try S1
HP +7
weight 87%
it´s much more fun and better against the Integra...
Edit: Time to sleep now, my girlfriend is missing me in the bed
Thanks for waiting sausages, was it my 505pp setup? What do you think?
Thank you guys for some nice racing today...see you tomorrow(or today, it´s 1:34 local time)
that's me for the night so see you guys soon on this event.
Edit: yep froze for me aswell.
where did you dissapear to Mr Volcano?
Can we try out something new, or should we stick with the cars on the list?
Sorry for the lovetap JASE72.
This event sounds really good. I will join with my 135i.
Edit: damn... can't bring the PP to 500 even with the S1 tires. what a shame...