this piece of mine has won a challenge at one of the groups at redbubbledotcom today!
and now for my new update. i was gonna use this as an entry for the new and final photomode tournament competition, but it just didn't work as a pmc edit. i dont know
if i still wanna join that event. i mean, if i do end up moving past the qualifying, i dont
think i'll have enough stock resource to continue and have a shot for a specific theme.
so i think i might just ditch out on that idea. anyways here's the new update, and i hope you guys like it. It's the Auto Union V16 Streamliner from 1937.
on other news, i just got a new computer (finally) and will be replacing captain slow pretty soon, if any of you can help point me to a direction on a faster way of backing up files to transfer to a new CPU. any help will be appreciated. i've tried downloading that Norton Clone whatever, and just like their antivirus products, is total rubbish.
Thanks in advance! and enjoy the bday bash update!