Italia - Anyone? C'e' Nessuno?

  • Thread starter TheWizard
Any other bloody Italiano/a lurks in GTPlanet? :D (sorry, I had to use dark grey, you couldn't really see the white)

I am from Treviso, Veneto (Italia, of course - duh ;)).

If you are an Italian like I am, join this thread and let yourself be known... I am just curious to see who's from "Il Bel Paese" (Italy) around here.

The Wizard.
Not from Italy, but my grandparents were immigrants from Sicily, and I've been taking Italian in school.

Cool 👍 How long have you been taking Italian for?

I eat a ****load of spaghetti, lasagna, pizza and garlic bread. I also play Super Mario...does that mean I'm Italian too?

LOL! :D Be careful, I heard/read somewhere that if you eat a lot of Italian food, you'll eventually end up being a full blooded Italian, start speaking it and they'll call you the "Italian Stallion" (because you... well, you can guess why ;)) :D

By the way, Angelina Jolie is so HOT :cool: (Hmmm... Smoking!)

The Wizard.
I just finished my second year. We've done present, past particicple (passato prossimo), imperfect, future, and reflexive verbs. Vocabulary has been all over the board.

Out of curiosity, do you know who 99 Posse is? I've been listening to a CD my teacher gave me. :)

(Shouldn't this be elsewhere, by the way?)
I just finished my second year. We've done present, past particicple (passato prossimo), imperfect, future, and reflexive verbs. Vocabulary has been all over the board.

Out of curiosity, do you know who 99 Posse is? I've been listening to a CD my teacher gave me. :)

Cool, so are you able to speak some Italian, or are you just comfortable with its written form? (I know it took me a good amount of years to become accustomed to English, now it's like second nature to me... I used to have to think in Italian and then translate everything in my head in English, before saying something... now I just think and talk/type in English (if I am in a situation that requires me to speak/type in English, of course))

99 Posse is, if I am not mistaken, an Italian rap/raggae band... I used to like a couple of their songs a few years back... but rap/raggae is really not my kind.

(Shouldn't this be elsewhere, by the way?)

Are you referring to this thread? I don't know/I am not sure... I wanted to post/start this thread, but I didn't really know where, but then I saw the thread "America - The Official Thread *READ THIS*" started by ///M-Spec and he put it in the "Opinions" Forum, so I figured this was the best place to put it... I should have put it in the middle of the GT4 Forum, at least I would get more people viewing it and replying to it... :D Not many (Italians) are going to search for something like this in the "Opinions" Forum... :guilty:

The Wizard.
Yeah, this'd be more suited for the off-topic, but I suppose it's up to the mods to move it.

As for Italian, yes, I am more comfortable writing, but by listening to the music and to my teacher, Enzo, talking in Italian, I can get into an Italian mindset where I don't have to translate, I just try to pick apart the words that I don't know. It's hard to pick up everything, still, but hopefully this next year will help a lot since the whole class will be in Italian.
Spiacente. Non sono italiano. Comunque, amo le automobili ed amo il cibo. :)

Good job MrktMkr1986 👍 So, since we are talking Italian here, I assume what you really meant was: "Comunque, amo le Ferrari ed amo la pasta" ;) :D
Translation: "By the way, I love Ferrari's and I love pasta"

...but hopefully this next year will help a lot since the whole class will be in Italian.

That's cool... You will definitely learn more/quickier if there's no English involved at all during class 👍 I learnt more how to speak and write in English in the first three month period I have been here, than in 8 years of studying English at school :sly: (EDIT - in Italy, of course)

By the way... Dove sono tutti gli Italiani in GTPlanet?? :odd:
"Where are all the bloody Italians in GTPlanet?? :odd: ("bloody" is not in the original statement, but I just love that word :D)

The Wizard.
...I'm not itallian, but I am interested in one day going to italy. that would rule.

You should definitely go. I know I will travel a lot, once I'll have the money for it, that is... :indiff: You should definitely visit Venice, Rome, Florence, Pisa, Milan, The Vatican, Naples, Pompeii, the Alps, Genova... but I am sure you all know about the awesome places Italy is covered with ;)

...3 and a half more months of college and then, "Casa, dolce casa" - "Home, sweet home"... Can't wait :D:tup:

EDIT: Added some more places to the list...

The Wizard.
Good job MrktMkr1986 👍 So, since we are talking Italian here, I assume what you really meant was: "Comunque, amo le Ferrari ed amo la pasta" ;) :D
Translation: "By the way, I love Ferrari's and I love pasta"

The Wizard.

I love Ferrari's, especially the V8 and turbocharged Ferraris (the only V12 Ferrari I'd consider is the new 612 Scaglietti). However, I'd be just as happy with a turbocharged Fiat Coupe too! :D

turbo... :drool:
Ferrari 👍
Fiat 👎
Trust me...
It's just like you all Americans' stereotype about Ford...
Fiat is the Italian version of that stereotype... (Italian) Friends don't let (Italian) friends drive/buy Fiat :D

The Wizard.
my great grandparents are from palermo and stuff.

my family is really purist italian. and we are the best cooks in america. seriously.
my great grandparents are from palermo and stuff.

my family is really purist italian. and we are the best cooks in america. seriously.

