Jeep2008's 0/0 Cars Trading Thread(CLOSED)

  • Thread starter jeep2008
I made him a proposition,nothing's final yet...and then there's the silver one also i still have a couple of level 5 tickets I'm trying daily,who knows,maybe I'll get lucky again :)

Goukipau has the Silver one.Hopefully you get the red one on your ticket raping sorry i meant ripping :sly:
Apparently someone got a hold of a really good crowbar as you said.Pretty much only missing the infamous Red one now since all the others are traced already.There goes the VW myth,need a new challenge ;)

I have a line on the Red one 0 miles but have not been able to verify 0 switches yet though.... will keep you all abreast of the situation.... :odd:
I have a line on the Red one 0 miles but have not been able to verify 0 switches yet though.... will keep you all abreast of the situation.... :odd:

I also have a line outside gtp who has loads of cars (+1450) and loaded with 0/0 but i'm confined by having so many trades already in the the moment i'm waiting on his reply about what rarities he possess and he has some for a fact,even saw his online cars and he had a solid grey FGT :drool: and no,it's not the TV settings i can assure you of (i have a Viera 42"HD)
I also have a line outside gtp who has loads of cars (+1450) and loaded with 0/0 but i'm confined by having so many trades already in the the moment i'm waiting on his reply about what rarities he possess and he has some for a fact,even saw his online cars and he had a solid grey FGT :drool: and no,it's not the TV settings i can assure you of (i have a Viera 42"HD)

so solve your issue and buy 2 more PS3's and get on it.... we need those cars!!!
Or better yet,tell him to send it to me,I'm free on the 20th forward :D

You're free? Why? You're not going to trade if someone doesn't come up with the handful of cars you're missing? just stick a couple of other models to get you going until summer...thanks 👍
Or better yet,tell him to send it to me,I'm free on the 20th forward :D

My other PS3 should be fixed by next week so I'll have another slot... I could help you out and store those cars over here for you? :dopey:
and if that's not enough i can help with ripping his level 5 tickets as well 💡

I've ripped so many level 5 tickets and not 1 VW... I'm tired of ripping tickets.... do you have to rip them a certain way to make the VW's fall out??
I've ripped so many level 5 tickets and not 1 VW... I'm tired of ripping tickets.... do you have to rip them a certain way to make the VW's fall out??

say if you have 3 tickets of the same i personally would not open the first one always,i just jump from abc but next i'll do cab & real clue why you never got a VW,me neither...




Let's do a race online with our Beetles when all this is over,what do you think?:)
say if you have 3 tickets of the same i personally would not open the first one always,i just jump from abc but next i'll do cab & real clue why you never got a VW,me neither...

Maybe I need 666 of them??
but we'll have to race each others beetles so we actually don't put any miles on them.....:scared:
Or at the 13th attempt...if you look over your shoulder or wear a chain with a horseshoe might help too,i think it's better to ask iso,he's more knowledgeable than me about that ;)

he's too busy lurking on other threads looking for VW's.... :sly: PS Jeep your welcome for the shameless bumps to the top again... it's mine and marcos trade mark move....
Meanwhile 10,500RPM hasn't accepted my fr yet and I'll have to self trade once more...

Not really.Send me the VW in advance,he might show up.Just a thought but do as you wish.then you'll be free on our day trade to send his.He'll send late and so will you so nobody loses.
Not really.Send me the VW in advance,he might show up.Just a thought but do as you wish.then you'll be free on our day trade to send his.He'll send late and so will you so nobody loses.

Good idea,I'll wait 5 more minutes and then I'll send 👍
Done!Silver is not 0 miles by the way,now what?

PS:Where are last nights post with the drunk guy photo and iso's comment???????????????????

Good question but this is your thread so either the mods erased it or we were in a different planet at that time.Maybe a glitch:idea:?