It's my birthday!

buenos aires
Turning 39 today!! Glad I can share my birthday with a community like GtPlanet.
For all the people in the forum, congratulations for putting together such a useful site, It's been a pleasure sharing my Gt experience with you all
Roamer it's your birthday,
Happy Birthday Roamer,
God bless you this day,
Roamer it's your birthday,
Happy Birthday Roamer.
Many happy returns Roamer 2629 hope ur r still playin wen ur my age which is sooooooooooo old :scared::crazy:
Thanks everyone for taking the time to cheer a fellow Gt fanatic
Really appreciate it:tup:

Hmmm, to a GT fanatic? I don't know... Might take some time out of my day, I could spend that time doing something a lot more productive... :P Ah, I better not be a stink guy... Verbally of course, we already know I'm a stinky guy in reality. :lol:

Happy birthday, Roamer. :cheers:

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