unusual weddings. He had a gay couple drop out (due to one of the guy's fathers finding out his son was gay and not being over the moon about it appearing on TV) and knew we were having a Humanist wedding, so we got the gig at the last minute. This was back in 2001.

I just found out you can put bold writing by pressing ctrl b! :eek:

Can you? Oh yeah. Wow!
Yeah though it's rather off topic. It does it for all of the underline, italics, and bolding. :sly:
Oh yeah and errr congrats! :dopey:

Thanks guys - I think... 'well old'? :grumpy:

As you were wondering, it was for a series called 'The Wedding Planner' on the Living channel. My missus used to be a video game and TV producer and an old colleague of hers was producing the series about different and unusual weddings. He had a gay couple drop out (due to one of the guy's fathers finding out his son was gay and not being over the moon about it appearing on TV) and knew we were having a Humanist wedding, so we got the gig at the last minute. This was back in 2001.

Ahhh ok awesome. *runs off to find every episode of the show*
So, change of topic or more rambling? I've cracked open a beer now so expect some long winded comments fro Shem. Ah, 3rd person again. Here I go.

10 years ago I was 16, out of school, discovering my liking for cider and working as a gardener/ bakery assistant/ computer seter-uper or what ever else would pay for my weekend binge. Was studying my first year of advance motor vehicle mechanics and had not yet started smoking.....cigarettes, at least.
Ramble away - I suppose it should about the last 10 years. I found a pic of me from about 2001/2002, about the time I joined GTP.

@Aldo - don't worry, I have the only copy. :sly:
Either that or I'm really crap at scissor-paper-stone. And what's going on with my hair? I look like that 'aliens' meme guy. :odd:
Was it your 33rd birthday or something? :P

Haha I'm sure I can find it on the internet. Just as long as SOPPYBALLS isn't passed sometime soon.
For some reason that pic reminds me of The Specials song Friday Night, Saturday Morning. How bizarre.
That was in a beach bar in Fuertaventura (sp?). Yeah, I was about 33. I was well stocked with *cough* 'preservatives' in those days.
Social lubricant from a chemistry set is always my first choice of picker upper. I used to wander through Romford town centre at 3am singing Mandy by Barry Manolow because I was in such high spirits.
Second marriage though. I was first married at 26 - don't do it kids, too young!
Second marriage though. I was first married at 26 - don't do it kids, too young!

Thanks for the advice.............oh, wait...TOO LATE!

I'm not legally married anyway. No foreigners in China can be (unless to a Chinese person, of course), so I'll have to do a legit marriage at a registry in Thailand or the UK some day.
Didn't you also have a rather long hiatus, Mike Rotch, if I remember correctly, or is that another mod?

I've only been here since 2010 so I'm a GTP hatch-ling, one could say. :)
Not a big fat gyspy one then? 💡

Unfortunately we couldn't get hold of a pumpkin carriage, 20 white horses, a 25' wide dress or guests with pixelated faces, otherwise yes! :dopey:

Thanks for the advice.............oh, wait...TOO LATE!

I'm not legally married anyway. No foreigners in China can be (unless to a Chinese person, of course), so I'll have to do a legit marriage at a registry in Thailand or the UK some day.

*gets ready to receive invite*
*gets ready to receive invite*

I could do with all the guests I can muster! My sister is the only one in my family with a passport and my mates did Bangkok last year so wont come again.

I don't know why people would refuse a mash up in Thailand, paid for by someone else!

I'll invite the *whole of GTP if they can make their way there. :)

*Rumble Strip/ Infield.