Brakes: Front 7 / Rear 5
Transmission: Max speed: 249
Ride height: Front 0 / Rear -8
Spring Rate: Front 14.0 / Rear 16
Dampers: (Ext) 8 / 8
Dampers (Comp): 8 / 8
Anti Roll: Front 7 / Rear 7
Wheel Alignment:
Camber Angle: Front 2.5 / Rear 1.5
Toe Angle: Front: -0.05 / Rear 0.10
Unfortunatly, due to the nature of this car, you will still need to be easy on the throttle. Have a play around with these settings, especially with the Camber and Toe angles. I put this together fast.
Remember, sticky soft tyres is key too