I don't know, my cousin Diego bought a brick oven from Sicily and had the power current in his house modified so he could use it. We always go there and make pizza.
Ferrari 👍
Fiat 👎
Trust me...
It's just like you all Americans' stereotype about Ford...
Fiat is the Italian version of that stereotype... (Italian) Friends don't let (Italian) friends drive/buy Fiat :D

The Wizard.

But you see that's the thing. All of the stereotypes about Ford are false. It's a self-fulfilling prophecy really. No one who buys a Ford actually takes care of the car because they think in a few years it will fall apart anyway! I would assume it is the same thing with Fiat. Also, if Ferrari comes out with an affordable turbocharged sports car, I'm going to have to stick with the Fiat. :sly:


Vivere lungo FIAT!!! <<< did I get that right? :scared:
Comunque, guido un Ford Thunderbird Turbo Coupé. :D
...and we are the best cooks in america. seriously.

If only you lived in Mississippi :indiff: :D

No one who buys a Ford actually takes care of the car because they think in a few years it will fall apart anyway!

In Italy it's quite the opposite... the poor b@stard that buys a Fiat actually takes care of it, and the tuna can vehicle ends up lasting him/her a long time... :ill: I can't imagine keeping a Fiat for that long... Imagine the torture?? :D

Also, if Ferrari comes out with an affordable turbocharged sports car, I'm going to have to stick with the Fiat. :sly:

I am going to assume you meant "if Ferrari doesn't come out with an affordable turbocharged sports car, I'm going to have to stick with the Fiat. :sly:" Right? :scared:

Vivere lungo FIAT!!! <<< did I get that right? :scared:

Almost... "Long live" translate in "Lunga vita"... Therefore, that statement should read:

Lunga vita alla FIAT!!! (had to add "to" because that's how we say it in Italian).

We always go there and make pizza.

:drool: Pizza................... :drool:

The Wizard.
In Italy it's quite the opposite... the poor b@stard that buys a Fiat actually takes care of it, and the tuna can vehicle ends up lasting him/her a long time... :ill: I can't imagine keeping a Fiat for that long... Imagine the torture?? :D


I am going to assume you meant "if Ferrari doesn't come out with an affordable turbocharged sports car, I'm going to have to stick with the Fiat. :sly:" Right? :scared:

That is correct, I was typing very quickly and I didn't look back to check spelling/grammar. But you're right! If Ferrari doesn't come out with an affordable turbocharged... :drool: sports car, I'm going to have to stick the Fiat. More specifically, the aforementioned Coupe Turbo. :sly:

Almost... "Long live" translate in "Lunga vita"... Therefore, that statement should read:

Lunga vita alla FIAT!!! (had to add "to" because that's how we say it in Italian).

Lunga vita alla FIAT!!! And the turbo... :drool: coupe. :sly:
What is it with you and Fiat? And turbo? And coupe? ;) :D

The Wizard.

È veloce e è bello. (or something similar to that... :scared: )




Yeah, I have to say it's kinda "bello" in its own way ;) ehm... yeah, very OWN way :D There are a lot of better "turbo :drool:" (to use your own definition/way of saying it ;)) cars out there, but I guess, for a Fiat, it doesn't get much better than that :D lol! Veloce? Hmm... I don't know about that either :sly: About 155 mph... Not bad, but then again, for a Fiat I guess it's REALLY good :D

È veloce e è bello. (or something similar to that... :scared: )

Add a "d" at the end of the conjunction "e" (you know, it's kinda similar to when in English you differentiate between a/an) You used ed in Italian when the word following the conjunction starts with a vowel (just like you use an for words beginning with a vowel)... Well, not always, but most of the times.

So, it would be: "È veloce ed è bello."

The Wizard.
Finally a REAL Italian :dopey: About time somebody showed up! :D

Well, almost not alone, now if only we can push for a little more Italian-ness in the GT series. :sly:

Yeah... now we are in... 2! Whoa! :D
And yes... if only they could put Ferrari, Lamborghini, Maserati in the game... It will never happen, though, not until EA releases/quits extending the licenses for those companies :indiff:

Well, welcome to GTPlanet, Cristiano... and welcome to what it looks like the "Two "sfigati" Italians Thread" :D ;)

The Wizard.
Texan's can't talk is typical thinger in the states. Lots of people seem to have issues with southern accents. I have none, since my dad is a Texan, and I had tons of family in Louisiana.

Hey! We don't take kindly to your type 'round heah...
Trans = Hey, we don't like your kind around here.

I just realized I've been listening to a CD my parents got when in Italy.. something by Subsonica 👍 They just got in recommendation, and I think its all right :D
Oh, I get it now. So PublicSecrecy, you said that because I was talking bad about Fiats? Well, I'm Italian and I can talk bad about them as much as I want :P :D ;) Just as much as the average American talks bad about Fords... lol!


The Wizard.
Hey, I'm Italian!
Learning some in school too, can talk basic stuff. (first year)
Going to Italia Fest?
February 5th, 2005
Moroso Motorsports Park

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