ITS NOW BACK ----> Low PP Racing - 04/ 19 / 34/ 49

  • Thread starter Jack
try S1
HP +7
weight 87%

it´s much more fun and better against the Integra...

Edit: Time to sleep now, my girlfriend is missing me in the bed:)
Thanks for waiting sausages, was it my 505pp setup? What do you think?
Thank you guys for some nice racing today...see you tomorrow(or today, it´s 1:34 local time:))

Thanks for that - I'm trying it out 👍

And yes, this is a really fun event - is it really beyond PD to offer this kind of race setup in addition to the faster events?? :confused:
ille try the 500pp setup for the Z4 first and then the 505pp, see you guys at xx04 if there's no more Dc's
Its so great to race 500pp again!:) mr geez we had a epic battle few races ago:tup: back xx.19. Btw what is the fastest car for this event? Or are they quite even.. Stick with rx8 to night, really nice drive.
what a dodo in that s2000.
he couldnt keep up with the big boys so wanted to play with us.
sorry about the bumpsr geez
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no problem.. uk86ze, did your last race also "froze" on you?
It's really sad that guy in s2000 is a member of GTP... :(
that's me for the night so see you guys soon on this event.

Edit: yep froze for me aswell.
where did you dissapear to Mr Volcano?
:nervous: Just had a Billy no mates experience. Maybe I should wait for someone to play with next time! Oh well, got some practice laps and finished in front of a GTLM. Must have been someone's dog having a go. :lol:
There will be a few members (including me) racing tonight mate. So check back in an hour or so for some racing 👍
Can we try out something new, or should we stick with the cars on the list?

Sure try out something new if you want!

Few GTP tags in that race 👍 and Sofaboy? Never seen him on here before but good racing and sorry if I bumped you :lol:

Edit: Failed to connect to host.
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This event sounds really good. I will join with my 135i.

Edit: damn... can't bring the PP to 500 even with the S1 tires. what a shame...
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I didnt get what happend in the start in the last race. its 20 seconds? Did you have engine trubble after the 180 Jack?

By the way i dont think the Z4 is too good at this. Think the gear is wrong in the esses.
This event sounds really good. I will join with my 135i.

Edit: damn... can't bring the PP to 500 even with the S1 tires. what a shame...

Doesnt have to be 500 exactly mate. What does it go to?