Jag '61, XJ220 and others

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I can send a green go charger tonight. send a fr to mike_esf5 the gto 5.7 impulse blue needs to go there as well. thanks
I can send a green go charger tonight. send a fr to mike_esf5 the gto 5.7 impulse blue needs to go there as well. thanks

Will do thanks!! You mean the charger 440 right? I have the green go superbee pending. I can send the gto on the 25th, I don't really need to dupe the '09 ticket that day.
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Interested in trading your French Blue Triumph Spitfire 1500 '74 for my Black RUF 3400S '00?

Hi Moebius, that sounds like a good trade to me, as long as that RUF has 0 miles/switches, please confirm on that first. I'm running out of available dates, but I have the 29th and 30th of Oct. available if that works? I also might be giving one of those days to Jimmy above if he gets back to me, so if both days work for you that will help me fit you in.
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Hi Moebius, that sounds like a good trade to me, as long as that RUF has 0 miles/switches, please confirm on that first. I'm running out of available dates, but I have the 29th and 30th of Oct. available if that works? I also might be giving one of those days to Jimmy above if he gets back to me, so if both days work for you that will help me fit you in.

The RUF is 0/0, and the 29th works for me.
Hi Moebius, that sounds like a good trade to me, as long as that RUF has 0 miles/switches, please confirm on that first. I'm running out of available dates, but I have the 29th and 30th of Oct. available if that works? I also might be giving one of those days to Jimmy above if he gets back to me, so if both days work for you that will help me fit you in.

The RUF is 0/0, and the 29th works for me. Check your PM.
One more change. I ripped a titanium xj220 today and forgot to back-up prior to ticket ripping(good thing I didn't get carried away lol) so I would like to wait until the black ruf 3400s comes in and take that instead if that is al-right with you.
just to be a pest my ocd had the 3400s in black. and I think the dark blue brt2(will confirm) what colours were in your ocds
I'm working on updating my garage right now. I got one system done so far and one system left to do, so I should have something your looking for by the time I'm done, I hope. I got the black 3400S too, dammit. I'll have to talk to Moebius and see if he can switch it for me, too.
My the was light blue what were your colours

This is everything I've got right now for RUF's:
3400S-Black, Medium Blue
BTR '86-Black, Dark Green, Light Blue
CTR2 '96-Black, Light Blue
RGT '00-Light Yellow

Those are all new from the OCD excepth the light blue BTR
Hello there, I have the following -

Jaguar-E-type Coupe '61 (British Racing Green) 0/0

and I could trade you for your -

Lotus Elise Sport 190 '98 - Mustard Yellow 0/0

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Hello there, I have the following -

Jaguar-E-type Coupe '61 (British Racing Green) 0/0

and I could trade you for your -

Lotus Elise Sport 190 '98 - Mustard Yellow 0/0


That sounds good to me, let me know a date your thinking, I don't have anything scheduled so anytime is fine :) My account is Jrdesh
Hey Sikbeta, I know you feel with the schedule full, I'm really trying to just do trades as they come in. If you wanna do a trade after the 20th I can probably do that, as long as its this year. I really wanna collect those XJ220's, not just for my color project either, I love that car :)
I can probably send after reset all being well, I'll send out some FR's :)

Hey chug-a-bug, I just saw you here :) I'll send as soon as I get on then, elise sport mustard yellow 0/0, I just got a couple messages to answer first. Cheers!!