Jeddah_Racing - Somethings Wrong?

  • Thread starter derekh
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Something's Wrong?
Jeddah_Racing on GT7 Time Trials
I have been following this players performance since well before last Christmas. Since then (and probably before then) with one single exception he has set the fastest time in every single Time Trial he has entered, that's at least 21 consecutive times in all different cars and on different tracks.
As of today his Total Distance Driven is 121857.40 miles. His Total Time Driven is 101:00:29 hours. That works out at over ONE THOUSAND TWO HUNDRED MILES AN HOUR AVERAGE SPEED (Utterly impossible). I have looked at my own stats for this and also the stats of three of the top players in the world, B.Hencsei, A. McCabe and YouTube_Tidgney. My Average Speed is 257mph, the average speed of the other three players mentioned is 332mph. This is more than just a little odd.
I see that someone else spotted this 9 months ago. Since then Jeddah_Racing has apparently only driven in GT7 for a total of an extra 14 hours. Strange isn't it.

Despite there being at least two and sometimes more of these Trials available to enter at the same time he only ever enters one and how come he only has a driver rating of B. Yes I know that these ratings are misleading and meaningless, but still, for the fastest driver in the world?
I know of no one who has ever seen him in a race. He says on Reddit "there is no benefit for the extreme hard work it requires", so why does he bother with time trials?
No sportsman or woman who has entered this number of consecutive competitions or more has ever won every one of them, not Usain Bolt, Max Verstappen, Armand Duplantis or anyone else. No one is that good, everyone has off days.
I see people on Reddit saying that they are friends with him on psn or facebook or wherever as if that means he is genuine, that means absolutely nothing at all.
I make no accusations of wrongdoing because I have no proof but when something seems too good to be true it almost always is. All I ask is that people think about it. If anyone can prove that he is legitimate I will shut up.
Apologies if this is posted in the wrong place but it is not about time trials or online racing it is essentially about Jeddah_Racing.
Jealousy Envy GIF by The Roku Channel

He's a member of this site, posts in the TT thread and is just that damn good. Get over it.
This is an embarrassing post mate. He's just a fast player who only does the TT's that interest him, hence the spotty participation record.
He's a really nice guy, super approachable and quite active in a lot of GT7 related places. I'd consider chatting to him before posting stuff like this - it'd save you both the effort and embarrassment.
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