Is it the Aura "Pro" Model you have?
If so they work with 50w but are recommended not to be powered by more than 100w. Like many transducers they run on a 4ohm load so it is recommended to use amplification that has 4ohm switching.
You will find some Av Receivers from a few years back support 4ohm or look into cheap but decent DJ/PA amplifiers as these commonly use 4ohms. Alternatively check ebay, even those All-In-One Home Cinema amps can be bought real cheap. Sonys range (DAV models) supported 4ohms for years, so look into those options if your needing amplification.
As a tactile unit they give a decent punch but tend to be more restricted in their range. Well only upto 80Hz however great price though and superb performance for the money.
You may of seen in other threads but the "Clarke TST209" available from "Parts Express" (exclusive to them) which is an audible tactile unit and has 10x the frequency response of the "Aura Pro" for approx $80.
Depends what you want to achieve in your tactile, the Clarkes are really well suited for stereo tactile. The Aura Pro more suited mainly for LFE usage.
Hope it helps...