It's Almost Over...

  • Thread starter JohnBM01
Godspeed John.

My condolences to his relatives and I wish them the power to endure the pain and eventually get used to it so they can move on. I lost my closest family member to cancer just a few months ago, it hurts like nothing else in the world.
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We didn't converse much, but you had a presence here unmatched by many. I lost my Mother recently after she battled and won against breast cancer, then battled and won for a short time against liver cancer before it returned and proved to be too much.

Rest in peace John. Condolences to your family.
RIP to John. It was shocking to see this thread only to find out that he has passed away not too much later. I will always appreciate his insight, and the support that he brought to this site.
OMFG, i never even knew he was ill. :(

John was a GTP constant from as long as i can remember. Always positive. Had his own distinctive posting style which made him stand out in the forum crowd. He will be sadly missed.

I'm shocked, i know i shouldn't be, a forum's population is just a slice of the general populace at the end of the day so members will get ill and pass, that's just nature. But it sucks. It really does.
RIP John, one of the good guys. I'd loved to have been blessed with your endless positivity and passion for the things you loved.
RIP John.

Our paths here didn't cross so I can't say that I knew you, but when I checked your profile after reading this, it was really difficult to see how quickly your situation changed. Really devastating. My condolences and thoughts go out to your friends, family and loved ones.
Really sad to see a conversation like that, even though we were not in touch in here. Rest in peace and my condolences to his family, his friends and all the other people which were in contact with him.

Leaves me sad and thinking, how hard it is for some of us and how fast things can change and turn everything around...
Hey all,

It might not be much, but we at Car of the Week are going to hold a parade lap in honour of John this coming Tuesday, 10 P.M. CST. We'd like to extend an invitation to anyone interested in joining us in any car of their choosing.

The pace car will be driven by @Obelisk . Please follow each other in starting order and refrain from passing one another.

Of course, since this is about John and not COTW, folks are free to leave after the parade lap, but they can also stay to race us in the Porsche Mission X is they so wish.

Feel free to add Vic as a friend on PSN to make searching for the lobby easier.

Godspeed, John.
I've never interacted with John much, but seeing his positivity always made me smile. He was always there, like a proverbial landmark of GTPlanet.

My condolences to anyone who was a close friend of his, I know what it is like to lose your best online friend. Only interacting with them on the internet doesn't make them any less real in my mind.
Online communities like this are so weird because you can go years without actually interacting with someone but they still gain a foothold in your mind just by regularly appearing on your screen. Knowing they will never log in again even if it's just on a rare occasion makes it feel like something is missing.

RIP @JohnBM01
Exacty what I was thinking!
Since I'm more of a lurker, a user like John is someone that... is always there, in a way.
It feels so strange.

Rest in peace @JohnBM01, I may have not interacted with you but you sure as hell made your mark in this community.
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Hey all,

It might not be much, but we at Car of the Week are going to hold a parade lap in honour of John this coming Tuesday, 10 P.M. CST. We'd like to extend an invitation to anyone interested in joining us in any car of their choosing.

The pace car will be driven by @Obelisk . Please follow each other in starting order and refrain from passing one another.

Of course, since this is about John and not COTW, folks are free to leave after the parade lap, but they can also stay to race us in the Porsche Mission X is they so wish.

Feel free to add Vic as a friend on PSN to make searching for the lobby easier.

Godspeed, John.
Hi folks. I wanted to take a moment to notify people that Vic_Reign93 has opened the lobby, and we will be proceeding with the memorial lap in about 20 minutes.

Edit: The lobby's been closed. One of the organizers will share the memorial lap.
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Holy ****. Poor guy only got diagnosed a couple of weeks ago. I didn't participate much recently, but the sports forum definitely won't be the same.
Sorry to hear about your diagnosis.
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Sorry to say, Johns cousin has confirmed 2 hours ago John passed away not long after making this thread.

Such sad news for those on GTP and those who spoke with him outside of the website.
Thank you for the update.

I feel terrible about this. Loved JB's voice and always imagined him in broadcaster mode while reading his posts. Such a kind soul. The rumble strip and sports section won't be the same without him. I hope he went peacefully and didn't suffer too much. He is an angel for sure.
John was one our long-timers who always had a topic for discussion, no matter how big or small, and always enthusiastic and positive in tone. It seems even in his last moments, he was still posting to GTPlanet; never to drag down conversation, not to speak ill of others, but to put discourse in the lofty place where many of us hold that same ideal, even if in different tone and language.

I honestly had no idea John Marine's condition had deteriorated so rapidly with a very sudden cancer diagnosis, and have been a little out of everyone's loop here for a while, as my stays have been shorter as the years go by.

It's weird how I still think of everyone here as "teens and twenty-somethings" as we neared the promising dawn of a new millennium, because that's how it was when I joined. Even after two decades, my naïveté shows up, tending to forget that time is not kind towards everyone in equal amounts.

Godspeed, John Marine.
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You know something about my health that I don't?
My dyslexia read your post incorrectly. So sorry.

I read it as…

‘I only got diagnosed a couple of weeks ago.’