James Cameron Exploring Mariana Trench

  • Thread starter Bye Ya
There have been many trips to the bottom of the Mariana Trench, but only one manned trip. He will be only the 3rd human to travel to the bottom, all the other times have been with ROVs.
Get over it, Bye Ya. Do you realize how petty all of this is?

:lol: I'm over it buddy. You dug this back up. I say something's strange, and you accuse me of a jealous fit. Nothing could have been further from the truth. Petty? I agree.
I would pay to see the freaky fish, alien plantation and short field of vision. On a planetarium with advanced 3D vision, without glasses and loss of color.
:lol: I'm over it buddy. You dug this back up. I say something's strange, and you accuse me of a jealous fit. Nothing could have been further from the truth. Petty? I agree.

You know, I'm beginning to agree with you. Are you a marine biologist? Because I think it's strange that James Cameron will be all alone down there and I therefore nominate you to replace him on the next go around.
Sounds fantastic, my friend. Thank you for submitting your well-respected opinion to the crew on my behalf. Yes, in fact I have read up on what marine biology consists of and I believe I can have the necessary qualifications together shortly, though it may take a bit to pay back the loan. To the depths and beyond...
If swimming with tadpoles counts, I'm in. That's an eight year degree I took twenty years ago. Should still be current. :D
I haven't even heard about that expedition until just now... Ugh, i guess that shows what kind of focus the mainstream media's news reports have these days...

Anyways, I don't find it strange at all that Cameron goes down there himself. When it comes to the actual diving, he's got more experience than most scientists can claim, it seems. So it's not only justified because he payed for all of that, but because he's the msot experienced guy as well.
As I said before, the media loves putting people in little boxes. Its hardly surprising that some people are shocked when they get something like this pops up. I only now about his previous work because I used to be an ocean cartographer, so its an area of interest. He's not far from space exploration either, the HD3D photographic mapping of mars will be largely down to his consultation work with NASA. (If/when they can afford it!)